Online game three kingdoms heaven falls

Chapter 194 Out of the Cocoon

Chapter 194 Out of the Cocoon
At this time, although the soul is thin, it is as big as the physical body.

Together with the rules, it slowly merges with the physical body.

Lu Chen looked inside and was at a loss when he found this situation.

What exactly happened, Lu Chen didn't know.

In the previous life, although he knew that there were rules, he did not understand the rules. This was also the pain in Lu Chen's heart. If the rules were not involved, he would not be able to touch the top circle.

Therefore, Lu Chen doesn't know much about the rules, he only knows that they are very important and powerful, and will evolve into different talents, even supernatural powers.

Moreover, without rules, the future path will be interrupted, and the level will be lowered. Lu Chen is not clear about the others.

However, based on Lu Chen's experience, based on what happened during this period of time, there is still a little speculation. I am afraid that this is the awakening of talent.

Before, Lu Chen was injured because of the sea of ​​consciousness. Although he successfully comprehended the rules, he had no talent.

But this time, first of all, Long Wei touched the rules of the soul, causing the rules to change, and secondly, it was Lu Chen and the Velociraptor King who fought hand-to-hand and realized something.

And just as Lu Chen guessed, the rules that have been completely integrated with the soul began to touch the body.

This time, something went wrong, as soon as the heavy rules touched the flesh.

Although the physical body has strengthened a lot for no reason during this period, although the rules are just a phantom, although the rules have been integrated with the soul, this is not what the physical body can bear.

The moment of fusion, the physical body collapsed little by little under Lu Chen's terrified expression.

This is not a collapse caused by external force, but a disintegration from the inside to the outside, starting from the depths of the cell, little by little.

It's like Thanos snapped his fingers and was erased by the Infinity Stone.

Lu Chen didn't have time to react, and he didn't even have time to take the Xiao Huan Pill, the whole thing dissipated, and there wasn't even a scum left in the light cocoon.

However, Lu Chen suddenly discovered that he was not dead, at least he was still conscious.

Lu Chen realized that he didn't have a body, so he could only be regarded as an existence.

No ears, but can hear voices, no brain, but can think.

Moreover, Lu Chen could clearly feel the existence of rules.

However, there is only one rule, which is the rule that I integrated into my soul before.

Suddenly, Lu Chen felt that something was added to him, his form of existence was changed, and he was once again attached to a physical body.

Looking at the past, in this light cocoon, there is an extra cell, or fertilized egg, which is invisible to the naked eye.

And Lu Chen is attached to it at this time.

Only at this time did Lu Chen discover his own form.

An illusory human form, one that is exactly the same as the physical body, but it is only illusory.

Come to think of it, this is the soul.

At this time, I was looking at the fertilized egg, which was located on the left chest of Lu Chen's soul.

It begins to divide and grow rapidly.

This zygote goes from invisible to visible.

Moreover, it becomes larger at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Stem cells, tissues, internal organs.

In the end, a heart beat directly in this void.

This is not over yet. After the heart appeared, not only did the speed not slow down, it even accelerated several times.

Every time the heart contracts and expands, a part of the tissue grows.

Bones, internal organs, blood vessels, skin, appear little by little.

In the end, Lu Chen reappeared in this light cocoon, a powerful heart was beating thumpingly, and with one beat, the blood delivered was several times that of before.

Under such circumstances, Lu Chen's heart rate decreased and his heart became stronger.

However, Lu Chen had no time to take into account the changes in his body.

Put your hands directly into the light cocoon that wraps you in front of your eyes.


As if the sound of tearing could be heard, a hole was torn open in the oval light cocoon, and Lu Chen jumped out of it.

The light cocoon turned into bits of light and dissipated away.

Now, Greedy Wolf has been knocked into the air by the Tyrannosaurus rex's head hammer, and now, the two hundred Xuanjia troops are already at the critical point of life and death.

Normally, if the Greedy Wolf Army Formation was broken, it would be just a little injury, and it would be fine after a few days of recuperation, no big deal.

But it is different now, after such a long battle, the Xuanjia Army has reached its limit.

Just like the ultimate camel, it will collapse after adding a straw, and the Xuanjia Army is the same, there can be no more straw.

Now that the Xuanjia army is in this situation, the army formation collapses, and it will not die or be disabled.

This is why Lu Chen is so anxious.

Although he was in the light cocoon before, it doesn't mean that Lu Chen doesn't know the situation outside.

Although he couldn't see it, according to the voice he heard, Lu Chen knew exactly what happened outside.

The Xuanjia army guards itself, giant beasts attack, wild beasts attack, and the last Tyrannosaurus rex attacks.

Lu Chen knows all about condensing the army formation and condensing the iron-blooded battle flag.

Therefore, as soon as Lu Chen's body condensed, he broke out of the cocoon without having time to check his own situation.

As soon as Lu Chen came out, a monstrous force dominated the sky.

Tyrannosaurus rex is so powerful, so its perception is naturally not weak.

In this prehistoric and ancient aura, it felt pressure and a killing intent aimed at itself.

That's okay, I didn't have time to take care of the illusory greedy wolf next to me, so I turned around and faced Lu Chen's direction.

Mouth kept growling.

Roar! !

It was like threatening Lu Chen.

Lu Chen found out that the Tyrannosaurus rex's target had been diverted, so he breathed a sigh of relief.

If the Tyrannosaurus rex attacked the Xuanjia army just now, I really have no choice. After all, although the distance between the two is not far.

But there are more than two miles, and when I rush over, the day lily will be cold.

Now, Lu Chen stomped his foot heavily and rushed forward.

With one foot, a radius of tens of meters sank, with Lu Chen as the center, the ground cracked.

And Lu Chen, under the circumstances of this reaction force, instantly disappeared in place.

The body moves forward quickly.

Because Li Jindao was worried about affecting Lu Chen, he deliberately took the Tyrannosaurus away from this area, so the trees here were basically not damaged.

When Lu Chen was running, he rammed all the way, and a straight tree was hit directly.

Then, Lu Chen fell headlong into the soil.

"Bah, bah, shit."

Lu Chen stood up and spat out a mouthful of dirt and leaves.

Then he rushed towards the Tyrannosaurus rex again, this time it was okay, although the trees on the road were not spared.

But at least, Lu Chen didn't eat dirt anymore.

Two kilometers, at Lu Chen's speed, it only took tens of seconds.

Standing in front of Tyrannosaurus rex, although it is like an ant, it can be trampled to death with one foot.

But the aura that emanated made Tyrannosaurus rex not dare to underestimate it, and it was ready to fight.

The two sides formed a confrontation.

However, because of the soaring power before, I couldn't control the power very well, which caused me to hit a lot of trees and eat a lot of soil when I was on the road. Now there are some problems with my image.

There is nothing left of what should have been a forceful style (““”).

(End of this chapter)

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