Chapter 189 Bloody Battle

Perhaps at any other time, the velociraptors may avoid the battle.

But at this time, as long as they don't have the strength to crush them, they will definitely fight head-on. This is the rule in the jungle.

If you want to hold the territory, you must fight, there is no other way.

Therefore, after receiving the challenge, the raptor lord has already summoned the velociraptor group to fight.

After this battle, either, the Velociraptor wins and continues to occupy this territory.

Or, the Velociraptor was defeated, left this area, and was robbing other territories.

Just like one mountain cannot accommodate two tigers, the two cannot coexist on the same territory.

Of course, it is also possible that the forces are evenly matched, and then the territory will be divided into half, but this situation is very rare.

Looking at the group of Velociraptors that surrounded him.

There are about [-] velociraptors in this group of velociraptors. According to Lu Chen's observation, there are about [-] elites, and one beast king whose level is unknown.

A howling sound came from all directions.

Accompanied by the sound, the velociraptor's originally restrained momentum and aura were also exposed.

While roaring, wave after wave of aura rushed towards the Xuanjia Army like sea waves, trying to overwhelm the Xuanjia Army and reduce the combat effectiveness of the Xuanjia Army.

It has to be said that the hunting instinct of these velociraptors is really strong. Although they have no wisdom, they still subconsciously choose a fighting method that is beneficial to them.

However, when the aura of these thousands of velociraptors was about to press on the Xuanjia army.

The originally condensed momentum of the Xuanjia army was mobilized.

Although surrounded by velociraptors.

Not to mention that the Xuanjia Army itself is powerful, as the saying goes, those with high skills are bold and not afraid of these velociraptors.

Just say that Lu Chen is here, and everything can be guaranteed.

The guards, the Xuanjia army, as long as Lu Chen is around, their morale will not be affected in any way.

Therefore, in the face of the aura of the Velociraptor, the Xuanjia Army did not change at all.

You can do whatever you want, and the breeze blows over the hills.

The aura of the two hundred Xuanjia troops condensed into one body, compared with the chaotic velociraptor's aura.

One is sand and the other is stone.

The overwhelming aura fell on Xuanjiajun.

It's like the sea water is slapping on the reef, the reef has not changed, and the sea water is torn apart.

Moreover, the Xuanjia Army is not the type to sit and be beaten.

When under attack, there is no need for the general to lead, the momentum of the army is automatically condensed into a greedy wolf shape, full of aggressiveness.

The momentum was like a broken bamboo, but the momentum of the velociraptor group was suppressed by the Xuanjia army, which was far inferior to them.

The velociraptor's eyes were full of aggressiveness just now, but now it showed a bit of hesitation and fear.

The combat power was invisible and directly lost by a few percent.

Although the imposing competition is invisible, although it cannot cause any substantial damage to the opponent.

However, the impact it caused was not inferior to any substantial blow.

However, at this moment, when the momentum of the Velociraptor was suppressed, the Velociraptor Beastmaster moved.

With a bloody mouth and a long roar, it seemed extremely powerful for a while.

Even, Lu Chen saw a bit of Tyrannosaurus rex on him.

I saw the velociraptor herd attacking in one fell swoop under the order of the beast king.

Lu Chen secretly sighed a pity, and blurted out an admiration.

"Such a keen perception, such a strong instinct, such a precise timing."

You know, although the momentum of the Velociraptor was overwhelmed by the Xuanjia Army just now.

However, it is just a little bit higher.

Although the Velociraptor has the upper hand, its momentum has not yet collapsed.

It's a pity for Lu Chen that if the Beastmaster had been dragging for a while just now, he would definitely be able to take advantage of the victory and chase down the momentum of the Velociraptor.

It can even directly defeat their will to fight, so that they can surrender without fighting.

Unfortunately, as soon as he showed a little defeat, the Beastmaster launched an attack.

At this time, although morale has some impact, the impact will not be too great, at least, it will not be greater than later.

However, although Lu Chen felt sorry, he didn't panic, let's fight, let's fight.

Originally, the velociraptor was not very far away from the Xuanjia army, and under the sprint, it would soon come to the Xuanjia army.

However, it is not that simple to come here.


The gold-level Qin crossbow carried behind his back was taken into his hand, and the arrows on it flew out amidst the crackling of the bowstring.

In the current situation, there is no need to aim, as long as you shoot towards the front, you will definitely be able to hit.

It has already been surrounded without leaving any gaps.

However, although it is also Qin Nu, the situation is completely different from the previous few days.

What is the strongest point of human beings?wisdom.

In the past, no enemy could withstand the Qin crossbow plus bronze-level armor-piercing arrows, so the Xuanjia army has always used the bronze-level Xuanjia army.

But this does not mean that there are no higher-level armor-piercing arrows in Zhiqin Ling.

You know, a high-grade metal mine has already been found.

Moreover, the super-class blacksmith has already been researching, for such a long time, has all kinds of blessings from the Qin Dynasty, and has a bronze-level armor-piercing arrow as a template.

Arrows, the simplest items, can be replaced long ago.

It's just that the bronze level is enough, so why waste it and use the silver level black iron armor-piercing arrow?Are crossbows free of money?
However, after arriving here, it was discovered that the bronze-level armor-piercing arrows could not penetrate the Velociraptor.

After knowing this, in order to increase the damage, Lu Chen immediately changed the armor of the Xuanjia Army and replaced it with the Xuantie Arrow.

What will happen to the gold-level crossbow and the silver-level crossbow?What effect will it cause?
The already terrifying lethality and penetration will double again.

like now.

The arrows that could not penetrate a velociraptor penetrated several velociraptors again and again, and then stayed in the body of a velociraptor.

Under this round of shooting, nearly a thousand velociraptors died directly, some were shot to death directly, and some were shot and then trampled to death.

The velociraptor will not avoid it just because it is the same kind that fell on the ground.

To fall to the ground means death.

However, after the crossbow arrow made great achievements in one fell swoop, it was carried behind its back again.

After a round of crossbow arrows, the Velociraptor was already very close to the Xuanjia Army.

There was not enough time for them to cum again.

Put down the crossbow and pick up the spear that was put aside.

Leaning forward, the butt of the gun was pressed against the ground.

One after another, forming a gun forest, unloading as much power as possible.

Use the infantry to deal with the cavalry charge to deal with the huge impact brought by the velociraptor rushing over.

And Lu Chen was not in the army either.

At this time, when everyone was surrounded by velociraptors, Lu Chen felt a little empty in front of him.

Because, in front of Lu Chen, the huge velociraptor with golden scales on its head was rushing towards Lu Chen.

As if they knew that Lu Chen was the leader, they approached Lu Chen and had a king-to-king battle.

PS: Thank you Karma Master for the 200 tip, thank you.

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(End of this chapter)

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