Online game three kingdoms heaven falls

Chapter 198 Darkness Covers the Earth

Chapter 198 Darkness Covers the Earth
Pick up a straight and white tooth, and click on the property page.

Flood Dragon Tooth (Gold Grade Material): A tooth of a golden dragon.

Abilities: Bash, Sharpness, Bleeding
Lu Chen looked at it and was shocked. The dragon's teeth had three special effects.

You know, Jiaolongjiao is just a sharp and shadowless two characteristics.

Moreover, these three characteristics are not bad, and they appear on one thing at the same time.

This is amazing, Lu Chen has almost figured out how to use these dragon teeth and horns.

Don't you lack a set of javelins?What else is more suitable than Jiaolongya and Jiaolongjiao.

Heavy blow, bleeding, sharp, and invisible, Lu Chen seemed to have seen a set of top-quality javelins beckoning to him.

"Hey, hey, my heart hurts so much."

"My best drop ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh.

Because before, Jin Jiao seemed to be blown up because he couldn't bear the strength.

After the explosion, the scales, bones, and flesh all over the body were blasted to nothing but scum.

Only hard teeth and dragon horns can be preserved.

Moreover, because Jin Jiao died by self-destruct, although there is a reason for Lu Chen's self-destruction.

However, Jin Jiao's death was not directly related to Lu Chen.

It can even be said that Jin Jiao committed suicide and had nothing to do with Lu Chen.

Naturally, it is impossible for Lu Chen to drop anything.

Now Lu Chen's heart is throbbing with angina.

Even some of the materials on his body are so top-quality, if he kills it by himself, how bad it will be dropped.

Lu Chen panted heavily to calm his excited heart so as not to cause a heart attack.

Lu Chen had already smashed his fist on the dragon's head just now, and the dragon's skin didn't even break at all. On the contrary, it was the fact that he was injured by the shock, so he selectively forgot.

Putting away the dragon teeth on the ground, Lu Chen searched the surrounding area unwillingly, trying to find a complete piece of skin, meat, and bones.

However, the fact is cruel, the explosion was very thorough, all these things were blown to pieces, and it was hard to find even a centimeter-long fragment.

Lu Chen searched the surrounding hundreds of meters, but found nothing, so Lu Chen gave up and started to walk back along the traces of the Tyrannosaurus Rex's destruction, looking for the Xuanjia Army.

When the Tyrannosaurus rex went crazy, it didn't know how far it ran.

Fortunately, the Tyrannosaurus rex ran all the way, crazy all the way, the road was full of destroyed trees, and the footprints were trampled, so it would not get lost.

On the way back, Lu Chen also kept practicing this footwork.

After such a big battle, Lu Chen became familiar with power a lot, and his control over power was much more precise.

It's no longer running into the wall.

It can also be handled lightly by hand.

It's just that the microscopic control of power is not enough, so Lu Chen has been using imprecise and powerful moves.

But now, running all the way, practicing the pace all the way, has made a lot of progress in controlling the strength.

Of course, it would be even better if you could ignore nineteen of them falling down and one hundred and one hitting a tree.

The moves are exquisite and powerful, and if there is a little mistake, it is easy to control and malfunction.

But it's okay, Lu Chen's physical body is now strong, he can hit anything, break anything.

For Lu Chen, this idea was not strong enough to interrupt his thinking.

Although the road was long, with Lu Chen's speed, after so long, Lu Chen still saw the Xuanjia Army.

However, Lu Chen didn't see them on the spot, but saw the five hundred Xuanjia soldiers on this messy and simple road.

Yes, that's right, five hundred Xuanjia troops, not two hundred.

Lu Chen only found out after asking carefully.

After he left the camp, the three hundred Xuanjia troops who stayed behind continued to improve the camp and strengthen the defense of the camp as instructed.

But as time passed, the sun in the sky gradually lowered its altitude, and Lu Chen and the others hadn't returned yet.

This made them anxious, and the camp couldn't take care of the repairs. After a few centurions discussed it, they brought the Xuanjia Army out to look for Lu Chen.

Not long after Lu Chen was bitten by the Tyrannosaurus rex, the three hundred Xuanjia troops found Li Jindao and others.

After they met, Li Jindao took over the leadership, and rushed over to support Lu Chen.

Then, we met on this road.

If you meet, that's good.

The month-long day was almost over, Lu Chen didn't plan to hunt anymore, he was already tired enough today.

Moreover, the harvest is not a lot, although there are only some beast corpses left.

But the level of the beast corpses is not low, as can be seen from the fact that all the Xuanjia soldiers are at the fifth level.

Therefore, although the value of the corpses of these wild beasts is far inferior to that of velociraptors and other dragon descendants, they are not low.

High-grade leather armor cannot be made, but silver-grade, and it is the standard silver-grade among silver-grade, it should still be possible to make.

I don't know if the breath of the tyrannosaurus rex is still there or what it is. The corpses of those beasts were not eaten by other beasts, and they were still in place.

Although Lu Chen had sensed and heard it before, but after all, hearing is delusion, seeing is believing.

Naturally, what you hear is not as accurate as what you see with your own eyes.

As for before, just after breaking out of the cocoon, the Xuanjia Army was in a life-and-death situation, and immediately rushed over to deal with the Tyrannosaurus Rex, without paying attention.

But looking at it now, the ground has been raised several meters, and even the huge Tyrannosaurus Rex was attracted to it.

From this, it can be seen how many beasts the Xuanjia army killed.

It can also be inferred how much pressure the Xuanjia Army had withstood before.

Lu Chen stretched out his palm and patted Li Jindao's shoulder.

You must know that the light cocoon had no defense during the period when it was transformed into a cocoon.

The expansion of the soul and the collapse of the body was exactly when Lu Chen was weakest. At that time, a wild beast ran in. I am afraid that Lu Chen would lose his soul and even have no chance of resurrection.

However, Lu Chen didn't say much, just patted his shoulder, and asked him to arrange manpower to transport these beast corpses to the camp.

Now, the sun has set, there is no reason, Lu Chen is subconsciously resisting coming out at night, as if the darkness will swallow everything.

Now, the sun was setting and the darkness was not far away, so Lu Chen could only keep urging, feeling the need to move, hurry up.

Luckily, the ones being transported are all the elites of the Xuanjia Army, whose strength is as high as the fifth rank, and the combat power is as high as the eighth rank. It can be said that it is easy to carry the corpse, and the speed and efficiency are not comparable to that of ordinary civilians.

All of them, although the number was as high as tens of thousands, were all transported to the Wannian Zhenhai Forest under the hard work of the five hundred Xuanjia Army for nearly ten hours.

Anyway, the teleportation stone must be dropped, and the beast does not eat the teleportation stone. Now the teleportation stone has accumulated tens of thousands.

And just after the handling was over, it didn't take long, maybe a few hours.

The sun went down completely.

A deep darkness enveloped the earth.

PS: Please subscribe from the starting point, thank you (*°°)=3
(End of this chapter)

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