Chapter 161 Killing God

However, before Lu Chen had left for a long time, another system announcement was sent out six times in a row. This time, Lu Chen's face will be brushed again.

"Hey, the player Lu Chen alone blocked the army of millions and got the achievement, nothing can be done."

"Hey, the player Lu Chen killed millions of troops, and none of them survived, and won the only title of the top, Killing God."

When Lu Chen heard this, he was dumbfounded. Is this okay?

Randomly click on the properties panel to view these two titles.

Wan Fu Mo Kai (Advanced):

One person can block the attack of thousands of armies by force and persuasion.

Resist [-] troops, and you can get the title of low-level Wan Fu Mo Kai.

Resist [-] troops and enjoy the title of intermediate ten thousand Fu Mo Kai.

Resist millions of troops and enjoy the title of Senior Wan Fu Mo Kai.

Resist tens of millions of troops and win the title of Top Ten Thousand Fumokai.


1. Leading troops in battle, the morale of the enemy is forced to drop by [-]%, and the morale of our army is forced to increase by [-]%.

2. The lower morale limit of the army under command is [-]%.

3. But when the number of enemy troops exceeds 30, the potential will be stimulated, and the combat power will increase by [-]%.

This is a commander-in-chief title, born for fighting. With the perverted degree of this title, Lu Chen suddenly felt that it was worth the money. He had difficulties for a reason.

As for where the abnormality is, it doesn't need much, I believe anyone who has such a little understanding of ancient army operations can see it.

Killing God (Top):
But when the enemy's army is equal to or exceeds 40, it can be obtained by wiping out all the enemy's troops and leaving no one alive.


1. Immune to all coercive abilities.

2. You can use murderous aura to intimidate the enemy, depending on the strength of the opponent's will, forcibly intimidate, the weaker the will, the longer the time of being intimidated, and vice versa, if the will is too weak, you may die directly.

3. To frighten the enemy and forcibly reduce the morale of the enemy by 30%.

4. Everyone knows the bloodthirsty celebrities, but the children stop crying.

Lu Chen nodded secretly. This title is more effective than the previous title, which can be seen just by looking at the third point.

However, everyone knows what a bloodthirsty celebrity is, and what the hell is a child who stops crying. Are you fucking kidding me?

Lu Chen secretly slandered.

However, since he has it, Lu Chen doesn't mind at all. If his reputation is ruined, it will be ruined, and it may be beneficial for him to recruit generals.

"The advantages outweigh the disadvantages, or the disadvantages outweigh the advantages, who knows? Who can tell?"

When Lu Chen checked these two titles, Lu Chen didn't stop.

But after reading the two titles, Chen Liu, who was not very far away, had already arrived.

"Who is coming, don't stop quickly, otherwise we will attack."

Just as Lu Chen approached Chen Liu, a voice came from the city wall ordering them to stop.

Moreover, based on Lu Chen's perception, he has already felt slightly that there are many weapons locked on him. If he dares to move forward again, or if he can't answer the question, then Lu Chen will definitely be greeted by huge boulders covering the sky and covering the sky. The city defense crossbow.

"Brother above, I am Qin Feng, Earl of Zhiqin, and this is my imperial seal. Now, our army is going to the county town to rest for a while, please make it convenient."

After Lu Chen finished speaking, he also took out Ling Xi, which could directly prove his identity.

"Okay, please wait a moment, count."

As the words fell, a basket was also hung from the city wall with a rope.

Lu Chen understood, and asked the soldier next to him to ride a horse, take the seal in his hand, and put it in the basket.

After a while, the gate of the city slowly opened with a creaking sound, and a general defending the city stood at the gate holding Qin Lingxi with both hands, returning the property to its original owner.

"I also ask the count to forgive me for my offense."

"It's okay, it's my duty, you arrange someone to take me to the barracks."

"Yes, Xiaosan, you take me on duty, and I will take the earl to the barracks."

Lu Chen looked at this general who respected him quite a bit, with a smile on his face.

"General Huangfu's commander, Li Dan, has seen the God of Death."

"Participate in Killing God"

After giving the order, Li Dan suddenly saluted Lu Chen.

"Please hurry up, please hurry up, I am not your direct subordinate officer, you don't have to be like this, and this is just a false name."

Lu Chen blushed slightly, killing God?Why do you feel that there is a little bit of the second style?It seemed like nothing just now, but now I am called out like this, ouch, oh my god, it's too embarrassing.

(Slightly? If you think too much, it's either Weiwei or S[-].)
"No, Earl, you deserve your name. One person is in charge, and no one can open it."

"Okay, okay, take me to the barracks first."


After Lu Chen said that, this Li Dan had no choice but to bring Lu Chen to a military camp that he had just arranged.

However, there was still some chatter on the road, it felt like a chatterbox, and there was no force at all belonging to the commander. Starchasers are like seeing a star, and they can't stop at all.

In fact, there is nothing wrong with it, Lu Chen knew that Li Dan's performance was all because of Shashen and Wanfu Mokai.

You must know that although the title of Killing God directly shuts out most of the talents with great love, it is correspondingly attractive to generals.

However, Lu Chen didn't care about these anymore. As soon as he arrived at the barracks, he hung up the Do Not Disturb sign, and then clicked on the resurrection page.

Then, Lu Chen directly changed from Caucasian to Black.

No, it should be said that the face is darker than black people.

To revive a third-tier soldier, what is needed is the points obtained by killing three third-tier soldiers.

Well, that's true.

But what does the word “herringbone” in the brackets behind mean?

And what does the latter mean that the price has doubled several times.

This meaning is already obvious, 27 points, only one person was resurrected, without any weapons and equipment.

You want to come out the same as when you died, yes, increase the price.

Lu Chen took a deep breath and looked at the price of the Black Flood Dragon Knight.

"My lord?"

The two people asked quickly when they heard the table being smashed inside.

"It's okay, you all go back."

Cavalry*1=100 points
Lu Chen gritted his teeth, and lightly clicked on the all resurrection option in the upper left corner. Looking at the deducted more than 300 million points, Lu Chen's heart twitched a little.

You know, killing more than 100 million Yellow Turbans this time means getting about 400 million points, which is nearly a quarter of the resurrection alone.

Now Lu Chen is glad that he has used the Yellow Turban World, otherwise, it will be difficult to pay back this time.

However, this also shows the strength of this cavalry.

You know, the resurrection of ordinary third-tier soldiers is 27 points.

The resurrection of the third-tier low-level special arms requires 160 two points.

And the Black Flood Dragon Knight needs [-] points, I believe this is enough to explain everything.

(End of this chapter)

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