Chapter 136

Lu Chen rode on Xiaolong's back, with his eyes slightly closed, quietly waiting for the signal to act.

Waiting for Xi Zhicai and Huangfusong to launch a fire attack.

Waiting for a hearty battle, to vent the depression of being trapped in the Changshe during this time, being passively beaten.

Military skill · fire attack, activate.

Military division skill · Deceive the sky and cross the sea, activate.

On the city wall, Xi Zhicai has two military advisers in a row.

Originally, those with keen senses could feel something was wrong, but after the military division technique was activated, they completely lost the slightest feeling.

At the same time, the yellow turban troops that Lu Chen had arranged before ignited the timber that had been transported into the camp in a fair manner.

Suddenly, puffs of thick smoke rose into the sky, the night was quiet and windless, the smoke rose into the sky like a column of smoke, it looked like nothing, but the smoke was so thick that it made people cough endlessly.

In fact, it is not a magical thing, but some wet wood itself will produce a lot of smoke under the incomplete combustion of the flame.

What's more, Lu Chen also mixed some materials into the wood.

It's not a rare thing, that is, some animal fur and feathers, and some animal fat.

For such a thing, Changsha, a major city, can be said to be inexhaustible and inexhaustible. Compared with the amount of chicken, duck and fish eaten every day, I don't know how much it is.

However, although these things are common, they will produce a very strong smell when burned. If you have to find an example, it will look like a human body being burned.

Under Lu Chen's order, they lit these things all over the camp.

And just after they ignited, the pillars of smoke that melted into the night did not know when they would stop rising.

It was like being blocked by a barrier, unable to float above three meters.

Also, after burning for a period of time, the fire that had grown bigger suddenly miraculously shrunk, and kept burning, but couldn't burn. In this way, more smoke was emitted.

In just a few minutes, smoke began to fill the camp, night, despite the torches.

But the soldiers on duty were drowsy, and the smoke was not as thick as before, so they were not found for a while.

In this case, the smoke grew thicker and gradually drifted into the tent.

I don't know when, a soldier started to cough, and his mind began to wake up slowly from sleep. However, due to being too tired during the day and too much mental stress, most of them slept relatively dead. For a while, they hadn't woken up yet. .

And in the corner of the camp, a place with relatively weak guards, this is the place where the food for the first army is handled, which is the garrison of the Huotou army.

Of course, the food and grass are not placed here, but in another place. The defense there is many times tighter than here, and it is not so easy to get in.

Here, there are also a group of people preparing to light the fire, but this place is different from before, this place is the real murder and arson.

Those who can come here are some of the more elite, better-performed, and seemingly more loyal soldiers.

With their strength, they quietly wiped off the necks of one fire leader army after another. Of course, such a large army cannot be too small, and there is not only one place.

In fact, there are only a few hundred people here, and they are only responsible for the food in the nearby area.

Then clear out a small area, move some common wood for cooking, pile it up here, and put hundreds of corpses of firefighters into the middle of the wood.

This is not the only group, there are dozens of Huotou army garrisons that have been cleared, maybe because no one came to kill them on purpose, and also because they are in the camp, so there is no vigilance.

They were all ready to be discovered, but they didn't expect it to go so smoothly.

In this way, after the completion, about an estimate of the time, the wood was ignited.

Then they spread out one by one and merged into the barracks.

These several tasks were all completed simultaneously. The moment they just ignited the fire, Xi Zhicai had just activated the military division technique.

In the Huotou army, Xi Zhicai not only did not suppress the fire, but magnified it as much as possible. In an instant, the entire area of ​​the Huotou army was ignited, and the fire was huge. past.

However, the fire was so intense that the whole camp could see a red light, and the corpses inside were also burned, giving off an unpleasant stench.

After discovering that it was already on fire, the second step started.

"It's on fire, it's on fire, put out the fire, put out the fire."

"Where is the water, hurry up, bring water to put out the fire."

Nearly 10 people spread all over the camp. For a while, those half-awake soldiers who were smoked immediately regained their spirits.

Something was on fire, and there was still sleepiness in their eyes. They got up energetically, ran out of the big tent, and smelled the air.

"Not good, there is smoke in the air, the fire is already very strong, it's all smoke, run away."

"Captain, don't you want to put out the fire? Hurry up and put out the fire."

A Yellow Turban soldier who had just emerged from the tent asked.

The captain's hand slapped him hard on the head.

"You go to save it. The nearest water is miles away. How can you save it? Now there is smoke floating here, and the air is dry and hot. Don't you feel that it is difficult to breathe? If you don't run now, when will you wait?"

"Still fighting the fire, isn't this courting death?"

Just when the fire started, Lu Chen had already received the news.

The gate of the city was opened wide, and more than [-] cavalry charged out, followed by infantry.

A distance of several miles is equivalent to nothing in front of the charging cavalry.

Although the Yellow Turban Army knew that there were [-] cavalry in Changshe City, and they also specially set up a large number of antlers, trenches, etc. to guard against cavalry charges.

However, when the Yellow Turban Army was already in chaos, without archers and pikemen to cooperate with the defense line, these defenses were greatly reduced.

Under Lu Chen's order, he forcibly charged. After costing the lives of more than 1 cavalrymen, he forcibly opened a road directly into the camp.

It can be said that the defense line of the Yellow Turban Army was set up very well. Even if no one defended, it would consume Lu Chen's [-] cavalry.

It can be said that every meter is opened by the lives of several, even dozens of cavalrymen. This is a passage opened with life.

However, all of this is worthwhile, the opportunity must not be missed, the loss will never come again, the death of [-] cavalry, in exchange for the chance of victory in the war, how to choose is obvious.

It may also be because the cavalry is not Lu Chen's soldier, nor Lu Chen's subjects. Of course, no one knows how much this factor accounts for except Lu Chen.

However, the final result was that 20 cavalry charged into the Yellow Turban camp.

(End of this chapter)

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