Online game three kingdoms heaven falls

Chapter 193 Tyrannosaurus Rex

Chapter 193 Tyrannosaurus Rex

"What wave is it?"

"Report to the commander, this is already the thirteenth wave."

"It's been thirteen waves, has the lord changed?"

"My lord hasn't changed in any way."

Two days have passed since Lu Chen cocooned.

During these two days, a steady stream of wild beasts came over following the smell of blood. After coming over, they seemed to be possessed by demons, rushing into the battlefield one after another.

Then he was killed by the Xuanjia Army, and he faced a mountain of meat in front of the Xuanjia Army, and the bloody smell intensified again.

Li Jindao didn't know how many wild beasts he had killed. Fortunately, only some wild beasts came over during this time, not giant beasts. They didn't pose much threat to the Xuanjia army. The army is more tired.

Just when Li Jindao took a short break to take a break and wanted to retrieve some black iron arrows, he was here to string the Qin crossbow.

A group of beasts came out of the dark forest again.

Li Jindao immediately assembled his team, ready to meet the enemy.

Just when these beasts were about to attack the Xuanjia Army.

I don't know what happened, but under Li Jindao's surprised eyes, he ran away, and Li Jindao looked confused.

And, after that, a steady stream of beasts passed by Li Jindao all the time, but they ran away without even looking at the Xuanjia army.

Li Jindao gradually had an ominous premonition in his heart.

Probably what comes to mind, what comes, of course, good spirits do not work, bad spirits.

No matter what Li Jindao said, he was already a super general, and his perception was not bad.

Standing on the ground now, he could feel the ground vibrating a little bit, bit by bit, the vibration became stronger and stronger.

Boom boom boom! !

The sound of trees falling to the ground continued to come, accompanied by increasingly intense vibrations.

The speed of this vibration became stronger, and the sound was getting closer.

All of this told Li Jindao that there was a huge monster coming here.

Sure enough, not long after, a giant beast, or a dragon descendant, squeezed away from the big tree in front and appeared in front of Li Jindao.

If Lu Chen was awake now, he would tell him that this ninety-foot-tall dragon descendant was named Tyrannosaurus rex.

Also known as Tyrannosaurus, it is one of the undisputed overlords of the dinosaur era. Velociraptor is not even worthy of lifting shoes in front of it.

Although, T-Rex didn't wear shoes.

Li Jindao could only hope that this terrifying beast was just passing by, not coming for them.

However, as I have just said, good spirits do not work, bad spirits do.

As soon as the Tyrannosaurus Rex appeared, it ran directly towards the Xuanjia Army.

Of course, maybe Tyrannosaurus rex really didn't pay attention to the ants-like Xuanjia army next to it.

Go straight to the corpses of various beasts piled up next to him.

With a big mouthful, he bit it directly, and in one bite, hundreds of catties, thousands of catties of meat were eaten.

However, when eating, for the sake of convenience, he turned around.

The tail moved accordingly and flicked over.

Perhaps it was to prove that good spirits are not evil spirits, just a simple flick of the tail envelops the Xuanjia Army.

Perhaps for the Tyrannosaurus rex, it was just a slight flick of the tail without much effort.

You can see from the sunken ground under the Tyrannosaurus rex's feet that the weight of the tail is not light, even if it is lightly swung on the body of the Xuanjia army, the Xuanjia army will be smashed to pieces and directly smashed into the air.

However, at this moment, the Xuanjia Army disappeared instantly, and a Greedy Wolf no more than three feet tall appeared on the spot.

The Greedy Wolf Army Formation was finally used.

However, what a powerful Tanlang can be condensed from two hundred exhausted Xuanjia troops.

Although it was forcibly condensed by a strand of will, Tanlang's size has shrunk significantly, and it is only three feet high.

Even Tanlang's body is illusory, without any substance, and the Xuanjia army can even be seen through the wolf's body, it's just a crossbow.

However, fortunately, Lu Chen had already made preparations.

The moment Greedy Wolf condensed, the iron-blooded battle flag condensed, and all the surrounding blood condensed into the battle flag.

In an instant, Tanlang was dyed blood red.

Moreover, its size doubled in an instant. Although it was not as big as Tyrannosaurus rex, it was not without the ability to resist.

The tail, which was incomparably terrifying just now, hit Tanlang now, but it was just like scratching an itch, without any effect.

This time, the Xuanjia Army finally attracted the attention of the Tyrannosaurus rex, isn't it? A greedy wolf that can pose a threat to him appeared beside him. A few meters high.

Looking at the Tyrannosaurus rex, this greedy wolf is here to grab food, needless to say, fuck it.

No confrontation, no foreplay.

Tyrannosaurus Rex has absolute confidence in himself, so he can do whatever he looks at.

In an instant, the two behemoths fought.

Of course, under Li Jindao's deliberate guidance, their battlefield is not here, but a few hundred meters away.

These two behemoths are as high as several floors, and they can fight well.

A mile around is their battlefield, the trees within a mile have been flattened, and, from time to time, you can see the blood spilled down on the ground and body tissues, for example, large pieces of meat.

However, even though Li Jindao flipped the table and showed all his hole cards.

But after all, there are only two hundred Xuanjia troops. After all, the Xuanjia troops are already at the end of their strength.

In the face of the overlord-level existence of Tyrannosaurus rex, it still lacks a little bit.

In fact, it was better in the early stage. Although it didn't account for the upper points, it didn't have a big disadvantage. Even, Tanlang bit off a huge piece of meat from the Tyrannosaurus rex's thigh, causing it to suffer a lot of injuries.

However, this time it also pissed off the Tyrannosaurus rex.

The tyrannosaurus rex screamed loudly, and the horny skin that was originally black radiated golden light.

One after another golden scales drilled out from under the skin.

In an instant, the lacquered Tyrannosaurus rex turned into a Tyrannosaurus rex covered in golden armor.

Under the direct sunlight, the majestic, 24K pure titanium alloy dog ​​eyes are blinded by the flash.

After the transformation, the fighting power of the Tyrannosaurus Rex also directly exploded.

Speed, defense, and attack directly break through the sky.

With a flick of the tail and a hit of the head hammer, Tanlang was already beaten to the ground, trying to stand up, but was still knocked down again and again.

In the end, the Tyrannosaurus rex's bloody mouth directly bit Tanlang's head.

And what is Lu Chen doing at this time?

Yesterday, after a bloody battle, Lu Chen felt something in his heart.

The regular chains integrated into the soul emitted light, forming a light cocoon to wrap Lu Chen inside.

After Lu Chen was completely wrapped in a light cocoon, the rules that were originally only in the soul continued to expand.

In addition, even the soul is continuously enlarged until the soul becomes the same size as the body, and the rules stop changing. At this time, the soul is already extremely thin. After all, it is like a little paint, which is very rich in a glass of water. But it is very thin in a tank of water, that's the reason.

PS: I hope everyone can support the genuine version, thank you
(End of this chapter)

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