Chapter 133 Huang Pusong

Just as Xi Zhicai was reporting the situation to Lu Chen, there was a knock on the door outside.

Xi Zhicai consciously closed his mouth, stood aside, and vacated the middle seat.

Lu Chen glanced at him and said lightly.

"Come in."

A soldier came in from outside and was slightly taken aback when he saw Lu Chen. He probably didn't know that Lu Chen had come.

"See my lord, see the Privy Envoy."

"Get up, what do you want to report?"

"Report my lord, General Huang Pu sent someone to convey the order, and the messenger is waiting outside the barracks."

"Let him in."


Not long after the soldiers retreated, they led a messenger over. The messenger was brought into the study, and the leading soldier stood at the door and waited.

"See Uncle Qin, the general summoned the earl and his subordinate counselors to the city lord's mansion for a meeting to discuss the military situation, and asked the earl to go as soon as possible."

Although Lu Chen wondered why the meeting was held now, we must know that it is still a bright moon and there is still a long time before dawn, but there is no ambiguity.

Find a room, put on the earl's service, take Xi Zhicai and several personal guards, and follow the messenger to the meeting.

After arriving at the meeting site, no one had arrived yet, and many seats were vacant.

But what surprised Lu Chen was that he was directly brought to the first place on the right.

As soon as Lu Chen arrived there, he immediately attracted the attention of the audience.

When I saw Lu Chen, I was a little puzzled.

"General Wang, who is this? You are the first one on the right when you are still young. I haven't heard that a noble disciple is coming recently. You are well-informed, tell me about it."

This was obviously a little curious about Lu Chen being able to occupy such a high position at such a young age, thinking that he was a dignitary who came there to be gilded.

"Old Li, look behind him, is that a military advisor?"

"Hey, that's true. The military adviser stood behind him. Could it be that newly promoted Earl Qin Feng?"

"I think it's him, but aren't they not in the barracks? When did he come here? How did he get in? Isn't the Changshe already surrounded?"

"I don't know, maybe I didn't go there at all, and I have been hiding in the army."

"I don't know, I don't know, hey, the general is coming, be quiet."

This is not the only one who is curious. These people have more or less doubts, so they chatted.

And, when he sensed that Lu Chen was a super general, he quietly calculated the distance and lowered his voice.

After all, the lobby of the City Lord's Mansion is not small. If Lu Chen was just an ordinary super general, he wouldn't be able to hear it.

But what they don't know is that after Lu Chen's transformation, his perception can no longer be understood by common sense, and Xi Zhicai is a majestic king-level counselor, so his perception is naturally not bad.

So the two of them just listened secretly, their faces remained calm, as if they couldn't hear anything.

In this way, when they thought that Lu Chen couldn't hear them, they discussed Lu Chen and Xi Zhicai, because the relationship between these chatters was pretty good, and they said a lot of things.

Lu Chen still couldn't see it, his face remained unchanged, but Xi Zhicai gradually broke out in a little cold sweat under his hair, and quietly glanced at Lu Chen nervously.

Unfortunately, Lu Chen just turned around and gave him a meaningful look.

Not to mention these things, when there was a sound of footsteps in the back hall, everyone fell silent, and subconsciously straightened their waists, appearing more solemn.

At this time, Lu Chen took a slight glance at the crowd and got a general understanding.

The high-ranking generals in Huang Pusong and Zhu Jun's army are all super generals, and there are now more than 30 people here, nearly 40 people.

And it seems that when Huang Pusong and Zhu Jun came out, although Lu Chen couldn't perceive their strength, he felt that they were no stronger than Zhang Liao.

From this point of view, they are also king-level strength.

"I've seen the general."


"Everyone understands the current situation, so I won't say much. The focus of this meeting is how to solve the current predicament.

However, before that, let me introduce a person, and I think everyone has already guessed his identity.

He is the number one on my right hand. He is the number one earl in the world, and also the first earl among the strangers.

Next, there is another piece of good news to tell everyone that during this period of time, Uncle Qin summoned other people and took the initiative to attack. He was unprepared and directly wiped out the military equipment production workshop of the Yellow Turban Rebellion Party. "

As soon as Huang Pusong said this, the people below boiled.

They looked at Lu Chen with probing eyes one by one, not knowing how a super general, who only summoned some weak aliens, broke through the Yellow Turban lair.

And Lu Chen was also a little surprised. Sure enough, the skinny camel was bigger than a horse, and he had already got the news and passed it to the front line.

You know, as the current player, even if the player knows what Lu Chen is doing, even if the player can get in touch with high-level officials, even if the player says it, NPCs will not believe it easily, unless you get it. A certain status, such as fame, official position or title.

But I know, then I know, the most is to attract the hatred of the Yellow Turban Army, the advantages outweigh the disadvantages, when I did it at the beginning, I already thought that after being exposed, I would be hit hard by the Yellow Turban Army, so Lu Chen didn't care much.

"The general is over-rewarded, this Yellow Turban soldier will be punished."

"Well, it is estimated that you have also discovered during this period of time that the frequency of the Yellow Turban Army's use of catapults is much less, and the arrow towers and engineering vehicles are not seen on the field. This is the reason, and it is also the reason why we have survived until now. Uncle Qin is humble, and when I return to Beijing, I will definitely ask for credit for the Earl."

"Then there is General Law."

Huang Pusong actually said that Lu Chen had his heart set on it, even though Lu Chen has credit for it, but no one is above him, who knows who will get the credit.

It's not that Lu Chen doesn't want to find a backer, but the general backer is useless to Lu Chen, and Lu Chen doesn't like it either. As for what Lu Chen likes, he can also talk in front of Emperor Hanling, not Lu Chen can climb high.

Lu Chen wanted to curry favor with the eunuch Zhang Rang, like some Three Kingdoms novels.

But Zhang Rang is a celebrity, and the people who stand at his door every day can make up a few football teams. Lu Chen is just a mayor and an earl, how can he meet Zhang Rang.

Besides, so what if you see it, bribery?What bribe?money?jewelry?beauty?Will Zhang Rang, who has power over the government and the public, lack this?Will care about this.

Rare treasures are fine, but ordinary ones are not. People look down on them, and the high-level Lu Chen doesn't have them. Speaking of which, what Lu Chen can get is what others don't have, that is, the Zhenhai Giant Ship.

Can Lu Chen use this to curry favor with Zhang Rang?I'm afraid it's Shi Lezhi.

Therefore, although Lu Chen was thoughtful, he had never found anyone who could speak volumes in court.

But the Huang Pusong in front of him is just right, he is upright.

Lu Chen was naturally happy.

(End of this chapter)

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