Online game three kingdoms heaven falls

Chapter 134 A good strategy to defeat the enemy

Chapter 134 A good strategy to defeat the enemy
"It doesn't matter, it's normal to reward those who have meritorious deeds. I'm just reporting your merits. This is also my duty as a handsome man."

After hearing what Lu Chen said, Huangfusong explained to Lu Chen very formally.

"General, in your opinion, this may be a trivial matter, but without you, what would happen, maybe.

Therefore, I sincerely thank the general. "

Lu Chen mentioned it a little bit, but he didn't say it specifically, he just hinted at it, but what kind of person is Huang Fusong, how can he not understand Lu Chen's voice or secretly pointing out.

"Hmph, a group of things that disturb Chao Gang, sooner or later I will ask Qing Jun to side, so as to correct Chao Gang."

Obviously, Huangfusong is very clear about some phenomena, understands them, and is also very angry and dissatisfied, but there is nothing he can do for the time being.

"Okay, let's get down to business, now let's continue to discuss how to deal with the millions of Yellow Turbans and aliens led by Qu Shuai Bocai outside."

"General, upon receiving the news that the emperor knew that our army was trapped, he ordered cavalry captain Cao Cao to lead his troops to support us. Reinforcements are already on the way."

"Oh, this is a good thing, then why don't we join forces with the army led by Captain Cavalry to smash the thieves."

At this time, a rough ore sound came to mind, and Lu Chen searched for the sound. This time, he found something different.

This stout man, Lu Chen, couldn't see through it either. He seemed to be a king-level general. He just glanced at him before, but ignored him.

Looking at it now, in this barracks, the strength has reached the king level, and combined with historical records, it is almost obvious who this person is. He is probably the current Sima of the Left Army, and one of the future Eighteenth Route Princes, Sun Jian.

Lu Chen glanced at him, and after identifying his identity, he didn't look any further, so as not to be impolite.

However, Cao Cao is coming soon. According to the information on the forum, the three brothers Liu Bei, Zhang Fei, and Guan Yu seem to have appeared in Guangzong, and they may arrive in Yingchuan at the same time as Cao Cao.

It seems that this Yingchuan is the place where the wind and rain meet, and the three protagonists of the Three Kingdoms have appeared here one after another.

Thinking of this, Lu Chen's blood couldn't help boiling.

"Although the supplies of the Yellow Turban Rebel Party's armaments have been cut off, the time is still short, and the impact is not too great. The strength of the current Yellow Turban Army is not low. On the contrary, our army has been besieged for a long time, and the supplies are insufficient. In addition, the number of troops is less than that of the Yellow Turban Army. I'm afraid it's not a good fight."

Sun Jian had just finished speaking, before Huangfusong could speak, Zhu Jun, who was sitting next to him, asked a question.

"This statement is wrong. Our army is all elite troops, and the armor wearing rate is basically above [-]%, and there are even several armies with [-]% armor wearing rate.

In comparison, the Yellow Turban Military Region is nothing more than some rebellious parties, and the highest armored rate is no more than [-]%, and many even have lower armored rates.

Therefore, if the number is the same, there will be no pressure to deal with the Yellow Turban Army. "

"But after all, the number of the Yellow Turban Army is dozens of times that of ours, and the number is so large that it can even out the difference in the quality of the army between us."

"Everyone, stop arguing and let us hear Uncle Qin's thoughts."

Seeing their quarrel getting more and more intense, Huangfusong interrupted and kicked the ball to Lu Chen.

As soon as Huangfu Song said, all the generals turned their attention to Lu Chen.

After hearing this, Lu Chen didn't refuse, and started talking directly.

"Since the general has said so, let me say it.

Now it is April, the sun is shining fiercely, and the grass and trees are dry, why not use a fire to burn it, not to ask how many people can be burned to death, but to disrupt the army formation, and then take the initiative to attack, cooperate with the inside and outside, and defeat this chaotic party in one fell swoop. "

"Uncle Qin is a good way, but the Yellow Turban Army has already made preparations. Since the day they were stationed, there have been a steady stream of strangers who have started weeding. It was possible to carry out a fire attack, but now it can't."

They don't know why Yiren weeds, doesn't Lu Chen know?

The players all know the history, and know that in the history, Bocai failed because of Huangfusong's plan of attacking with fire.

Although the player can't get in touch with Bocai, he can't tell him about Huogong.

That's fine, weeding is all, if you don't weed, fine, I'll do it.

Each of them worked hard to win. They didn't do each task, and their girlfriends didn't accompany them. They weeded the weeds one by one with a sword.

It was also difficult for them. There were only a few million troops in Bobo, and the size of the garrison could be imagined. Then they had to get rid of the weeds bit by bit, which also took a lot of thought.

"Oh, if there is no grass, then there is no fire attack? That's not necessarily the case."

"How to attack with fire if there is no burning thing?"

"Yes, we do not have enough incinerators, but our purpose is not to burn so many people to death, but to create a fire attack, making them think that they are going to be burned to death, and that is enough."

"How can this be useful? Commander, with the general present, it doesn't take much effort to suppress it."

"That's not necessarily true. Do you think how rigorously some peasant soldiers in the Yellow Turban Army have been trained? How disciplined do you think they are? Or are their generals so powerful that the Yellow Turban Army is very afraid?"

"This, this is not."

The general gradually lost his voice.

"So, under such circumstances, it created an illusion that the fire was already very large and covered a very large area, and artificially caused the Yellow Turban Army to bomb the camp."

"I believe everyone understands the serious consequences of bombing the camp.

The military ranks are strict and the management is closed. Only the officers who abuse and the soldiers are ignorant can lead, and they usually rely on military discipline to suppress them.Before the war, everyone's life and death were uncertain, and they didn't know whether they would come back alive tomorrow, and everyone was on the verge of mental breakdown.

At this moment, all it takes is the slightest sign of trouble, perhaps just a soldier's nightmare screaming, to detonate the hysterical and frenzied atmosphere in the camp.

Soldiers completely got rid of the shackles of military discipline, and some people took revenge on their grievances, chasing and killing officers, enemies, and unknown comrades-in-arms.

Bombing a camp, even for a well-trained elite division, is a very terrible thing, and it is extremely difficult to suppress it, not to mention the poorly disciplined Yellow Turban army.

So as long as the yellow turban army bombed the camp successfully, and then took the initiative to attack and cooperate with the reinforcements, then the battle was settled. "

"According to what you said, the current Yellow Turban Army was originally no more than a few farmers, with insufficient ability to withstand pressure.

In addition, during this period of time, the war, the siege, heavy casualties, no interruption, no rest, and great mental stress, is the time when it is easy to trigger the bombing of the camp.

General, I think it is possible. "


"This method can."

After Lu Chen's explanation, the generals on the field agreed one after another.

"It's a good strategy, but I don't know how to create the illusion of a full-scale fire attack?"

Huangfusong thought about it and thought it was feasible, but he raised a more critical question.

"General, the Shanren have their own tricks."

(End of this chapter)

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