Chapter 183 Dragon Tomb
Lu Chen didn't know what happened, so he was really a fool.

Obviously, the few velociraptors in the front are attracting attention, and the large force of velociraptors behind is waiting for the opportunity.

Moreover, their target was not the Xuanjia Army at the beginning, but their target was the war horses at the beginning.

Also, one has no ability to resist, and the other looks like a hedgehog covered with thorns.

That means even a fool knows how to choose.

The most infuriating thing is that he fell into the trap of a group of animals.

Lu Chen had to say that he probably underestimated these velociraptors.

Whether they rely on hunting instinct, or really have such a high level of intelligence.

They are not to be trifled with.

However, even so, Lu Chen was still furious, he was being played like a monkey.

However, maybe it was a smile from anger.

Not only did Lu Chen not see any anger on his face, but a sneer appeared on Lu Chen's face, a sneer that looked chilling.

"I, Lu Chen, am I someone you can easily provoke, please stay with me.

go! "

Lu Chen grabbed the silver-ranked spear of the soldier beside him and sprinted forward.

Push the right leg to the ground, push the tendons and joints to turn to the throwing direction, and the marrow drives the trunk, shoulders, upper arm, forearm, and finally throws from the fingers.

Under the influence of Lu Chen's huge strength and the internal force behind him.

The spear that was still in Lu Chen's hand seemed to travel through space.

Instantly crossing a distance of hundreds of meters, in the desperate eyes of the leading velociraptor, it stabbed fiercely into its body.

At this time, there was a crackling sound in everyone's ears.

This is the sound of a sonic boom.

When Lu Chen took them there, the other velociraptors had already disappeared.

Only the huge velociraptor stuck on the ground by the spear was left.

Lu Chen pulled out the spear from the Velociraptor.

Only then did I realize that this Velociraptor had turned into a mess of rotten meat.

It's just a piece of tough dragon skin wrapped in a lump of rotten meat.

Please excuse my use of the word lump.

After all, this is a long spear, not a javelin, and it is not very suitable for air fluids.

The reason why this long spear can fly so far and be so accurate is entirely due to the blessing of Lu Chen's strength, and he threw it violently.

Under such circumstances, when the spear hit the Velociraptor.

The huge power it carried was transferred to the Velociraptor's body, and because the skin was soft, it seemed that nothing happened, it was just torn.

And the sticky meat under the skin, and the bones inside the meat, were completely shattered under the impact of this force.

The originally hard bones also turned into bone dregs, which were incorporated into the minced meat.

To be honest, Lu Chen was a little shocked by this power.

It was just an outburst of anger before, just to vent your anger.

Even Lu Chen thought he could hit it.

After all, Lu Chen had never done similar throwing training before.

Under the great anger, the spirit was highly concentrated, staring at the biggest Velociraptor, and then threw the spear in his hand fiercely.

This can't help but make Lu Chen think.

I can't do bows and arrows myself. Although I really want to become a good archer, I have practiced archery for a lot of time.

But although there are no small results.

But it can only be regarded as a qualified archer.

I can't bring it up any further.

This made Lu Chen lose a long-range attack ability.

Now it seems, why not get some javelins?
Anyway, for me, the power is great, the internal force is strong, and the power of the javelin is even greater.

The shortcoming of lack of long-range attack ability cannot be kept, otherwise it is easy to be kited.

As a lord, what is it to charge into battle? Isn't it good to hide in the army and output peace of mind?

Lu Chen secretly made a decision, but he was not in a hurry.

Lu Chen took the two things that the soldiers handed over.

It's nothing else, it's a drop from the Velociraptor.One of them is a silver stone.

Lu Chen took a look at the attributes and breathed a sigh of relief.

Teleportation Stone: It can open the portal leaving the Dragon Tomb, last for a quarter of an hour, and return to the place where it entered the Dragon Tomb.

The portal that came over disappeared before, although Lu Chen looked calm on the surface, as if he didn't care.

But who knew how anxious Lu Chen was?You know, within ten days, he will go to Luoyang to receive the reward.

If you miss the time and don't go, the reward will definitely be gone, and you will even hate Han Lingdi and some officials.

You know, the influence of the Han Dynasty is still there, and it is still orthodox. Lu Chen can't do too much now, otherwise, Lu Chen will be the next one to be crusaded.

Even if you don't talk about this, just talk about Qin Ling.

This time is different from other times. In the past, although Lu Chen left the territory, he knew where Lu Chen had gone and could contact him at any time.

It's different now, once Lu Chen disappears for too long, who knows what will happen to the territory.

Therefore, Lu Chen also had a huge rock in his heart and couldn't breathe.

It's just that there are still five hundred soldiers here, so Lu Chen can't panic, otherwise the whole army will collapse if Lu Chen panics.

After all, they were also afraid, but when they saw Lu Chen's confident expression, they naturally had Dinghaishenzhen.

Therefore, when Lu Chen saw the teleportation stone, he let it go with a sigh of relief.

However, Lu Chen was attracted by the word "Longzhong" in the introduction.

If this teleportation stone can be used, it means that this is the Dragon Tomb.

The tomb of the real dragon.

In an instant, Lu Chen was excited. The tomb of the emperor known as the real dragon emperor was full of treasures, so what about the real dragon.

Even if there is nothing, the corpse of a real dragon is a supreme treasure.

Lu Chen stopped his masturbation, touched his chin, wiped away the non-existent saliva, calmed down, and started to check another drop.

Velociraptor eggs: Velociraptors can be hatched from velociraptors, and velociraptors can reach adulthood in a short period of time if they have enough meat.

Lu Chen held the dragon egg, and a dragon cavalry group composed of real dragons had already begun to appear in his mind.

This posture, even if the combat effectiveness is not good, it is enough to form a guard of honor.

I don't know why, since Lu Chen came here, the frequency of YY has become higher and higher.

I just don't know how often this dragon egg will drop. It would be great if the drop rate is higher.

Coincidentally, at this time, the soldiers reported that the several velociraptors that had attracted attention in front were dead.

Moreover, the soldiers also brought the drops of the Velociraptor, exactly five.

The drop rate is [-]%. Although it is a bit arbitrary, all of the six dead have dropped, which can already explain the problem.

However, to Lu Chen's disappointment, these five drops were all teleportation stones, without dragon eggs.

However, three are in and two are out.

Teleportation Stone: It can be used at the entrance of Dragon Tomb to open the entrance portal.

It was only then that Lu Chen remembered that the portal outside appeared only after Xiaolong became a prototype.

It's so dangerous, I almost couldn't get in.

PS: Thank you Panwangxing for the 1500 tip, and Suifeng for the 1000 tip, thank you (*°°)=3
(End of this chapter)

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