Chapter 191 Wildness

It was already boiling, Lu Chen directly stretched out his hand, forcibly blocking the claws.

Although the sharp claws had brought three hideous wounds to Lu Chen's hand, the white bones could already be seen through the wounds on his right arm.

But what's the matter, Lu Chen didn't say a word, held up his left hand, and threw it at the Beast King.

However, it was also blocked by the Beastmaster.

Before Lu Chen could change his tactics, the Beastmaster opened his bloody mouth and bit Lu Chen.

It was like trying to devour Lu Chen.

Lu Chen had no choice but to step back and punch the Beastmaster's head again.This time, the top of the skull with the golden scales was not chosen as the target.

It's the side of the Velociraptor, where the cheeks are.

However, the punch didn't hit. He thought he had just received a blow, and knew that Lu Chen's fist was not light, so he began to dodge.

Because of its size, the Velociraptor was two feet tall. If Lu Chen wanted to attack the Beastmaster's head, he had to jump up.

This gave the Beastmaster another chance.

The long tail has long been ready to go, just waiting for Lu Chen to show its flaws.

But in the experience of the Beastmaster, in the air, he cannot move. This is not a flaw, so what is.

After discovering that Lu Chen jumped into the air again, he swung his tail out again.

However, this time, it was not like the previous one, which made great achievements in one fell swoop.

When he was hit before, it was just Lu Chen punching with all his strength, and his body was in an embarrassing situation where the old strength was gone and the new strength was not born.

But now, Lu Chen already knew that the Beast King could easily dodge and take his own attack hard, so why would he attack with all his strength? This punch was just a cover, to cause the Velociraptor to attack again.

Before the beast king's tail was about to hit Lu Chen, a golden light appeared on Lu Chen's body.

The ancient scriptures of Yulong are attached to the pace, and the dragon moves.

The body is like a swimming dragon, changing flexibly in the air.

While dodging the Beastmaster's attack, he firmly grasped the tail that flashed in front of his eyes with both hands.

Then a jack fell and fell to the ground.

The tail is swung at a huge speed, and it carries huge power and kinetic energy.

Although Lu Chen caught a piece of it, under the huge force, the tail kept slipping out.

At the same time, the arm was ground and bloody.

The flesh and blood on the fingers has even been completely worn away, and the bones on the fingers can be seen.

And Lu Chen didn't seem to feel any pain.

Using his fingers again, he inserted his fingers into the tail fiercely.

Only then did he grab the Beastmaster by the tail.

Looking at the surprised Beastmaster, Lu Chen had a sneer on his face.

Under the rendering of blood and flesh on the face, this sneer is a bit creepy.

The Beastmaster kept wagging his tail, trying to shake Lu Chen away.

However, Lu Chen's legs were driven into the ground like two iron stakes, and his fingers seemed to be nailed to the tail, unmoved at all.

Lu Chen's arm muscles were extremely hard, like cast iron, bursting out with amazing strength.


Amidst Lu Chen's cry, a burst of strength suddenly appeared all over his body.

In front of the two hundred Xuanjia troops who heard the sound and looked over.

The huge body of the Beastmaster was slowly dragged by Lu Chen.

The beast king's claws scooped out two deep trenches in the ground.

The previous stalemate was fine, but once the Beastmaster let go, he would be defeated immediately.

With the strength of Lu Chen's arm, the huge body of the Beast King was thrown high in Lu Chen's howling body.

Trees were smashed one by one, and a clearing was cleared in the dense forest.

boom! !

The huge body of the beast king was smashed to the ground, creating a huge hole in the ground.

Boom boom boom! ! !
Again and again, the Beast King was thrown back and forth by Lu Chen, hitting the ground again and again, hitting the tree stump, hitting the boulder, hitting the ground.

Again and again, the Xuanjia Army was stunned.Even the velociraptor, who was still extremely ferocious before, seemed to be timid, retreating step by step, retreating.

The Xuanjia army had also reached their limit. Before, they had been holding on with a single breath. Seeing how powerful Lu Chen was, they also increased their strength out of thin air.

However, although he still has the ability to fight, he didn't pursue it. He just watched the velociraptor flee and slowly disappeared into the depths of the dense forest.

Lu Chen didn't know how many times he swung, ten times?more than.

twenty?not enough.At least 50 times.

Lu Chen grabbed his tail, he could no longer feel the strength of the beast king's struggle. However, just to be on the safe side, Lu Chen did not let go, but continued.

He didn't throw the Beastmaster's body down until he felt nothing in his arm.

Yes, the corpse, the Beastmaster is already dead. Although there are no signs of injury on the outer skin, the inside of the body, the internal organs, and the brain have already turned into a puddle of paste in the frequent and huge impacts. Can't be dead anymore.

After Lu Chen dropped the beast king's body, he ignored the Xuanjia army who rushed over.

Eyes slightly closed, slowly absorbing the harvest this time.

In the ancient times, the ancient human race had no weapons or tools, and relied on punches and palms, and relied on their own flesh to continue the race on the wild land full of crises in ancient times.

This is an instinct, an instinct engraved deep in the blood.

In the absence of weapons, a hearty hand-to-hand battle was carried out.

By chance and coincidence, Lu Chen seemed to stimulate this instinct, and he had a little more understanding of physical combat.

As the perception was absorbed, Lu Chen's body began to emit a light.

The light is milky white.

The strange thing is that the light is curved, and the light spread by the curve is very strange.

This light enveloped Lu Chen, looking like a light cocoon.

Li Jindao saw that Lu Chen became cocooned without saying a word. With his simple mind and poor knowledge, it was impossible to understand what happened to Lu Chen.

But this does not prevent him from knowing that the lord has something to do now and cannot leave.

Then, as the personal guards, what we have to do is to guard the surroundings until the lord wakes up, or our own death.

After such a fierce battle, the place is already a mess.

The ground was covered with flesh and blood, and the soil had been stained scarlet with blood.

In this forest, this extremely strong smell of blood has already wafted out.

After the beasts living in this forest smelled the bloody smell.

Some weak beasts immediately ran in the opposite direction, or hid deeply in their dens.

Because its beast instinct told it that in which direction, there would be a bloody storm, and they already smelled the smell of death.

And more, after smelling the smell of blood, the eyes glowed red.

The nose twitched slowly, unfolded the body, and rushed towards that direction quickly and silently.

At this moment, the air in the forest seemed to have stagnated.

(End of this chapter)

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