Chapter 128 Dividends (Fourth Change)

Lu Chen looked at the hung up video call in front of him, smiled, and didn't say too much, just stood quietly on it, watching the upcoming battle.

There, an army of nearly 25 players and [-] yellow turban wrestlers faced each other.

We will meet soon, and a war is imminent.

Lu Chen could clearly see that the two torrents collided.

Although Lu Chen couldn't hear the voice, he felt the same.

After Lu Chen was reborn, his eyesight became very good. Coupled with the blessing of super internal strength, Lu Chen could clearly see everyone and everything on the battlefield.

For example, a player stabs a spear into the body of a yellow turban wrestler. Before his face shows joy, the yellow turban wrestler rushes forward, lets the spear penetrate his body, and then chops out the knife in his hand, killing the player. Split it in half, and then draw the spear out.

However, this yellow turban warrior was not dead yet, and the wound stopped bleeding at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Lu Chen could see all this clearly, including when the tip of the spear pierced the yellow scarf's skin.

It can be seen that the tip of the spear stagnated on his skin, as if it had stabbed a piece of cowhide. It was tough and dry. If it weren't for the power brought by the yellow scarf's own charge, the spear might not be able to penetrate so deep.

This is one of the hidden attributes of the Yellow Turban Warriors, thick skin.

Leather is like cowhide, impenetrable and tough.

Second, after becoming a yellow turban wrestler again, unless his head is cut off or his heart is stabbed, he cannot die within a short time.

He will stop the bleeding very quickly. Although the wound will not heal, he will not feel the pain and can continue to fight.

This point can even push the yellow turban wrestlers into the middle-level special arms, but because the consequences are too serious, they will be deducted points.

Lu Chen didn't go anywhere, just sat quietly on it and watched the battlefield. Halfway through, Long Chen wanted to make a video call with Lu Chen, but after thinking about it, Lu Chen probably didn't answer, so he didn't answer it. Anyway, the original plan Among them, Lu Chen only needs to protect these precious craftsmen.

Time passed slowly, and the [-] Yellow Turban Army lived up to its reputation. It easily caused a massacre against players three times its size.

A massacre of special arms against ordinary arms, a massacre of few against many.

Originally, in the early stage, they could still fight each other back and forth.

However, the player is not afraid of life and death in the yellow scarf warrior, and the attack of the immortal disrupted the formation and scared the courage out of him.

In other words, panicked, scared.

You think, if your weapon goes through a man, your weapon gets stuck in him, and he doesn't die!And kill you with weapons.

You think, the teammate you were looking at was killed, and then the enemy pulled out the weapon that penetrated his body, and then stopped the bleeding in an instant. If you think about killing you again, you will ask how you have the confidence to continue fighting, how dare you continue to fight .

So in the mid-term, the army was completely chaotic, and was unilaterally hunted down and slaughtered by the Yellow Turban warriors.

Fortunately, they killed some yellow turban warriors in the early stage, and learned from Lu Chen that they would not attack people wearing yellow turbans, which allowed these guild leaders and a few players to survive.

But now, they were on their way to the cottage, and the Yellow Turban Army had all died. It had been an hour, but no one had gotten the points.

When Lu Chen walked down the sentry tower, they had already reached the gate of the cottage, but they looked particularly embarrassed now.

His body was covered in blood, his hair was messy and dusty, and there was a yellow scarf tied around his head.

Seeing Lu Chen passing by, their expressions were extremely ugly.

"Brother Qin, I wonder if you want to say something."

"Hey, Brother Long, this yellow scarf can already be removed. Now that the Yellow Turban army is dead, it doesn't matter."

The Nine Masters are still relentless.

"Qin Feng, don't you need to explain?"

As soon as the words came out, Lu Chen's originally smiling face changed and became a little ugly.

"Did I give you face?"

"What do you mean."

"Think about it, is it clearly written in the plan that I only need to protect the craftsmen, and there are other things."

"But you just watched us being attacked, but didn't send a single soldier. What do you mean by that?"

"It's nothing interesting, I can't bear to let my men go down to die."


"Okay, okay, don't quarrel, Nine Masters, this matter is not only about Brother Qin, Brother Qin's task has been completed.

Brother Qin, the Nine Masters suffered too many casualties, and they couldn't control themselves for a while, so please be considerate. "

Seeing that their quarrel became more and more intense, Long Chen stood up to be a peacemaker, but only now, he probably has a lot of resentment, but, what are you doing to me.

But seeing Long Chen come out to be a peacemaker, let him give him some face.

"Well, Brother Long, let's go and distribute the harvest."

"Okay, Brother Qin, how many craftsmen are there in total this time?"

"Five thousand is a little less, six special grades, three hundred high grades, fifteen hundred intermediate grades, and three thousand low grades."

A series of numbers were slowly spat out from Lu Chen's mouth, but they shocked everyone greatly. After finishing speaking, Lu Chen stopped to give them a little time to react.

When Lu Chen heard these data just now, he was so shocked that he was stunned for a while.

This is one of the reasons why Lu Chen suddenly had a confrontation with the Nine Leaders just now, to properly show his strong side, otherwise, Ma Shan would be ridden by others, and Ren Shan would be bullied by others.

Excessive weakness can only be bullied, especially when it comes to distributing such a large benefit, if you are weak, even if there is a system notarized agreement, they will snatch your share.

Those who can fulfill the agreement have always had sufficient strength, not other imaginary ones. Agreements that are not backed by sufficient strength are meant to be torn up.

"Brother Qin, I don't know how to distribute these craftsmen? After all, talents have different professions."

Lu Chen narrowed his eyes and said slowly.

"Each occupation is divided into ten shares on average. I will take half of each occupation. For the rest, you can discuss it yourself."

"It's not a big problem, but how to distribute super talents?"

"There are six special grades, two blacksmiths, two carpenters, one ordnance and one tailor. I want an ordnance and a tailor, and one blacksmith."

"No, Armor masters are very rare, and their value cannot be confused with others."

"Yes, Brother Qin, you are a little unreasonable."

"Qin Feng, your appetite must be too big. The soldiers we brought were almost completely damaged, but yours did not suffer many casualties, but accounted for most of the benefits. I think it is a bit inappropriate."

This is another time when the Jiu master came out to pick things up.

"Huh? Are you sure you want to count this way? Then let's count the credit.

First, ambush the transport team and replace the transport team. This was done by Long Chen, but my generals also participated in a part, and it was due to me and Long Chen.

Second, the gate of the city, the gate of the city is guarded by the transportation team, my generals can at least take half of the credit, and the other half is also Long Chen's, whether you accept it or not. "

Lu Chen ignored him without waiting for him to reply, and continued talking.

"Third, protecting the craftsmen is all due to my [-] cavalry, and I alone get the credit.

According to what you said, relying on credit, except for Long Chen, the others are just the credit of restraint.

Forget it, let me be more generous, each guild will give you half of it, and Long Chen and I will share [-]% of it, do you have an opinion? "

(End of this chapter)

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