Online game three kingdoms heaven falls

Chapter 192 The Law of the Jungle

Chapter 192 The Law of the Jungle
Dragon Tomb, in a forest.

There was an area where the trees were broken and the ground was potholed.

In some pits, blood also gathered, forming blood puddles.

Moreover, here, there are thousands of dinosaur corpses lying down, and the strong smell of blood can almost suffocate people to death.

However, within this area, there were two hundred armored men gathered together.

They all looked resolute, and it could be seen from their faces that they were very tired, but they still persisted, enduring the pungent bloody smell, and guarding here.

Because, now, their master is among them.

Now, the forest is extremely quiet, and even the sounds of insects that are ubiquitous at ordinary times don't know when it will quiet down.

Like that, the calm before the storm.

These experienced soldiers also felt that the atmosphere was not right, so they cheered up quickly.

Not long after, a rustling sound came from the forest around them.

Under the cover of the trees, the light in the forest is not good, and the viewing distance is not far.

However, in the depths of the forest where everyone looks dark.

Suddenly, eyeballs with green light appeared.

Accompanied by the rustling sound, things in the darkness appeared before everyone's eyes.

Seeing this, Li Jindao couldn't help but gasped.

As they approached, ferocious beasts appeared in front of everyone.

It would be fine if it was just a wild beast, what appeared in front of them was not an ordinary wild beast.

Look at the saber-toothed tiger with a height of four or five meters, and the giant titan with a waist circumference of almost one meter.

Neng Neng, and that, a four-meter-high wolf covered in silver-white fur, and behind him, gray wolves that were comparable to tanks.

If ordinary people were here, they would probably be scared out of their wits.

However, fortunately, it was the Xuanjia Army who faced these beasts.

The Xuanjia army are all predators, and they have experienced many battles. Just now, they slaughtered a group of velociraptors. Naturally, they are not afraid.

This is the so-called surprise.

The calm did not last long.

In the middle of Xuanjia Army's solemn expression, they moved.

Qin Nu didn't know when it was taken out by the Xuanjia Army.

The black iron arrow that was shot before has been retrieved, and the crossbow arrow has been wound up again.

Sharp and heavy black iron arrows are ready to go.

The crossbow arrows were held by the Xuanjia army, and moved slowly with the movement of the giant beast.

The moment the Qin crossbow appeared, all the giant beasts froze.

Their instincts felt the cold killing intent, as if they had no ability to resist and would die at any time.

However, although their bodies were stagnant because of the crossbow arrows, they did not stop.

He ran to the corpse of the Velociraptor, bit a corpse, then looked back at the Xuanjia Army, and disappeared into the darkness of the forest.After all these giant beasts were gone, there were only less than a thousand, about eight hundred velociraptors hunted by the Xuanjia Army.

In other words, in this short period of time, the [-] velociraptor corpses obtained by the Xuanjia Army through hard hunting were reduced by [-], leaving only [-].

However, although Li Jindao was heartbroken, there was no accident, and he was already mentally prepared that he would not be able to take everything back.

Moreover, it is not too bad to use these velociraptor corpses to drive away a group of ferocious behemoths.

One might wonder why these behemoths go away so easily.

In fact, this is also purely normal.

In this forest, or in the wild where wild beasts infested.

Beasts don't fight like fools.

The fact is exactly the opposite. Not only are they not aggressive, but they are also very war-avoiding.

They will not fight easily unless they are forced to.

Because fighting means getting hurt.

For beasts, if they are injured, it may be fatal. After all, whether the wound will be inflamed, rotted, or infected with viruses are all problems they have to face.

They are not human beings, have no doctors, no hospitals, and cannot heal wounds. At most, they can chew some herbs and spit on the wounds.

Another point is that injury means a decline in one's own state.

And their own state declines, ranging from hunting to being affected, starving for a few days, and then the state is even worse, and hunting is more difficult.

If it is serious and the combat power drops too much, it will even change from the status of the hunter to the hunted.

After all, the wound also means the smell of blood, which is easy to attract hunters.

Therefore, beasts will not fight unless they are forced to.

But now, there are more than 1000 velociraptor corpses on the ground, all of which are spread all over the floor, so that you can't take them all, so why do you want to beat them?It's not being cheap, no.

Therefore, after observing the situation here, they took a corpse and left. They were not greedy, at least they would not have the idea of ​​possessing all the corpses.

However, although they are gone, it does not mean that the matter is over.

You know, in such a terrible battle, so many velociraptors died, and the smell of blood is terrifying.

The smell of blood that can be attracted is also terrifying.

This batch left, and not long after, the next batch came. After discovering the Xuanjia Army, they did not act rashly, and quietly took a corpse and left.

One wave, two waves.

After the third wave of beasts also left, Li Jindao's heart arose again, the velociraptor corpse was gone.

Not long after, the beast came here again.

After failing to find the food they wanted, their green eyeballs turned to the Xuanjia army who was waiting in full battle, and the blood of the velociraptor stained on them.

However, the Qin Nu that exudes the smell of death is like a piece of ice, calming their wildness that is approaching madness.

It made them feel a little hesitant. They looked at the Xuanjia Army, and then at themselves, beside them.

Some beasts, after measuring with simple brains, backed away silently and disappeared into the darkness.

However, more beasts' eyes were covered with a layer of blood, and they began to approach the Xuanjia Army silently.

However, Li Jindao, who had been staring closely at this place, saw all of these.

"It seems that this battle is inevitable."

Li Jindao looked back at the unchanging light cocoon, and his lord, Lu Chen, was inside.


Two hundred black iron arrows flew out, shooting wild beasts into sieves.

You know, even the dragon-born velociraptor can't stop the black iron arrow, and it can be easily penetrated, not to mention these beasts that are not as good as the velociraptor.

Being shot by this round, this wave of beasts died in sevens and eighties.

The rest, who dared to rush forward, were assassinated by the Xuanjia army with a few shots.

However, before the Xuanjia army took a breath, they re-strung the Qin crossbow.

Hundreds of beasts followed the smell and found this place.

After discovering the Xuanjia Army, they immediately launched an attack.

PS: Please subscribe, please recommend, please give a reward, the recent poor performance is unbelievable, I hope everyone can give me some feedback.

One month, one month on the shelves, the average order increase is [-], and it has not reached [-] now, I really don't want to say anything.

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(End of this chapter)

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