Online game three kingdoms heaven falls

Chapter 135 Everything is Ready, Only Dongfeng Is Owned

Chapter 135 Everything is ready, only the east wind is owed (third update)
three days later.

Bocai camp, from time to time, a group of yellow scarf soldiers entered from the side gate of the camp, dragging a few carts.

Although there are some Yellow Turban soldiers standing guard at the door.

But when the Yellow Turban Army on guard saw them, they didn't stop them, but just glanced at them and let them in.

Because the piles on their carts are not high, you can see through them at a glance. They are some wood used for burning fires, and you can tell at a glance that there are no XZ people from eastern Tibet.

Another point is that most of these Yellow Turban soldiers who went out are familiar, and even the guards can call out a few names, even if they don't know each other, they don't think of soldiers when they look at their steps, and they don't have to stop them.

Because the Yellow Turban Army lacked all kinds of things, such as food, wood, etc., they were all in short supply, so soldiers would be arranged to go out to find supplies, and then returning a few days late was not a problem at all.

And on the walls of Changshe City.

Lu Chen was holding a half-broken Fang Tian painted halberd in his hand, and his armor was covered in blood. He glanced at the retreating Yellow Turban soldiers, and then walked towards the gate tower. Huangfusong and others were there Watch the situation there and make corresponding commands.

When I came to the gate tower and looked at the wooden building, in some places, the wood exploded, presumably it was hit by a catapult, but what appeared was not a hole, but a huge blue stone.

It looks extremely hard. It is estimated that this is also a high-grade quarry. It is much harder than ordinary stones and can withstand the bombardment of some catapults.

It is estimated that this kind of quarry is also quite precious. It was only used to build a gate tower, and ordinary stones were used in other places.

Although there were many soldiers guarding the gate, they all knew Lu Chen, and they probably had Huangfusong's special order to let Lu Chen in without any notification.

"I've seen the general."

"Don't be too polite on the battlefield, keep everything simple."


"Well, how is the plan going?"

It is said that after Lu Chen proposed this plan three days ago, it was approved by everyone, and then the plan was confirmed to be implemented, and Lu Chen was directly responsible for the implementation of the plan.

Today is the scheduled execution date of Lu Chen's plan. Of course, some preparations have already been made three days ago, but they just started today.

"The captain of the cavalry has already contacted. At midnight tonight, if we find the rebel army bombing the camp, we will launch an attack immediately.

The raw materials used to make the smoke have already been transported into the Yellow Turban Camp.

What's more, the subordinate soldiers have completely entered the camp and are ready to create momentum. "

"Well, there will be no problem with those Yellow Turban soldiers. If there is a betrayal, once it is reported to the Yellow Turban general, the plan will be ruined."

"Don't worry, the Yellow Turban soldiers enter the camp in teams of ten, and ten people supervise each other. If there is a traitor, all ten will be executed, and if the traitor is caught early, a bounty will be rewarded.

Under such circumstances, it is unlikely that there will be too many betrayals. After all, under my request, each team of Yellow Turban soldiers must not be separated, which is safe enough. "

"That's good, how is Mr. Xi's preparation?"

"I'm ready, but I can't cover the entire battalion alone, and I still need the general's assistance."

Yes, tonight, the two of us will perform the fire attack together.

It has to be said that Xi Zhi is a comprehensive talent, but relatively speaking, he is more military, which is why Lu Chen appointed him as a privy envoy.

As a strategist, Xi Zhicai naturally has a lot of military skills, among which is fire attack.

Fire attack: Consume internal force, control the direction, intensity and range of flame burning, the intensity and range depend on the intelligence attribute, the higher the intelligence attribute, the stronger the intensity and the larger the range.

And with the intelligence of Xi Zhicai now, it is enough to cover most of the main camp.

Before asking Huangfusong to help, it was because Huangfusong helped, and it was because although Huangfusong was not a counselor, he also had the skill of fire attack.

In fact, this is not difficult to understand. In history, Huangfusong used fire to burn waves to break the Yellow Turban, so it is normal for Huangfusong to have these skills of playing with fire.

Time passed by in a hurry, Lu Chen didn't stay at the gate tower, and returned to his army after a while. This was because the Yellow Turban Army that had just retreated launched another siege battle.

A ladder is hooked on the city wall. The weight of the ladder itself, plus the weight of the people on it, are fixed by iron hooks, making it impossible for people to overturn the ladder.

The rolling stones, lightning wood, and hot oil are all almost exhausted, so the archers can only shoot, and the others use weapons to chop the ladder, trying to cut it off.

However, the ladder is very tough, and ordinary weapons can't cut it in a short time.

Moreover, when they climbed up the ladder, there were also archers under the city covering them, suppressing the troops on the city wall, trying to make them climb the city wall.

But officers, soldiers, players, or Lu Chen's private soldiers, they are not so easy to mess with.

After all, after such a long battle to defend the city.

Among them, the weak ones have been killed, and then resurrected to their own territory, unless they are local players of Changsha.

As for the territory that has already been occupied, it will appear in the territory closest to your own territory.

So it's like the big waves wash away the sand, like the survival of the fittest in nature, the law of the deep forest, and the strong prey on the weak.

So all that can be left are the elite.

Under the protection of these elites, the Yellow Turban Army left tens of thousands of corpses and withdrew again.

A day passed in the blink of an eye. Compared with yesterday, thousands of troops were killed and tens of thousands of enemies were killed today. There is no difference in other things.

At night, the weather is beautiful today, the clouds are thick, and there is no moonlight or starlight, only the torches on the city wall and in the camp opposite.

On the city wall, Xi Zhicai and Huangfusong stood on the city wall, silently waiting for something

But Lu Chen led [-] cavalry, ready to fight at any time.

The [-] cavalry were assigned to Lu Chen by Huangfusong, and they were temporarily led by Lu Chen.

As for Lu Chen's [-] troops?Infantry, the marching speed is too slow, take the last step.

And behind Lu Chen is a young military general, also surnamed Huangfu, who presumably belongs to the Huangfu family.

The cavalry he commanded was different, he commanded Huangfusong's exclusive special unit, righteous anger cavalry, a total of [-] cavalry.

Wrathful Iron Cavalry: An intermediate-level special unit, with the death of comrades, the combat effectiveness will increase accordingly.

And at the back is a military general surnamed Wang, who commanded Zhu Jun's [-] cavalry, and behind him were infantry led by some generals, ready to follow the cavalry and charge at any time.

And not far from Changshe City, the 30 troops dormant there, all cavalry, are ready to charge at any time and rush into the Yellow Turban camp.

Now it can be said that everything is ready, only the east wind is owed.

(End of this chapter)

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