Online game three kingdoms heaven falls

Chapter 142 The Advanced Qin Crossbow

Chapter 142 The Advanced Qin Crossbow

Lu Chen didn't pay attention to the Tiger Cavalry anymore, but looked at the Xuanjia Army.

The Xuanjia Army was already a middle-level special unit a long time ago, and those with fourth-level strength already possessed sixth-level combat power.

After that, the Xuanjia army fought against the pirates on the island, and was led by Li Jindao to gallop on the Yellow Turban Eastern battlefield.

During this period of time, the Xuanjia Army killed a very large number of soldiers, under the effect of the blood essence on these soldiers.

The armor on Xuanjiajun's body once again changed from black to light red, to dark red, to red to purple, and finally, blood red to black, black that devours everything.

At the same time, the evil spirit on their bodies is gradually becoming stronger, and a look can also shock people's hearts, and it also has the taste of spiritual attack.

And just when the Jagged Battle Banner dissipated and fed back the Xuanjia Army.

The blood of tens of thousands or hundreds of thousands of soldiers on the battlefield, as well as the blood of the five thousand dead soldiers.

Purified, refined, and removed by the Jagged Battle Banner, what is left in the end is a ruby-like liquid floating in the air, which is crystal clear and exudes a charming fragrance.

From stillness to movement, the red liquid floating quietly in front of Lu Chen instantly turned into [-] blood pillars and directly melted into every Xuanjia army.

Including what supplements complete preparations before going out.

I don't know when, the Xuanjia Army who was standing in the formation began to emit some soft light.

If it wasn't for Lu Chen's preparations, if it wasn't at night, otherwise, this light would be subconsciously ignored.

However, it is not a constant layer. As time goes by, this light gradually increases, even dazzling.

But after becoming stronger, he began to restrain himself in an instant.

And the Xuanjia Army who appeared in front of Lu Chen again did not have a trace of blood on their bodies, and was covered in black fine armor.

After careful observation, Lu Chen found that after the completion of this promotion, there were great changes.

Lu Chen found that the armor had undergone great changes. The heavy armor that was originally bloated and very inflexible had changed.

It has become more exquisite, and there are even these flashy hollow carvings on the armor, making the Xuanjia Army more majestic and majestic.

However, Lu Chen Qu keenly discovered that after these armors became like this, became thinner and more exquisite, their defensive power increased instead of decreased, and they became more flexible.

Another point is that Lu Chen discovered that the armor on the Xuanjia Army was originally bronze-level, but after being promoted, it all became silver-level, and the aura of the horses was also higher, more majestic.

In fact, this is not enough to surprise Lu Chen. After all, this is only within Lu Chen's expectation. When the low-level special arms were promoted to the middle-level special arms, these also advanced, which is not surprising.

What really surprised and shocked Lu Chen was.

It turned out that in order to improve the combat effectiveness and adaptability of the Xuanjia Army, Lu Chen equipped each Xuanjia Army with Qin crossbows and bronze scimitars, and designated them as the standard weapons of the Xuanjia Army.

However, during this promotion of arms, these newly equipped standard weapons have also been upgraded.

The Qin crossbow became a gold-level crossbow and became smaller, and the armor-piercing crossbow arrows became silver-level arrows, sharp and aggressive.

The bronze scimitar turned into a silver scimitar, successfully turning into a silver-level scimitar.

This discovery shocked Lu Chen very much. In the process of upgrading the arms, the weapons and equipment equipped by the soldiers will also be upgraded accordingly.

This made Lu Chen very shocked when he arrived.

These are just some silver-level weapons that have been upgraded to gold-level weapons. During this period, the value has increased by tens or hundreds of times.

This is not an exaggeration, the more advanced the weapons and equipment, the greater the gap between them.

Even the price difference between Gold and Platinum can reach tens of thousands of times.

Also, if the Platinum level can still be upgraded to one level, the benefits it will bring are definitely no less than Lu Chen's rebirth.

Because Lu Chen has never heard of items above platinum in his past and present lives, let alone obtained them.

According to some calculations and guesses made by Lu Chen, above the Platinum level, it is an item that does not belong to the human world.

The more Lu Chen thought about it, the more crazy he became. However, in an instant, Lu Chen overturned his previous thoughts, guessing, because Lu Chen saw a bow from Li Jindao.

Li Jindao is a military commander who is good at riding guns. Therefore, after Li Jindao made a contribution, Lu Chen rewarded Li Jindao with a good bow.

This bow is an ox horn long bow made by craftsmen using the horns and sinews of the ox king when they make ox horn long bows. It is a rare boutique.

At the beginning, it was also the work of the craftsman's promotion. With super-level performance, coupled with excellent materials, it was a silver-ranked horn longbow made by chance.

Naturally, this longbow fell into Lu Chen's hands. Later, Li Jindao was rewarded for his meritorious service.

This bow, Li Jindao has been placed on the horse's back, and now Li Jindao is riding the horse, right in front of Lu Chen.

With sharp eyes, Lu Chen noticed that the bow and the armor-piercing arrows equipped with it had not changed in any way.

It was still a silver longbow, and it was still a bronze-level armor-piercing arrow. There was no difference, no change.

This discovery allowed Lu Chen to overthrow the previous conjecture that all the weapons and equipment on the Xuanjia army would be promoted when the unit was promoted.

Moreover, based on Lu Chen's observations, combined with past and present information about the game, and his own understanding of the game, Lu Chen once again put forward a conjecture, a conjecture that is close to the truth.

When the arms are promoted, the equipment will be upgraded. That's because the training conditions of these arms have these armors and equipment.

In other words, without these weapons and equipment, you cannot transfer to this special unit.

In other words, just because you have the training methods and training qualifications, it does not mean that you can train this kind of arms.

It also needs a job transfer certificate.

The strength of special arms is not without reason. In addition to their own strength, tacit cooperation, and powerful special effects, there is another point, advanced weapons and equipment.

Therefore, weapons and equipment are the basic requirements of special arms. In fact, every arm requires weapons and equipment as a requirement.

Otherwise, why are they called pike soldiers, sword and shield players, archers, Mo Dao heavy soldiers, and Xuanjia soldiers?
So weapons are equipped before arms.

Naturally, when the arms are promoted, the weapons and equipment must be promoted first.

Therefore, if you want the equipment to be promoted along with the arms, you only need to make this equipment the standard equipment of the Xuanjia Army.

For example, Lu Chen set the Qin crossbow and bronze scimitar as Xuanjia army standard weapons.

This conjecture gave Lu Chen even more sense of urgency.

After this promotion, although the strength of the Xuanjia army has once again improved, it has a seventh-level combat power.

But it also means that the Xuanjia Army's job transfer requirements have been upgraded again.


Silver level full body black armor*1
Silver level cavalry*1
Silver Ma Xuanjia*1
Silver level silver machete*1
Gold Grade Qin Crossbow*1
Silver level armor-piercing crossbow*20
S-level talent*1
Unless Lu Chen does not intend to expand the Xuanjia Army, otherwise, these are the difficulties that Lu Chen must face.

Thinking of this, Lu Chen's heart twitched violently.

"Before advancing to the top special arms, you must complete the expansion, otherwise, the price will increase exponentially when you upgrade to one level."

(End of this chapter)

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