Chapter 132
Seeing Xi Zhicai's puzzled look, Lu Chen smiled.

"I don't know why my lord is laughing."

"The old lair of the Yellow Turban Army was dug out by me and some people. The ordnance master who made ordnance for them is now producing ordnance in our territory."

Xi Zhicai was surprised when he heard this.

"So that's the case. I didn't expect the lord to be so powerful. This time, he not only brought heavy damage to the Yellow Turban Army, but also made up for a major flaw in the territory, loopholes, and shortcomings. It serves multiple purposes."

When Xi Zhicai heard it, he immediately understood some things, and he also realized the significance of this ordnance master to the territory, and the significance of the Yellow Turban lair being taken out.

The whole person seemed very happy and shocked, and even kissed Lu Chen a little flattering.

Lu Chen also seemed to be in a good mood, and it seemed that Xi Zhicai's flattery also served him well.

After all, Xi Zhi just got right to the point, and hit Lu Chen's G-spot directly. It can only be said that a high IQ is better at flattering than others.

"My lord, since this is the case, the situation will soon begin to change."

"Well, the situation of the battle is about to change. By the way, I just talked about the situation of the battle. What about other situations?"

"My lord, during this period of time, according to my lord's wishes, I have kept a low profile and kept things conservative.

So during this period of time, I robbed the food twice, ambushed the Yellow Turban Army once, and went up the city wall several times. The sum total was to kill less than one hundred thousand Yellow Turban Army. Several times the command was unfavorable, resulting in relatively large casualties in the army. "

Lu Chen was listening, but his mind became more and more astonished. Are you hiding your strength and biding your time?Are you low key?safe?It's okay to cut off the food, and you are safe to ambush the Yellow Turban Army. With 2 people, you can kill nearly [-] Yellow Turban Army.
Well, you are a top historical figure, and you are awesome, but for this b, I will give you [-] points, one more point for encouragement, one more point for tolerance, and one more point for the love the lord has for you.

But when I heard the relatively large casualties, I was shocked, yes, with such a great military exploit, it is so possible that there are no casualties, so I asked quickly.

"How many are left?"

When Lu Chen said this, it was Xi Zhi who was stunned. How much is left? My lord, what are you talking about? Do you not trust my ability so much?

"My lord, here, there are about [-] troops left, but the combat power is a bit weak."

"Oh, one hundred thousand, that's okay, okay, the combat power is weak, hey, wait, what did you just say, one hundred thousand? Are you sure it's one hundred thousand? Not ten thousand?"

"Yes, what's the problem? It's indeed one hundred thousand."

Xi Zhicai said affirmatively with a natural expression.

Lu Chen listened to this very affirmative voice, and rubbed his forehead. Did he lose his memory, or did he time travel again? When did I have an army of [-].

Maybe it was worn again, otherwise I clearly remembered that it was an army of [-], otherwise it would be impossible to become a hundred thousand.

"If I remember correctly, I just sent [-] and [-]rd rank soldiers here. When did it become [-], please tell me in detail."

"My lord, it's like this, when you sent me over some time ago, didn't you let me focus on stability and let the rest be free?
I did everything according to the master's will.

In order to be on the safe side, I avoided the frontal battle, sneaked around to the rear of the Yellow Turban Army, and robbed and killed a grain transportation team with lightning speed.

However, to my surprise, the Yellow Turban army transporting food was pitifully weak. The 1-strong army didn’t even have a [-]% armored rate. There was no resistance in front of our [-] army with a [-]% armored rate. ability.

They were directly defeated, but I found that although their combat effectiveness is low, they are not weak. Most of them are second-tier soldiers, and some third-tier soldiers.

It's just that there is no armor and no weapons, so the combat effectiveness is low.

And although we don't have enough weapons and armor now, it doesn't mean we don't have them in the future, and at this time the territory has insufficient troops.

I took them captive, and didn't surrender much. I just let them eat with the army. Of course, the meals were separate, and they just ate together.

As a result, they took the initiative to join our territory one by one, and I couldn't even refuse, and my attitude was very tough. "

The corner of Lu Chen's mouth twitched slightly when he heard this, and he said angrily.

"Do you think that everyone is like me, with a [-]% to [-]% armor rate? You must know that the armor rate of the general army is not high. Only the elite can fully wear armor. An ordinary army has a [-]% armor rate, which is not bad.

As for the Yellow Turban Army, they were just peasants, not the main force.

As for why they insist on joining the army, don't you have any idea?I take care of the territorial army and implement three meals a day.

When food is not in short supply, rice is enough, and there is still meat to eat every now and then. Those farmers who have not lived a good life, how can they stand this temptation, they are wronged. "

Xi Zhicai laughed at what Lu Chen said.

"You can blame me so much, my lord, this is all your wise and mighty leader"

"Okay, don't flatter me. I won't hold you accountable for recruiting soldiers this time, but I don't want it to happen again. Let's talk about the next one. It's only [-]. Where did the remaining [-] come from?"

When Xi Zhicai heard what Lu Chen said, he secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

You must know that it is not a simple matter for a general to recruit troops privately without the permission of the lord. I would like to ask whether you want to rebel or what.

Although Xi Zhicai asked for the sake of the territory, and although he said that the general was away and the emperor's fate would not be accepted, it was a big taboo after all.

"Next, I will train the [-] Yellow Turbans. Although I don't pursue orders and prohibitions in the short term, I have some discipline.

After a period of time, I found an opportunity again, repeated the same trick, and once again captured [-] Yellow Turbans.

This time, with the existence of such a precedent, it was easier and he successfully recruited and surrendered faster.

But later I found that the Yellow Turban Army had stepped up their vigilance and made corresponding arrangements, so I didn't go for the third time, but changed my goal.

I'm eyeing an enemy's vanguard. This team has 3 people. This army is different from others. It has a [-]% armor rate. At the same time, it is all three levels.

However, I lured the enemy to go deep, then used the terrain and the environment to divide them, and then defeated them one by one, and successfully captured this army.

From then on, I have been training in peace and stability, and I have no other actions. "

Lu Chen didn't feel right, it was only [-], not to mention those who died in battle, even if they didn't die, it was only [-].

"Well, this number is wrong."

"Well, my lord is wise, I really didn't do anything, but the food here is good, I don't discriminate against prisoners, and I don't know when the news of recruiting soldiers got out.

Then, some Yellow Turbans who were defeated on the battlefield came to seek refuge, and even some not very good Yellow Turbans came to seek refuge from the Yellow Turbans. Many people come. "

Lu Chen was speechless.

I didn't know what to say anymore, so I just smiled and said nothing.

PS: Thanks for the 100 rewards from the fancy hh, thank you

(End of this chapter)

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