Online game three kingdoms heaven falls

Chapter 144 The Great Harvest

Chapter 144 The Great Harvest

Not to mention Cao Cao, who had already formed a beam, before Cao Cao broke through, and when Lu Chen was still slowly slaying Kite Mo Dao.

Right on the Weishui River, huge shadows appeared on the water surface one by one. Looking slowly, the shadows gradually enlarged and became clearer.

After the shadow became clear, its face emerged. This is a ship, and there are not many types of this ship, only three.

One is so huge that when viewed from a distance, it looks like a small moving island, one mile long and 500 meters wide.

One is smaller, but also narrower, not only faster, but also more aggressive, full of aggression.

There is another kind, like a small fishing boat, small, flexible and fast.

Who else can own such a large ship and such a powerful fleet, only Lu Chen's Zhenhai giant ship.

It is the Zhenhai transport ship, the Pinghai warship, and the Pinghai transport ship.

But this time there was something wrong. This time, there were several times more Zhenhai transport ships than Pinghai warships.

You must know that according to the fleet configuration determined by Lu Chen, a Zhenhai transport ship needs to be escorted by at least four Pinghai transport ships.

A flat sea battleship needs at least five flat sea reconnaissance ships to equip.

This is the composition of a complete long-distance combat unit, and this time, each Pinghai warship is equipped with five Pinghai reconnaissance ships.

However, 150 Zhenhai transport ships came directly this time, which is almost the entire territory of Zhenhai transport ships.

The Pinghai battleship is only equipped with 150 ships, and the ratio is barely one to one.

After these giant ships docked, they directly occupied the river bank hundreds of miles long, and when the boards were lowered, armies rushed out from above.

There are black flood dragon cavalry, spearmen, sword and shield players, and some ordinary gang leaders.

After the soldiers came down, they stood up in front of the Zhenhai transport ships one by one, and then pots and bags of grain were moved out by the soldiers and placed on the shore.

At this time, the army chef, that is, the gang leader, started to act. He set up the pot, put rice, added some vegetables, and started cooking.

And not long after, a large number of rout soldiers flooded in from the direction of Changshe.

The Yellow Turban Army has millions of troops, and the food prepared by Zhang Jiao for the uprising is not enough. Where do you get the food from?To feed these millions of mouths.

Those who rob, rob the people, although some of the people were engulfed by the Yellow Turban Army and became the Yellow Turban Army, there are still a large number of people who did not participate.

Originally, in the early stage, when the resources of the Yellow Turban Army were still sufficient, they only robbed wealthy businessmen and corrupt officials, and they also gained several reputations.

But the Yellow Turban Army doesn't know management, doesn't know restraint, and frantically coerces the people to join the army. It seems aggressive, but it is actually a bluff.

You see, these millions of troops, not to mention their combat effectiveness, each of these millions of people has a mouth and needs to eat.

In this kind of unrestrained situation, in Zhang Jiao's view, the very abundant food was consumed by the Yellow Turban Army, which had been crazily expanded dozens of times in a short period of time.

In this case, some people in the Yellow Turban Army began to secretly rob ordinary people, which may be only one or two special cases at first.

But as the food shortage became more and more serious, these two special cases, like a spark, ignited a prairie fire at a rapid speed.

The top leaders of the Yellow Turban Army naturally found out, but although they felt something was wrong, when they saw the food that was no longer consumed, they began to quietly acquiesce.

In this way, the Yellow Turban Army is no longer the previous uprising army that only killed corrupt officials, but has changed into a situation where the army has passed through and no grass can grow.

The common people are not fools. Knowing that the Yellow Turban Army is coming, they will not stop here obediently and let the Yellow Turbans rob them. Instead, they will move their families to escape the war.

Under such circumstances, the Yellow Turban Army surrounded outside the Changsha was running out of food, and although the Yellow Turban Army wanted to grab it, they had nowhere to grab it, so each soldier of the Yellow Turban Army actually only provided two meals of porridge.

This is actually the reason why Xi Zhicai was able to recruit [-] Yellow Turbans with enough food and rice every day back then, and his loyalty was not low.

Therefore, when Xiang Weishui ran to the shore, when I saw those ships and those troops, I thought they were about to fall into the hands of the government, and I felt that my life was over.

Suddenly, he smelled the smell of some rice, which aroused the gluttons of the Yellow Turban Army, and also made his empty stomach start to secrete gastric acid, which burned his stomach.

Just when they thought they were hallucinating from hunger, some sharp-eyed people suddenly discovered that there seemed to be some pots beside the boat and the army, as if they were really cooking rice.

People who have never been hungry cannot understand the feeling of being burned by stomach acid, and the feeling that life is worse than death. People who have never been hungry cannot understand the madness of hungry people for food.

At this moment, my stomach overwhelmed my reason, and I couldn't help but move forward, towards a cauldron.

No one stopped him, so he walked to the pot and looked at the big white rice inside, his eyes were red.

Fortunately, the cold light that flashed on the weapon of the soldier next to him brought him back to his senses a little bit. He didn't pounce on it directly to eat, but asked cautiously with his dry throat as he ran away.

"I, can I eat?"

He also pointed at himself with his fingers, a little humble and uneasy.

"Yes, as long as you join our territory, you can eat as much as you want, and you can eat as much as you want every day, so you can eat as much as you want."

The Yellow Turban Army seemed to be a little dizzy, and the words he just heard echoed in his head, yes, every day, take care of yourself.

The whole person was dumbfounded, and took a big rice dumpling handed over by the gang leader, about as many as a sea bowl.

Suddenly, the Yellow Turban soldier came to his senses, and walked up to the Zhenhai transport ship along with the soldiers guiding the way, while eating the rice balls in his hand, as if afraid that someone would snatch them away.

He didn't even have time to chew, but simply ate it, every bite, every grain of rice, and at the end, he even sucked his fingers once, this meal was hard-earned.

Not far away, although many people were hungry, they still held back when they saw someone passing by. But when the person asked questions, their nerves were also tense, for fear of getting a negative result.

However, they were not disappointed. The man managed to get a rice ball. At this moment, everyone went crazy.

I rushed to the shore frantically, for fear that if I went late, there would be no food.

Seeing the yellow turban soldiers rushing over in a swarm, the soldiers did not let them continue to be confused, otherwise the scene would be chaotic, and began to force them to line up and comfort them.

"There will be, line up one by one, and those who disturb the order will be killed without mercy."

No one listened to them at first, but in the hands of Qin soldiers, in addition to radishes, there were also big sticks, after killing hundreds of Yellow Turban soldiers.

In the smell of blood, when life was threatened, and told them that there would always be, and they barely lined up, but they were in order.

(End of this chapter)

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