Online game three kingdoms heaven falls

Chapter 137 The First Meeting of Cao Cao

Chapter 137 The First Meeting of Cao Cao
When 20 cavalry rushed into the camp, the nearly [-] Yellow Turban soldiers scattered in the camp shouted again.

"The big thing is not good, the big thing is not good. The fire was set by the officers and soldiers. They have already entered the camp. Everyone, run away."

"Yes, yes, run quickly, if you don't run, it will be too late."

"Run, there are also officers and soldiers rushing in from behind the camp. They are not opponents. Let's run to the east."

"If you don't run, you will die."

"Run, it's all in chaos anyway, and no one can find anyone."

Shouting one sentence after another, every sentence reached the hearts of the Yellow Turban soldiers.

And it also relieved a worry, you know, there is a supervising team on the battlefield, usually on the battlefield, if you dare to retreat without authorization, you will be greeted by the supervising team's sword.

But now, with so many people running, can you kill them?So dark and full of smoke, do you know who it is?
With a few simple words, the last shackles of the Yellow Turban Army were untied, but just like that, there might be a chance to stabilize, as long as the general reacts, maybe there is still a chance to fight.

But now, Bo Cai has also been woken up, mainly because Lu Chen deliberately avoided Bo Cai and some generals during the previous arrangement, so as not to disturb Bo Cai in advance and disrupt the plan.

However, Bo just got up now, but it was too late.

You know, when someone yelled that they were on fire, the Yiren had already woken up, and the development of the situation was being watched step by step by the Yiren.

Huangfusong still used the fire attack, and it was successful. Not only did the fire start, but the army rushed in.

In the eyes of foreigners, this is following the footsteps of history. The wheels of history have already been crushed.

In the eyes of every stranger, since Huo Gong has succeeded, then Bocai is sure to lose.

And with the character of seeking advantages and avoiding disadvantages, how can he continue to stay here in the face of a battle that is sure to lose and has no benefits?
Be whimsical, don't say anything else, run, don't run, stay and seek death.

However, their run became the last straw that broke the camel's back.

When many soldiers saw the alien running away, they immediately thought, what, are they all running?They all ran away, so what am I doing staying, run away.

But when Yiren saw that all the NPCs were running, it strengthened his guess that he would definitely lose, and he ran more vigorously.

In this way, when Bocai just started to suppress the chaos, gather the army, and challenge the officers and soldiers, the camp of the Yellow Turban Army was completely in chaos.

For a while, run as you please, revenge with revenge.

And just when Lu Chen broke through, a large army broke through the obstacles to the west of the Yellow Turban camp and entered the camp. Compared with the cavalry trapped in Changshe, this army was stronger.

That was much better, the weapons were sharp and brand new, full of blood, high spirits, and high morale. Under the leadership of the general, they rushed wantonly among the chaotic Yellow Turban Army. This general was naturally Cao Cao.

Without the command of a general, the chaotic Yellow Turban Army was helpless in the face of the charge of the two cavalry.

Even if there are some stubborn people who gather thousands or even tens of thousands of troops to try to resist, in front of 20 or 35 cavalry, there is even a cavalry led by Cao Cao himself.

Could it be that these mobs, whose numbers are significantly smaller than their own, can resist?

After a few charges of the cavalry, the army that had finally assembled was dispersed by the charge.

However, the two cavalry did not deliberately kill the Yellow Turban Army, they just killed those who were in the way.

If someone is in the sky, it can be clearly seen that the two cavalry units, like two hot knives cutting through butter, cut into the Yellow Turban army.

And it can also be seen that they will reach the intersection point after a while, where the two armies will inevitably meet.

Because, that intersection is their destination, there is a name called Yellow Turban Camp, or in other words, Bocai's camp, where the banner is located.

I don't know if it's a coincidence or an appointment, but if nothing else happens, the two cavalry will arrive at the same time.

The closer you get to the camp, the easier it is for Lu Chen and the others to charge. Are you still trying to make those who have fled the battlefield collapsed to fight?

If they had just come in before, some people would still organize to fight against the cavalry, but their death and the cavalry's death were easily seen by them.

The evil spirit all over the sky also hit their will to fight even more, making them firmer in their determination to escape.

Another reason is that the generals who received Bocai's order had already begun to gather troops and gather at the banner.

Now the closer you are to the Bocai banner, the fewer people there are, that is, most of the people who are close to the banner have already been summoned to the camp, and the army has been reorganized and prepared for war.

At this time, the infantry unit had entered the camp along the passage opened with the lives of [-] cavalrymen, and was marching towards the center.

And the two cavalry arrived not far from the banner, and the 50 army that had just been organized could already be seen.

Seeing the 50 troops, Lu Chen couldn't help but lament that this wave is a talented general who quickly reorganized the chaotic army in a short period of time.

Fortunately, Lu Chen was decisive and forcibly stormed the camp, which led to the current situation.

Otherwise, it would be an hour and a half later before Bocai gathered all the troops, and he would return without success this time, and might change the outcome of this war.

This is not alarmist talk, but true. You know, Lu Chen has spent a lot of time dealing with some blocking troops since he stormed the camp.

But it definitely didn't exceed half an hour. That is to say, within half an hour, Bocai collected 50, so if you give it another hour, why can't you collect all of them.

But fortunately, all of this is just an if, the current situation is that Bocai has only gathered an army of 50, and he will face the threat of 50 cavalry.

The 50 cavalry, not to mention whether they can defeat him or kill him, let's say that the 50 cavalry can definitely hold back Bocai and make him unable to gather the army.

You know, behind the cavalry, there are millions of troops following.

So, today, the overall situation has been decided, the situation in the eastern battlefield has been decided, and we can already divide our origins to support the other two major battlefields.

The scale of the war tilted slowly, and the Yellow Turban Army began to go downhill, like an epiphyllum, although it was colorful, but it was only a moment of youth.

After Lu Chen and Cao Cao arrived here, they didn't stay here. The two looked at each other from the air. Lu Chen suppressed his complicated emotions and charged at the Yellow Turban formation.

"Brothers, follow me to kill Bocai, make meritorious deeds, become a marquis and worship minister, right in front of you, kill, kill."

Amidst Lu Chen's call, a cavalryman cheered up and joined Lu Chen in charging forward.

 There is something wrong today, there are only two updates, sorry, I will find time to make it up, please understand

(End of this chapter)

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