Chapter 143 Nonsense
Lu Chen was still immersed in his own thoughts. At this time, the sound of arguing in the distance caught Lu Chen's attention.

Turning his head and looking over there, tens of thousands of cavalry confronted Cao Cao and others.

However, compared to the huge camp of Cao Cao, Cao Chun and others, even though the tiger cavalry were still in place and hadn't come over yet, their aura was not comparable to that of some ordinary cavalry on Lu Chen's side.

However, Lu Chen's short-term performance convinced these soldiers. It can be seen that although they were weak, they still insisted on blocking the front when they saw Cao Cao approaching aggressively.

Not for anything else, just to help Lu Chen once, even if it is trivial.

And this is the charm of this era, outstanding people emerge from troubled times.

How did Renjie get here?That's it.

But since Lu Chen saw it, they wouldn't be wronged, after all, it was for Lu Chen who came out on his own initiative.

Under Lu Chen's signal, under the cover of the Xuanjia Army, a Xuanjia soldier groped on Bo Cai's body, put away something, and then chopped off Bo Cai's head with a silver scimitar , took a piece of cloth, wrapped it up, and handed it to Lu Chen.

Lu Chen didn't pick it up. Although many people had been killed, it still felt a little uncomfortable to hold the head that had just been cut off, so he didn't touch it at all, and let the soldier hold it first.

Seeing the soldier's secret signal, after the things were in hand, Lu Chen led the five hundred Xuanjia troops and walked towards Cao Cao.

When passing by, the cavalry in front saw Lu Chen, and automatically parted, opening a road, and when Lu Chen walked past, Huangfu Songmi also followed behind with five thousand righteous cavalry.

This Huangfu secret is a member of Huangfusong's clan, and he is highly valued by Huangfusong. However, Lu Chen has never heard of his name, and he doesn't know why. However, this unknown general was also given by Lu Chen. Slightly overwhelmed.

Lu Chen's big movement was naturally seen by Cao Cao, and he slowly stopped the quarrel between his subordinates and the soldiers on Lu Chen's side, and sat quietly on the horse, waiting for Lu Chen's arrival.

The people who were standing in front also noticed that Lu Chen was coming, so they divided into two rows to get out of the way.

When Lu Chen passed by, he smiled at them.

"Thank you, everyone. He came to see me, so let me handle it."

After finishing speaking, without waiting for their response, he rode over on the little dragon, looked at Cao Cao, and asked calmly.

"I don't know what the captain of cavalry has to do. Could it be that the prestige of the captain of cavalry comes from bullying these soldiers?"

Although Lu Chen's tone was flat, what he said was not flat, but sarcasm.

But Cao Cao was not annoyed when he heard it, and looked at the soldiers below.

"Indeed, it's my fault as a commander and lax command, but I have a problem, do we know each other?"

When this question was asked, Cao Cao also showed a hint of bewilderment on his face.

Cao Cao thought that although he was not tall, he was not ugly, and he was not so ugly that he would be targeted if he was seen.

On the contrary, this Cao Cao is not only not ugly, but looks pretty good.

The eyebrows are thick and majestic, the protruding bridge of the nose is also very provocative, the forehead is slightly tilted, especially the eyes, the eyes are hidden, but very crystal clear and moist, which is breathtaking.

That's why Cao Cao asked this question, why the two didn't know each other, but they were very ruthless and decisive. If it wasn't for the quick response of his subordinate Cao Chun, his five thousand old books would have been lost here.

"We don't know each other."

When Lu Chen heard this question, of course he answered that he didn't know each other, otherwise he would say that he knew each other in his previous life, so he was gay and went to play.

"Then you have heard people talk about me, or obeyed orders?"

That's right, Cao Cao thought about it carefully, with his own memory, it is impossible to have met a super general, and even formed hatred without knowing it.

This reminded Cao Cao of another possibility, being instigated by someone or someone secretly acting as a ghost. Cao Cao had not encountered such a thing before.

"No one instructed, and I have never heard of you."

Lu Chen also shook his head and said lightly.

Indeed, no one instigated, and no one mentioned Cao Cao in front of Lu Chen, this life.

Cao Cao saw that Lu Chen's expression did not seem to be fake, as if no one really did it secretly.

Then why is he targeting me for no reason? Cao Cao has a word MMP in his heart at this time, and he doesn't know whether to say it or not.

With Cao Cao's self-restraint, and with Cao Cao's city mansion, I have to scold him, crazy for no reason.

"Then why did you kill my cavalry?"

There was a trace of surprise on Lu Chen's face, and he said questioningly.

"I don't know what the captain is talking about? Why can't I understand, when did I kill your cavalry?"

Hmph, pretend to be stupid, who wouldn't.

"Before, my cavalry charged and killed among the heavy soldiers of Mo Dao. Why did you include them in the scope of damage? If my generals hadn't reacted quickly, wouldn't they have died in your hands?"

At the same time, Lu Chen felt a surge of overwhelming momentum. The ordinary soldiers on Lu Chen's side persisted hard, but their faces were flushed, as if they were about to fall down.

On the contrary, the Xuanjia Army only sent together their momentum, which didn't have much impact.

Lu Chen had a suddenly realized expression, and then said aggrieved.

"It turned out that the captain was referring to this, and the captain blamed me wrongly. I saw Bocai was holding a yellow talisman in his hand, and he was about to cast the sorcery. If the sorcery was performed, they might turn defeat into victory and miss the opportunity. .

I had no choice but to attack and not give Bocai a chance. As for the captain’s cavalry, it was just an accidental injury. Otherwise, for these cavalry, the entire battlefield would be defeated. , Can Captain Cao Qi afford it? "

Lu Chen let out a final sigh, and his aura merged with that of the Xuanjia Army. In an instant, the aura turned into an illusory greedy wolf and rushed towards him.

In an instant, in the eyes of Cao Cao and others, a greedy wolf with a length of several miles and a height of tens of feet opened its bloody mouth and devoured it.

In an instant, a large number of soldiers fell to the ground, and even Cao Chun, who had just managed to get over, also fell to the ground.

The other generals also responded without pain. Only Cao Cao sat calmly on his horse.

When he saw these fallen soldiers and generals, his face changed slightly, he glanced at the Xuanjia Army again, and then at the Tiger Rider who was lying on the ground like a soft rubber shrimp, and suppressed his emotions.

He smiled slightly at Lu Chen and said.

"That's why I'm going to save a gentleman's belly with a villain's heart. After that, I have to invite Uncle Qin to give me more advice. After all, we are both ministers of the great man, and the future will be long."

He gave Lu Chen a meaningful look, and before Lu Chen could answer, he led the people back to Huqi.

"The future will be long, heh."

Lu Chen looked at Cao Cao in the past and said secretly.

Today the girder has ended.

(End of this chapter)

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