Chapter 184 Trying
Lu Chen broke out in a cold sweat when he saw this entering the teleportation stone.

Fortunately, it fell out, otherwise once I went out, and there was no dragon to open the passage, it would basically be insulated from the dragon mound.

However, Lu Chen guessed that this teleportation stone should definitely fall, but the direction of going out or entering is randomly generated.

This can be easily calculated by falling, and then it will be verified afterward.

Put away these teleportation stones, and put the dragon eggs in the backpack for the time being. They can still be put in before they hatch.

Lu Chen looked at the pile of remnants in front of him, and suddenly remembered something.

He took out a bronze-grade scimitar, and cut again and again at the damaged dragon skin on the ground.

There is also a layer of short white feathers growing on the skin of this velociraptor.

According to Lu Chen's observation, these feathers were entangled with some fine gas before, and the power of many feathers combined could make the velociraptor ignore its own inertia at high speed.

Now, these feathers also excel in defense.

When Lu Chen cut with the scimitar, he didn't use his internal strength, and even used only a few percent of his own strength.

Because, his own internal power is not universal, and the power he uses now, Lu Chen reckons, is almost the power of the sixth-level strength.

But under the action of this force, the Velociraptor's skin was extremely tough in front of the machete.

The scimitar cut on the feather, and the power was directly released by the feather. Even under the action of the feather, the power was deflected, and Lu Chen almost cut his own hand.

Lu Chen's strength increased bit by bit, without using any skills, simply increasing brute force.

The effect is astonishing, Lu Chen has been adding strength to the seventh level of strength to peel off the skin.

This is amazing.

Lu Chen's eyes became brighter and brighter.

You know, after the sub-profession is promoted to the special level, it will agree to awaken the same talent.

the study.

The professionalism of super sub-professionals has reached a peak.

Simply learning more blueprints, learning more item manufacturing, and simply manufacturing items is no longer enough to provide experience for super sub-professionals.

At the premium level, if you still want to make a breakthrough, what you need is innovation.

Yes, to create blueprints, only when you actually create a blueprint with a sufficient level can you gain experience and upgrade the level.

This is why Lu Chen's territory has long had a large number of super sub-professionals, and these sub-professionals have increased their aptitude by one level and have enough potential for promotion, but they have never been promoted.

After all, it's hard for a smart woman to cook without rice.

Without enough level materials, how do you conduct high level research, how to produce drawings with enough level.

Research out of thin air, and then use the most mundane materials to make high-grade items?
There may be such geniuses, but the number will definitely not be too many, at least Lu Chen has not discovered it yet.

Of course, a lot of high-grade things were discovered in the territory during this period of time.

Like Zhenhai wood, bloodthirsty vine, black iron and so on.

But you must know that there are not only a few occupations in the territory that have super talents.

But all occupations have super talents, more or less.

Therefore, in Lu Chen's reports, he can often see super talents making troubles.

Of course, it can't be said that it was a disturbance, just pestering the Minister of the Ministry of Industry, pestering Mu Le, and even blocking Lu Chen every day.

But Lu Chen had nothing to do with them.

Of course, if they really dare to make trouble and make trouble unreasonably, then Lu Chen has a lot of options, super talents?Is it rare?Arrogant?Then please find another job, the temple is too small to afford the Buddha.

But they just came to complain, saying how guilty they were, how they cultivated the territory, and they still eat and drink for free every day. We have to study, we have to contribute to the territory, and we have to repay the favor.

This kind of attitude is likely to be some old people, what can Lu Chen do.

All I can say is as soon as possible.

My brain hurts, why are there so many super-professionals?

Just a question of luxury.

However, it is so early to enter the grade.

Some time ago, I found a few types, and calmed down a few occupations.

But the problem not only did not appease, but also intensified.

The old man is like a child, this sentence is not just a saying.

Many people only know that children like to show off, but who knows that the elderly like to compare.

For these super sub-professionals, Lu Chen specially divided an area for them and their families to live in.

They came and went, many of them became friends.

Then these non-stop, I have items that can be researched, and before researching, I have to show off and compare with my old friends.

This time it exploded, blocking Lu Chen's study every three days.

Now, Lu Chen finally breathed a sigh of relief. Finally, he found the research items of the last profession, tailor. Before they advance, they can rest for a while.

After collecting all seven dragon balls, you can summon the dragon.

However, there is no butcher in the Xuanjia Army. Although it can be peeled off without authorization, it is definitely not as complete as a butcher, and there will be more parts that can be used by tailors.

Lu Chen was also unambiguous, and directly crushed a teleportation stone that went out.

A powerful force burst out from the broken teleportation stone, stretched Lu Chen's hand away, and flew into the air, to the place where Lu Chen had come in before.

Silently, the space in front of him gradually distorted.

The wormhole that Lu Chen saw before was formed again.

A quarter of an hour is enough for 500 people to pass through the wormhole.

After a while of twisting, Lu Chen and his party reappeared in the middle of the Wannian Zhenhai Wood Forest.

The difference from before was that this time there were a few fewer horses and a few more velociraptor corpses being carried.

For better logging, a village was directly established on this town island, after all, it is also a giant island.

Therefore, there are also butchers on the island.

However, Lu Chen didn't call the butchers on the island. Instead, he rushed back to the valley and gathered a group of high-level, even super-class butchers.

You must know that being a butcher is not so easy. Not only must you divide the corpse of the beast reasonably, but you must also have enough skills to divide the corpse.

You know, in this world, the leather of many beasts is extremely tough, and it is precisely because of this characteristic that they are made into wallets.

At the same time, this feature can also cause huge troubles for butchers.

Tough leather, where do you start, how to split perfectly and quickly?

Paoding disassembled the ox and disassembled thousands of oxen. The knife was not damaged at all, and it was still as good as new.

This is the best explanation for the profession of butcher.

Therefore, Lu Chen has to go back in person and call a group of butchers above senior level, otherwise ordinary butchers will not be able to divide it. If they are forced to divide it, whether it can be used is another matter.

(End of this chapter)

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