Online game three kingdoms heaven falls

Chapter 162 Dong Zhuo's Great Defeat

Chapter 162 Dong Zhuo's Great Defeat
But heartache is heartache, resurrection still has to be resurrected, it doesn't matter public or private.

On the public, the benefits created by each of these black flood dragon knights far exceed the cost of this resurrection.

Besides, if you don’t resurrect and just recruit troops again to make up [-] cavalry, then the source of troops is easy to say, bronze-level armor, scimitars, spears, crossbows, or silver-level Qin crossbows. percent points.

Such a simple addition and subtraction, even if Lu Chen's math was taught by a physical education teacher, he would still be able to count.

Therefore, on the public, to be resurrected.

In terms of personal matters, these soldiers are all Lu Chen's subjects, they are all real people, people of flesh and blood, they have been fighting with Lu Chen for a long time, and there are four great joys in their lives. Dirty together.

They can barely be counted as the last two, and naturally there will be no lack of feelings. Therefore, in terms of selfishness and feelings, Lu Chen will resurrect them both.

So, to sum up, although Lu Chen complained and strongly condemned the price of profiteers in this system, he clicked Resurrection without hesitation.

Not long after, Lu Chen could see groups of soldiers riding out of the barracks on one after another majestic dragon horses.

Lu Chen looked at it, but he was a little dazed. The soldiers who died in front of him stood alive again in front of him. He didn't know whether the system revived them, or the system shaped an NPC according to the template again.

However, when you see the one who has just been resurrected and the one who returned before, you hit my chest and I pat your shoulder.

Lu Chen shook his head heavily, washed his face with cold water, and didn't know if he was telling it to someone, or he was telling it to himself.

"Are these important?"

Lu Chen surprisingly did not conduct any military operations or training today.

These soldiers either died once, or fought for a month. They are all tired, and their nerves are always tense. Humans are not machines.

Even machines are prone to malfunction after high-intensity operation, not to mention people, looseness and relaxation are often more important than tension all the time, Lu Chen naturally will not fail to understand this.

Therefore, under Lu Chen's arrangement, the military pay was issued. Anyway, for the players, the money can be stored on the system panel, and can be withdrawn at any time if needed.

After the military pay is issued, they are divided into different batches, take turns to take vacations, and move freely.

However, the soldiers rested, but Lu Chen and the others could not rest.

The casualties disappeared, so there is no need to count them, and there is no need to deal with the aftermath. It is only necessary to treat the slightly injured.

However, an army of up to 5 people is not just a matter of casualties.

For example, when the army goes to war, there are losses and gains.

How much arrows are lost, how much needs to be replenished, how much armor is broken, how much needs to be replaced, how much is worn out by weapons, how much needs to be polished and repaired.

How many horses are injured, whether to treat them, how much food is consumed, whether it is enough, whether to resupply.

Then after the war, what trophies were obtained, how much should be kept for oneself, how much should be sold, and how to sell what was sold.

All of these need statistics, and after the statistics are completed, they need to be processed.

So, rest, that's just for the soldiers to rest, Lu Chen and others can't stop, the things piled up in the study are still waiting for Lu Chen to deal with.

However, before Lu Chen entered the study, he was interrupted again.

"Report, my lord, the Marshal has summoned you."

"Huh? What exactly is it?"

"My lord, today I heard that the alien who killed General Di Gong entered the city. I think it has something to do with it."

"Oh, well, where is the messenger now?"

"Now wait at the gate of the barracks."


After Lu Chen finished speaking, he put on the Earl's uniform, and then went directly to the City Lord's Mansion, where Huangfusong was.

"Count Emperor, this time you have made a great contribution. You directly attacked the bandit Zhang Bao's camp and killed the bandit Zhang Bao. Not only did you greatly discourage the Yellow Turban Army, but you also regained most of the lost ground. When I return to the capital, I will do my best for you." You take credit."

As soon as Lu Chen walked to the door, he heard Huangfusong's bold voice coming from inside.

"Hey, Earl Qin is here too, come on, let me introduce you to a young talent, you are all of the same age, you can communicate more in the future.

This is the soul of the emperor who killed Zhang Bao forcefully. He has 30 elite cavalry under his command, full of talents and powerful combat power.

Come on, Earl Emperor, this is the Qin Feng I mentioned to you earlier, Earl Qin. "

"I've heard it before."

Lu Chen also looked at the emperor's soul that suddenly appeared. Lu Chen was also very curious. He didn't even know that he, a time traveler, was so mysterious.

So, at this time, I looked at this person quite curiously.

Emperor Soul, a black chain mail, must have an iron crown on his head, Lu Chen doesn't need to look at the attributes, it's not an ordinary-grade armor, at least it is a silver-level armor, or even a gold-level armor, because this and The armor of Xuanjia Army is somewhat similar, but it is different from Xuanjia.

In addition, this man was fair-faced, quite handsome, revealing a bit of nobility, but the occasional arrogance on his face made Lu Chen resist subconsciously, and his first impression of him was not very good.

"Earl Emperor's reputation has long been heard, like thunder."

"Okay, okay, as long as we know each other, since you have come, let's officially start the meeting."

"During this period of time, I personally led the army to recapture the five counties. However, recently, the resistance has been increasing. The chaos caused by the killing of Bocai has gradually subsided. These Yellow Turbans have gradually been incorporated into the army. , with the county seat as the center, to resist.

However, there is still good news. Earl Emperor Soul heard about the rebellion of the rebels and led 30 elite cavalry who had been fighting in Xianbei all year round to quell the rebellion. As soon as he arrived, he gave us a greeting and killed one of the rebel leaders directly. Zhang Jiao's younger brother, Zhang Bao, once again severely injured part of the Yellow Turban Army in Yuzhou, and the overall situation has also improved a lot.

Moreover, our Uncle Qin made new achievements, annihilating 150 million Yellow Turban troops in one fell swoop, and no one survived. "

As soon as Huangfusong finished speaking, the originally quiet meeting hall was a little noisy, many people whispered to each other, and looked at Lu Chen and the emperor's soul from time to time.


Following the sound, a dusty messenger held a token and rushed straight into the meeting hall.

"What's the urgent report?"

The messenger didn't report directly, but glanced left and right. Obviously, he had some concerns.

"It's okay, you go ahead."

"Zhang Jiao cast a demon method and defeated Dong Zhuo. The situation is urgent."

(End of this chapter)

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