Online game three kingdoms heaven falls

Chapter 187 Re-entering Dragon Tomb

Chapter 187 Re-entering Dragon Tomb
One cut, two cuts, switch tools.

The skin is completely separated and folded into a square next to it.

Then, the intact pieces of meat are unloaded and piled together.

And finally the bones, piece by piece.

The whole process was smooth and flowing without any pause.

For some reason, Lu Chen always felt that this bloody decomposition suddenly brought a sense of beauty.

Looking at the butcher's every move, Lu Chen seemed to realize something, but he didn't seem to realize anything.

All roads lead to Rome.

No matter what profession, the level is high, and there are some interoperability.

It's just that Lu Chen's level is too low. Although he realized it, he didn't.

However, this is still beneficial to Lu Chen, but it cannot be revealed for the time being.

After the super butcher finished dismantling the tool, he didn't continue to do anything, but instead called ten senior butchers over.

Facing the corpse next to him, he kept talking, and at the same time, pointing at the corpse from time to time.

Then Lu Chen saw that these high-level butchers began to divide each corpse.

Their division is completely different. Not only is the speed far inferior to that of a super butcher, but there is also no aesthetic feeling at all, and the whole process is bloody.

However, after some bumps and bumps, one piece was cut up, but the materials obtained and usable were only less than two-thirds of those of a super-class butcher.

At this time, the super butcher answered Lu Chen's previous question.

"My lord, there is no problem, it can already be disassembled."

"Well, that's good, then you just wait here, and the corpse prey will be transported out after a while."


Lu Chen didn't wait any longer, took a deep look at the Zhenhai wood, and then led five hundred Xuanjia troops into the depths of Zhenhai Island.

As for why only the Xuanjia army is brought, that is because only the Xuanjia army can ignore this dragon's power because of the dragon and horse. Others, who are not at the king level, enter with [-]% of their combat power, and at most they can exert [-]% to [-]% of their combat power for a long time. Yes, and it is easy to have a nervous breakdown, how to bring it in.

Therefore, Lu Chen could only go in with five hundred Xuanjia troops.

Hunting, at the same time, training soldiers.

Yes, that's right, it's military training.

You know, the Xuanjia Army had already advanced to the fourth rank when they fought against the Black Shark Pirates.

How long has this period passed?

How many battles were fought during this period?

How many people were killed during this period?

Even the bloodthirsty value for the promotion of the Xuanjia army is full, and it has successfully advanced to a high-level special army, not to mention the fourth-level experience.

They have already reached the fourth-order limit and are on the verge of promotion.

And just after killing a few velociraptors, Lu Chen found that those soldiers had been promoted to rank five soldiers.

Afterwards, look at the combat records of the system.

These velociraptors are all Tier [-], and the velociraptor that Lu Chen personally killed is an elite. Compared with other velociraptors, it is probably a common type and a low-level special type. It is slightly more powerful, and its combat power is equivalent to The seventh-order ordinary velociraptor.

Of course, this is just the level, and the combat power has to be calculated separately. In the same level, the velociraptor and the human, without equipment, the human is basically not as good as the velociraptor.

Therefore, when Lu Chen brought the Xuanjia Army in, while hunting for materials, he was also training the Xuanjia Army's level.

In fact, Lu Chen also discovered an advantage.

When killing the Velociraptor, the bloodthirsty value of the Xuanjia Army increased far more than that of the human army. Although it is still far from the total number, it is still very impressive. Of course, Lu Chen will not let it go easily.

You must know that only the top special unit, the Xuanjia Army, can be truly called the Xuanjia Army, and it is worthwhile for Lu Chen to use a right that Lu Chen has reserved for a long time. (Anyone guess what it is? Salted fish really hasn't forgotten this.)
As long as the bloodthirsty value of the Xuanjia army is full, the strength of the Xuanjia army will undergo two consecutive transformations again, and the strength will break through the sky.

Therefore, whether it is for the resources in the Dragon Tomb, or for the excellent materials on the Dragonborn, or to improve the strength of the Xuanjia Army.

Longzhong, you must go in.

Use the teleportation stone to open the portal at the portal.

Entering the Dragon Tomb again, it was still the same place as before, and the wood that had been cut before was still on the ground.

The difference from before is that this time, I am not confused, but full of confidence and fighting spirit.

This time, it's for the hunt, for the hunter.

However, this time all the mounts of the Xuanjia Army stayed outside.

Although the horses of the Xuanjia Army are all high-quality war horses, they have no ability to resist in front of the dragon descendants.

However, this time there is still something different, that is, where the Velociraptor died, the blood stained on the ground has completely disappeared.

Moreover, the grass in that area is all messy, and there are some wide paw prints on the ground, which are several times larger than the Velociraptor.

Tell the people who come here that hunting, or being hunted, is just a thought.

This discovery accelerated the speed of the Xuanjia Army's construction of the camp.

The huge trees were driven into the ground whole, one after another, row after row.

A miniature camp with good defense was built in this way. Of course, it was just a wall, a defensive measure, and the inhabited part in the middle still needed to be built.

During the period, Lu Chen also mobilized a lot of crossbow arrows.

Although the army cannot be transferred in, the ordnance can always be.

The catapult was of little use, it was just a batch of crossbow bolts brought in.

It is not a small hand-held crossbow like the Qin crossbow, but a siege crossbow used for attacking and defending the city.

It should be said to be a ballista, a ballista bed, five feet long and three feet wide.

The crossbow arrows mounted on it are all thigh-thick.

Although there is no crossbowman control, the Xuanjia Army can barely do it, but the accuracy is a little bit worse, the rate of fire is two points slower, and they don't know how to maintain it.

Although there is an impact, it will not be too great.

As for the construction process, although the Xuanjia Army did not deliberately hunt.

However, the Velociraptors kept coming over, and they listed the Xuanjia Army as their hunting targets.

In this regard, the Xuanjia Army, which had been prepared for a long time, not only did not suffer, but was able to keep a few velociraptors each time, so it also gained a lot, and once again obtained a dragon egg and several teleportation stones.

It's just that the Velociraptor didn't come over later, probably because it felt that too many of its kind had died here.

As for why it has always been the Velociraptor, it is probably because this area is the hunting range of the Velociraptor.

However, Lu Chen felt something was wrong during this time, and he hadn't noticed it yet because he had been here for a short time.

It's been a long time now. According to Lu Chen's estimation, four or five days should have passed, but now the sun has only moved a certain distance and has not set.

This also means that the one here is not 24 hours.

Moreover, according to Lu Chen's estimation of the sun's position, it should only be ten o'clock noon.

(End of this chapter)

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