Chapter 130 Sea Plan
Lu Chen stood up, put his finger on the map and clicked, facing Ning Yuan, Mu Le said.

"Look at this map, tell me what you saw, say whatever you want, and say what you think of."

Ning Yuan, Mu Le looked at the map and saw the marked and numerous islands. They were thinking about what Lu Chen's problem was and what it meant. They all started thinking from their own functional perspectives.

They looked at the map, their heads running at high speed, and it didn't take long for Ning Yuan to speak out first.

"My lord, the map has the meaning of territory since ancient times, so I saw the territory on this map, a large area waiting for the lord to conquer and easy to conquer."

"Well, yes, you're right. It does mean that, but it's more than that. Think about it again, what about you?"

Lu Chen looked at Mu Le inquiringly.

"My lord, I think these are not only territories, but also resources. We have obtained countless Zhenhai giant ships and powerful black dragon cavalry on just one Zhenhai island. Although these are also part of Hope Sea City, the township The abundance of resources on the island is also an important point.

This is just one of the giant islands, not the largest small continent discovered so far, so, in my opinion, this sea chart represents endless resources, high-level beasts, mineral veins, and special products.

Beasts can be used for military training or for their own use, not to mention mineral veins, which can be used to manufacture all kinds of equipment and weapons, and specialties represent huge benefits. "

"Yes, these are the endless resources, the expanding territory, and the opportunities for the territory to take off. Therefore, for a long time in the future, the focus of development will be on the sea. This is why I called you here today. up.

A village should be established on each medium-sized island, responsible for governing small islands within a certain range.A small town is established on each large island to govern small and medium-sized islands within a certain range.Build a small city on each giant island to manage all the islands below the giant island.

There is also a small continent that is discovered, and a certain number of villages, small towns, and cities need to be established.

But now the problem is mainly two points.

First, the successful establishment, as well as matching management internal affairs personnel.

Second, the population, to enrich the inhabitants and working people of these territories.

And what you have to do now is to prepare internal affairs personnel and corresponding supplies, Yuanqiao, do you have any questions? "

Lu Chen saw something strange in Ning Yuan, so he asked aloud.

"Reporting to my lord, there are too many islands, and the subordinates cannot train so many internal affairs personnel in a short time."

"Oh, so that's the case, it's okay, this is just a plan for our territory for a period of time in the future, and it's not meant to be achieved all at once.

I also know that you can't become a big fat man with one bite, and you can't achieve it overnight. I'm just telling you, and the specific steps need to be divided into multiple steps.

The first step is to establish a territory on a small part of the island and increase the population.

In the second step, with the help of the increased people, talents, and resources, the second step will be taken, and the scope of jurisdiction will be further expanded.

In this way, step by step, just like a snowball, the territory will get bigger and bigger, and the ability will get stronger and stronger, until this sea area is completely under control. "

After hearing what Lu Chen said, the two of them were relieved. Fortunately, they finished it step by step. It was scary just now. If it was done at one time, all the internal affairs personnel in the territory would not be enough. There are matching resources, which is okay. ,fine.

"My lord, there is another problem. That is the issue of the village building order. If there is no village building order, then it is impossible to establish a territory. Even if it is established, without the protection brought by the village building order, it will be destroyed by natural and man-made disasters." destroy."

Another question is mentioned here, the village building order, why is the village building order needed to establish a territory?
Why can't you just build a village outside and build a town yourself?Is that much more troublesome?

This is because, if there is no village building order to build a territory outside, it is okay, but there will be a little accident.

Wild animal attacks, fires, low public opinion, and people fleeing are the most common man-made disasters. If it was just like this, it would not be a problem, but the problem is not that simple.

Because there are still natural disasters, such as tsunamis, earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, meteorites, craters, and even thunder strikes, all of which have a chance of happening. The larger the territory built, the greater the chance of natural disasters.

However, Dao 49, Tian Yan [-], escape one, the world will not leave you with an absolute dead end, but will still leave a little life.

As long as you can survive for a month, the land will recognize your territory and give it a stele. As for the level of the territory, it depends on how many buildings and population you have left at the end of the day, and then become a matching one. Territory, a territory stele of matching level appears.

However, such a territory cannot be promoted through conventional methods. It can only be expanded again, facing more violent natural disasters and man-made disasters again, and staying for another month. If it succeeds, it advances, and if it fails, it will be destroyed.

Of course, Lu Chen doesn't intend to do this, because although the establishment of a village will at most face some man-made disasters, it is too slow, and it takes a month to build one. Instead, it will take up a lot of troops, which is not worth it, and the efficiency is too low, so unless it is established After entering the kingdom, there is luck to suppress natural disasters and man-made disasters, otherwise Lu Chen would not have done so.

Because the village building order is so simple, if I would have been worried some time ago, but now, do you know how many players have joined the Yellow Turban camp?Do you know how many player territories have been destroyed?Did you know that ordinary whiteboard village building orders are already the price of cabbage?
Therefore, as long as Lu Chen buys some from the market, it will be enough, but there are no attributes, it is just a whiteboard village building order, and advanced village building orders are still in high demand.

Of course, if you’re not satisfied, that’s fine. Come here, not only does it cost nothing, but you can also earn money. Pull the [-] black dragon riders out for a circle, and you’ll be in an area flooded with yellow turbans, but it’s not the main battlefield. Find an NPC Shanzhai, a village occupied by the Yellow Turban Army or a village of players from the Yellow Turban camp.

Just pay attention, don't be too arrogant, don't be dumped, then there are as many village building orders as there are.

So Lu Chen can speak with confidence.

"Buy, buy directly in the market, if you can't buy it, then I'll go grab it, and the population is the same, how many Yellow Turbans are there outside, go out and grab it, grab it and transport it back to the island, give it to eat, and it will become the same in minutes." The common people, the kind whose hearts break through the sky, is very simple."

A strong aura of the nouveau riche and the head of the cottage came over the face.

PS: Thank you for the 2000 tip from Panwangxing yesterday, and the 100 tip from & Gone With the Wind, thank you for your support.

Another point is that the first order was 130 yesterday, and the ratio of favorites and subscriptions reached an astonishing 41 to 1. I was a little disappointed, and I didn't want to add more.

However, seeing so many people supporting me, I don’t want to disappoint their support, so I decided to watch the situation three times a day this month, and let’s talk about it next month. I hope the results can be better. Everyone can support me. If it's good, next month, it's okay to continue with three, or even four.

Finally, thank you for your subscription and votes, thank you.

(End of this chapter)

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