Chapter 188 Hunting
This was determined by Lu Chen based on the length of the shadow.

However, Lu Chen didn't pay much attention to it. The longer the day, it didn't have a substantial impact on him.

It's not that the flow of time has become faster, but the time is still flowing, it's just that the time of the day has become longer.

It's worth living, as long as you pay attention to the time record.

After the defenses were built, the camp was almost complete.

To live, of course, is to live directly in a tent, which is like a tent or a yurt, and can be set up in a short time.

So, at noon on this day, the rest was over.

Half of them stayed behind, and the other half were led by Lu Chen himself to hunt in the forest.

During the period of building the camp, it was not just a simple construction.

During this process, Lu Chen sent batch after batch of soldiers to investigate outside.

For the sake of safety, they didn't explore too far away, but they also got a general understanding of the situation within a few miles.

Now Lu Chen and the others are located in a big forest. This forest is very big. At least the exploration during this period has not seen the end.

And just beside it, there is a river flowing through the forest.

Generally speaking, in the wild, the place where the water source is is the gathering place of life.

It also means that there must be a large number of beasts next to the water source.

However, although Lu Chen knew this, he did not hunt along the river.

Because, the velociraptors alone generally have sixth-order strength.

What about other large dragons, is there only Velociraptor here?

This is impossible, as the huge footprint next to the camp can explain the problem.

Although Lu Chen was full of information about the Xuanjia Army, he was not arrogant enough to be invincible in this Dragon Tomb world.

Naturally, Lu Chen didn't dare to walk along the river.

However, for the sake of hunting efficiency, Lu Chen could not stay too far from the river.

That is, not far from the river, and then start hunting.

Since there are no hunters in the army, traps cannot be set up for hunting.

we can only do this.

Lu Chen led two hundred Xuanjia troops into the forest.

The forest is not like the forest in a fairy tale. Except for the trees, everything else is flat.

The real situation is that the trees grow side by side, blocking the sky, and only wisps of light shine in through the leaves, bringing a little light inside.

Among the trees, vines as thick as two fingers abound. The vines are intertwined with each other, weaving into a big net that no one can figure out.

Under the vines, there are clusters of shrubs, and inside the shrubs, above the vines, there are countless insects and snakes. As for whether they are poisonous or not, it depends on your luck.

If ordinary people come in, it is difficult to move an inch.

Fortunately, the Xuanjia Army is an elite unit equipped with excellent equipment.

A silver-ranked scimitar can easily cut through vines and shrubs.

The sulfur powder sprinkled on the body can also easily get rid of some insects and snakes.

Therefore, it is not very difficult to walk in it.

However, although walking is not very difficult, did Lu Chen come in for a walk?

They come in for hunting, and walking is not difficult, but if there is no use for prey, then what the hell is that.

In fact, this is also reasonable. Although this is a game, it is also a real world at the same time.

The wild beasts here will not attack people when they see them like wild monsters.

They also have this instinct to seek advantages and avoid disadvantages.

The survival of the fittest in the biological world has already kicked out creatures that cannot distinguish between strong and weak.

Those who can survive in this forest have keen perception.

Even if they don't know, the velociraptor in the hands of the Xuanjia army can wake them up a while ago.

Therefore, after feeling that they were not opponents, all the beasts on the movement route of the Xuanjia Army quietly left the area before meeting them.

In this forest, the agility of the army cannot be compared with the beasts that grow here.

This made Lu Chen have a feeling of strength and nowhere to use it, and he was extremely aggrieved.

Lu Chen had no choice but to think that the aura of a single soldier of the Xuanjia Army might not be very strong, but only about the general aura of the seventh rank.

But I can't help that the Xuanjia Army is an army, and it is also a high-level special unit. Two hundred breaths are fused into one, and it feels like a giant monster. How can ordinary beasts dare to attack.

But Lu Chen has nothing to do, it is impossible to deliberately disperse the breath, although as the leader, Lu Chen can do it.

However, this momentum is actually equivalent to the military spirit, the momentum is condensed, the military spirit is condensed, the momentum is huge, and the military spirit is usable.

How could it be deliberately broken up.

I have no choice but to continue to move forward, taking one step at a time.

As time goes by slowly.

Lu Chen and his party have already traveled quite a distance.

However, I don't know if it's because the forest is dark, narrow or because of other reasons.

Lu Chen felt a little depressed and bored at the moment.

The army moved forward step by step, and finally, after leaving this area, there was a feeling of enlightenment.

There are much fewer vines between the trees, the distance between the trees is widened, and the trees are much taller.

However, even though the light is better and the space is clearer, Lu Chen's oppressive feeling is still lingering.

Now, Lu Chen gradually felt that something was wrong. Before, he might feel depressed because of the small space, but now it is not so narrow. Why does he still feel so depressed? No, the situation is wrong.

At this moment, some voices came from behind Lu Chen, like the sound of his body passing through the trees and breaking the branches.

Lu Chen looked back suddenly, and saw five extra-large elite raptors appearing behind the army with hundreds of velociraptors.

However, the Xuanjia army was not afraid, but eager to try.

This is because, some time ago, the Xuanjia Army was powerless and very depressed.

Now seeing the velociraptors approaching in groups, my first thought was nothing but that I could finally have a carefree battle.

However, before they were happy, there were voices from all directions.

Not long after, hundreds of Velociraptors appeared in every direction.

And right in front of Lu Chen, an exceptionally huge velociraptor with golden scales growing on its head came out of the group of velociraptors, stared at Lu Chen, and roared.

Animals, carnivores, all have the same instinct, which is the instinct to divide territories.

They usually mark their territory by scent and warn other carnivorous beasts that this is my territory and you are not allowed to enter.

This is because, in a place, the prey on it is only enough to feed a certain number of hunters.

Therefore, in order to survive, hunters must occupy a territory, and other hunters are strictly prohibited from entering the hunt, otherwise, they will die endlessly.

The same goes for these velociraptors.

In fact, not long after the Xuanjia army entered the forest, it was known by the velociraptor group.

From their point of view, they are similar in strength, they are both hunters, and they have entered my territory, and they have not restrained their breath. This is a provocation and a signal: "Come on, let's start a battle for the territory."

(End of this chapter)

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