Online game three kingdoms heaven falls

Chapter 131 Abandoned Teleportation Array

Chapter 131 Abandoned Teleportation Array
"Then there is no problem, the first batch should be able to train nearly a thousand people, according to our division.

A city governs ten small towns, a small town governs ten villages, each village has twelve officials, each town has 36 officials, and each city has one hundred and eight officials.

Then the first batch can build a city, that is, a county in the division of our state, counties and counties, and each village can live about 1000 to 2000 people.

Then, this first step of the plan requires 110 pieces of village construction orders, at least 60 people, and a large amount of food and resources, so that a new county can be built out of nothing.

However, the amount of money involved is too large, so the Lord has to ask the Lord to personally issue the approval note. "

"Okay, you go down and come up with a set of specific plans, and then submit them to me for review."

"Yes, my lord."

"Okay, if you have nothing to do, go down and get busy."

Just as they were about to leave, Ning Yuan suddenly remembered something, and hurried back to report.

"Yuanqiao, do you have anything else to report?"

Lu Chen looked at Ning Yuan who turned around and asked.

"Yes, my lord, a few days ago, the lord of Black Shark City sent a message that while exploring the waters near Black Shark Island, a ship accidentally left the team and sailed to a small island.

Originally, this was a normal thing, but when the soldiers on the ship went ashore to investigate, they found that there was a city ruin on it.

And, what is surprising is that the architectural style of this relic is quite different from the architectural style of the current city. This aroused their curiosity, and they explored further.

During further exploration, it was discovered that this was an empty city, but it was gradually decaying under the influence of time.

Finally, just when they were about to give up, they found a palace that was about to collapse in the city, and there was a teleportation array emitting light, which seemed to be still usable.

These soldiers did not dare to go in easily, for fear of encountering danger, so they reported to the city lord of Black Shark City. Hearing that, the lord of Black Shark City sent many people to investigate, but there was no news, and no one came back. In this case, this is the report. "

After hearing this, Lu Chen locked his forehead tightly and turned his head rapidly, trying to find relevant memories in the memories of his past and present lives, but he was at a loss.

Lu Chen didn't have any memory about this in his mind, not even a trace of image, but this teleportation array gave Lu Chen an ominous feeling.

Unexpectedly, to explore, there was a feeling of death in his heart, as if he would die if he explored, this feeling made Lu Chen extremely uncomfortable.

"Let's put it on hold first, send someone to guard it, don't let people in, and pay attention to whether there is anyone or something coming out of it."

Lu Chen frowned and said to Ning Yuan, obviously, Lu Chen intends to follow his premonition this time and not explore this teleportation array for the time being.

However, this matter was on Lu Chen's mind.

"Yes, my lord."

Lu Chen heard about the teleportation array, but he couldn't regain his peace of mind.

So he didn't continue to deal with government affairs in the study, and went out to ride the little dragon and leave.

No purpose, no direction, just enjoying the feeling of speed, running, running out of the town, running through the village, running, Lu Chen suddenly screamed into the sky.

The stagnation in my heart seemed to disappear with this long howl.

Feel free to move your heart. Under such circumstances, the Ancient Dragon Manual has made a lot of progress, which made Lu Chen happy.

He also stopped slowly, turned his horse's head, and did not return to the small town. He randomly found a village on the side of the road, found a soldier, and asked him to tell Ning Yuan and others to go to Changshe by himself, and then went to a deserted place. At the place, ride a little dragon and follow the map to the direction of Changshe.

Although there is a map, Lu Chen does not have a compass. Although he can judge the direction according to the sun, moon and stars, he can only roughly see east, west, north, south.

It is impossible to judge accurately, and the distance from Putian to Changshe is so long that there is a difference of a thousand miles.

Lu Chen flew all the way to Luoyang only to realize that he was going astray.

Then I flew back, checked the map, searched carefully, and finally found the location of the Changshe.

Because Lu Chen went the wrong way, he didn't reach the sky above Changshe City until night.

When he got here, Lu Chen didn't go down directly, but descended a little bit and took a look.

The overall situation can be clearly seen above.

It can be seen that the city wall of Changshe is brightly lit, and with Lu Chen's eyesight, he can clearly see the appearance on the city wall.

Changshe is a heavy city, with walls as high as 27 feet and as wide as [-] feet. There are soldiers standing on it, but there are no rolling stones and thunder trees, and the oil pan has dried up.

Under the light of the torches, Lu Chen could still see that the city wall had been damaged, and there was even an opening in one place, which was temporarily blocked by some wood.

And then move the angle of view outwards, the area thousands of meters outside the city is full of tents, and all of them are lit with torches. Lu Chen can see that the area around the Changsha has been tightly surrounded by the Yellow Turban Army.

Combining the above situation, Lu Chen probably knows the recent situation of Huang Pusong's army, and he may be exhausted.

After Lu Chen got a general idea of ​​the situation, he took advantage of the darkness to find his Qin character banner and entered the barracks.

"Participate in the lord."

As soon as Lu Chen went down, he was discovered by two guards.

Lu Chen thought it was a coincidence, but it turned out that it was not, because Lu Chen felt carefully and found that there were dozens of bright whistles and eight dark whistles in his own place.

It seems that Xi Zhicai is not relaxing here, and has firmly controlled this place.

Speaking of Cao Cao, when Cao Cao arrived, when Lu Chen thought of Xi Zhicai, Xi Zhicai had already been notified and hurried over.

"Participate in the lord."

"Please, how is it going?"

"Also please ask my lord to follow me to the study and listen to me carefully."


After Xi Zhicai finished speaking, he led the way and led Lu Chen to the study. As for the sentinels, they would naturally return to their posts.

"My lord, according to the information I have acquired during this time.

Huang Pusong and Zhu Jun each commanded millions of troops to suppress the Yellow Turbans, but they were never opponents of the Yellow Turbans Shuai Bocai.

And although the results are not small, hundreds of thousands of Yellow Turbans have been killed, and over a million aliens.

It can be said that the casualties were more than one to one, but Ke Bocai had millions of yellow scarves, and more and more scattered yellow scarves joined in. Their strength increased instead of diminished, and they completely overwhelmed Huang Pusong and Zhu Jun. The two had to retreat until they entered Changshe City.

With the help of the city walls and armaments of the heavy city of Changshe, the Yellow Turbans' attack was barely defended, but there were still a few times when they were almost killed by the Yellow Turban Army. , but the city wall is still full of gaps, if there are a few people bombarded with catapults, it may collapse.

But for some reason, the catapults of the Yellow Turban Army are not used frequently these days, which has allowed Changsha to persist until now, otherwise it would have collapsed long ago. "

Xi Zhicai said with some doubts.

PS: Thank you Panwangxing for another 500 reward, thank you, there is another chapter today, but it will be later.

(End of this chapter)

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