Chapter 199 Force

In order to enhance the defense, the camp was not built very large.

After the five hundred Xuanjia troops were stationed, there was not much space left.

This is to ensure the strength of the defense.

After all, the only army that can enter the Dragon Tomb is the Xuanjia Army, with only 500 people.

No matter how big the camp was built, it was useless without manpower.

And in such a small area, all torches were lit, and a bonfire was piled up in the open space.

Brighten up the lights in the camp.

However, there is one thing that is very strange. With so many light sources, it is impossible to illuminate ten meters away.

The bonfire, the light of the torch, could not be illuminated as if it had been swallowed up ten meters away.

This looked extremely strange, within ten meters, the lights were brightly lit, and ten meters away, a black barrier stood there, inside and outside, like two different worlds.

This made Lu Chen frightened. The night here is really not simple.

If I am now, the Xuanjia Army is still outside, even if there is no other danger in the darkness, I will lose my way.

Moreover, how could there be no danger in this darkness? If there is no danger, then why would I feel palpitations.

Lu Chen frowned. Right now, he felt a little depressed.

Suddenly, at this moment, roars and howls sounded in the darkness.

There are sounds of all kinds of beasts.

The voices of the Dragonborn were also numerous.

All that Lu Chen could hear were Velociraptor and Tyrannosaurus rex.

Even, Lu Chen heard a roar, which was similar to that of Jin Jiao, but it was more confident and powerful than Jin Jiao's roar today.

Not long after, some of the roars gradually disappeared, and finally there was a wail.

Although Lu Chen couldn't see through the darkness and couldn't see anything, just hearing this voice, a picture seemed to emerge in Lu Chen's mind.

One after another, the beasts, the dragon descendants, were swallowed by the darkness, and they wailed feebly in front of the darkness.

Hearing the wailing, Lu Chen felt a creepy feeling.

Suddenly, Lu Chen looked to the front, his pupils shrank, as if he had seen something shocking.

Follow Lu Chen's line of sight.

There, the dark barrier twisted, and a velociraptor ran out of the darkness.

But just halfway out of the body, there was a wail from his mouth.

Then, the velociraptor withered away at a speed visible to the naked eye.

In the blink of an eye, it turns into a velociraptor mummy, only a shroud is missing.

Lu Chen didn't even blink his eyes.

Next, the velociraptor mummy was directly reduced to ashes.

Under the momentum of the Velociraptor.

Ashes in the shape of velociraptors burst out of the darkness and fell to the ground in a heap.

A gust of wind blows by, and there is no residue left.

And in the ashes, a group of gray shadows appeared.

Lu Chen's eyes widened, and when he looked carefully, the gray shadow was in the shape of a dragon.

The forked horns on the head have five claws with two more claws than the dragon's claws.

It's just that the edges of this gray shadow are a little illusory and fuzzy, as if there is no entity.

As soon as the gray shadow left Ashes, it flew straight towards a soldier.

While shaking his head and tail, there was also a tail light.

However, Lu Chen has no time to care about these things. Lu Chen can see clearly that it is because of Lu Chen's strength and physical strength.

But to others, this is a gray shadow, too fast to see clearly.

After seeing the gray shadow flying towards a soldier, Lu Chen quickly rushed over.

But, it still didn't come in time.

In an instant, the gray shadow flew into the soldier's body.

A second later, the soldier's equipment fell to the ground.

As for the soldiers?

Has been reduced to a handful of ashes.

Lu Chen's sharp eyes noticed that the gray shadow reappeared a few minutes later, and Lu Chen was even more horrified.

One, two, three.

Lu Chen just arrived here. At this time, a total of four soldiers had died.

During this process, the gray shadows attacked other soldiers' soldiers, although they could not see them.

However, high-level special arms naturally have their own reasons.

Crisis perception, attack prediction.

The knife in his hand sliced ​​the gray shadow into two pieces.

But before he could be happy, the gray shadow merged into one body again and rushed into the soldier's body.

Lu Chen guessed right, this gray shadow really has no entity.

After Lu Chen arrived, the gray shadow just came out of No.4 soldier's body, oh no, the ashes.

As soon as he saw Lu Chen, he ran towards Lu Chen directly.

However, Lu Chen was waiting for him.

The Xuanjia Army can't see it, but they can cut it.

Lu Chen can see it, so let alone.

He directly stretched out his right hand and grabbed the gray shadow, just like catching a loach.

It stands to reason that this gray shadow has no entity, and it is impossible to catch it, but Lu Chen caught it tightly.

This starts with the system information that Lu Chen checked after he came back.

As I said earlier, in order not to distract myself at important moments, Lu Chen turned off the system information prompts, and read it slowly when he is free.

This time, Lu Chen awakened his talent. He didn't check it because he was not safe all the time, but it doesn't mean that Lu Chen is not curious at all.

In fact, Lu Chen was very curious about his talent, and wished he could see it immediately, but he was not safe before, and Lu Chen still had this bit of restraint.

After it was safe, Lu Chen of course checked it out.

Skip some information prompts for killing beasts and subordinates killing beasts, and directly click on the system information of the awakening talent.

"Hey, congratulations to player Qin Feng, you have successfully awakened the rule - force, please check the talent panel for details."

After clicking on the talent panel, you can see the details of the talent.

Power: one force breaks all laws. "

Yes, it's that simple, that's what he meant.

The name of the talent is called force, and the explanation is that one force breaks all laws.

However, there are a few small prints below the panel.

For specific information, players are requested to explore by themselves.

The corners of Lu Chen's mouth twitched slightly, it was still the familiar formula and the familiar taste.

However, although the explanation was simple, Lu Chen was still very happy.

Why is this?

That's because talent, according to the depth of understanding of the rules, the talent of awakening is also different.

Like, talent, burning, this talent is a grade lower than fire talent.

Just like the mammoth power talent, it is one level lower than Lu Chen's power talent.

It can be said that the more adjectives in a talent name, the lower the rank.

The fewer adjectives in a talent name, like force, fire, water, and space, the higher the rank.

Because they are closer to the source.

Of course, talents can also be upgraded. After the promotion, the names of the talents will also change, becoming more concise and closer to the original.

So, generally speaking, Lu Chen is very satisfied with his talent.

(End of this chapter)

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