Online game three kingdoms heaven falls

Chapter 210 Arrive in Luoyang

Chapter 210 Arrive in Luoyang
Lu Chen closed his eyes to sense.

It feels that the comprehension of the rules is a bit jerky now than before.

This is the most intuitive manifestation. Most of the other effects of weakened luck are hidden, or not immediately discoverable. Therefore, Lu Chen is not very clear now.

But now, Lu Chen finally understood why the five great Sanxians didn't save people.

It stands to reason that a person who is born with rules is a genius no matter how he says it, and it can even be said to be a monster.

Moreover, when things got so big at that time, they or people who had the ability to save Huang Xu didn't know it.

Now it seems that it's not that I don't know, but that I know it, but I don't want to contribute.

I should have thought of it a long time ago, God's jealousy, can God's affairs be meddled casually?
This is the catastrophe that heaven and earth have given to Huang Xu. If you want to get rid of it, you will naturally have to bear it for him, and you have to bear the cause and effect.

Of course, it is not ruled out that there is a great power that can relieve him, and there is no cause and effect.

But are the five Sanxians so powerful?Obviously not.

Therefore, in his previous life, no one from Huang Xu showed up for treatment.

And in this life, he was the only stunned young man, Dao Tu heard something, and rushed forward without thinking about the consequences.

However, although Lu Chen only found out now, Lu Chen didn't regret it, so part of his luck, in exchange for Huang Zhong and Huang Xu, two emperor-level generals, is not a loss for the current one.

In fact, this is because Lu Chen was lucky. Later, by chance, he got to know Tianjiu better.

Only then did Lu Chen realize how lucky he was today.

You know, those Taoist priests and those Sanxians are all old fritters who can pinch and count. They can't tell the difference?
If the price is so small, it is only to cut off a part of luck, it is impossible for them not to come to form a good relationship.

They are not people who look down on everything and have nothing to pursue. On the contrary, their desires are stronger than ordinary people, but their vision is too high, so they appear to be bearish.

This time, someone saved Lu Chen from disaster.

Whose talisman paper belongs to, and who made the effort.

In comparison, the role played by Lu Chen seems a bit insignificant, so the price is so small.

Just a little luck.

However, Lu Chen still doesn't know that he has escaped disaster, so he is happy now.

Two new generals.

Now, Lu Chen is on the road again. Huang Zhong and Huang Xu are also riding the two horses that pulled the cart before, and they are chatting with Lu Chen beside Lu Chen.

As for Lu Chen, he looked at the attribute panel by himself, laughing at himself.

Name: Huang Zhong (character Hansheng)
Title: Senior Historical General (100% overall bonus)

Qualification: SSS (MAX)

Occupation: Confucian General (Emperor General)

Reputation: 0
Status: General to Qin Bo's family
Rating: 90
Commander: 91
Force: 100
Intelligence: 89
Politics: 63
Skills: Basic Army Formation, Continuous Shooting, Weakness Insight, Triple Ball, Rocket, Magic Shot, Sunset.
1. Divine Shot: Archery ecstasy, the hit rate of self-shooting increases, the effect of weak point insight is strengthened, and the hit rate of the archer you bring increases by [-]%.

2. Weakness Insight: There is a great chance of insight into the enemy's weakness, and after the insight, the hit rate of shooting weakness will increase by an additional [-]%, and the archer you bring will have this effect.

3. Strong Bow: The range of the bow and arrow is increased by 20.00%, and the archer it brings has this effect.

Exclusive special arms: flame archer (advanced)

Lu Chen looked at this attribute panel, looked at the series of skills, and the series of special effects, the series of "archers with this effect", as well as the high-level special arms of the flame archer, Lu Chen was so happy. .

Next, after watching Huang Zhong's, Lu Chen went on to read Huang Xu's.

However, this time, Lu Chen became much calmer. After all, although Huang Xu is a genius, he was still too smooth, even though his realm was the same as Huang Zhong's, reaching the emperor level.

But both the number of skills and the number of special effects are similar to Huang Zhong's, but the number is much smaller.

Moreover, he also has his own special arms, but it is just a low-level flame archer, which looks like a low-end version of the flame archer.

Moreover, there is another point that Huang Xu is not a historical general, not even a low-level general, that is to say, he does not enjoy the blessing of a historical general.

Then, Lu Chen concluded that Huang Zhong's weakened version, weakened many, many weakened versions.

Lu Chen was even worried that if a high-ranking historical military general reached the imperial level, would it be possible to defeat Huang Xu.

After all, Huang Xu's combat experience is too little, and the flowers in the greenhouse are probably like this.

However, the only bright spot is that, according to Huang Zhong, there is a set of combination skills between the father and son.

Can resist enemies stronger than itself.

Just thinking of this, Lu Chen suddenly woke up. When did he look down on even emperor-level generals?

After all, he is a real emperor-level general.

Probably because I saw Huang Zhong's attributes, and then I expected too much from Huang Xu, so there was a gap.

Along the way, nothing happened.

Every day is just eating, sleeping, traveling, and playing Doudou.

Finally, at midnight on the third day, Lu Chen and his party arrived at the capital Luoyang.

However, by this time, Luoyang's city gates had been closed, and Lu Chen could not enter.

Can only be stationed outside the city, waiting to enter Luoyang early the next morning.

The next morning.

Lu Chen set off and slowly approached Luoyang.

Lu Chen approached slowly. Luoyang is a royal capital with a city wall as high as 81 feet. Maybe some people don't feel much about this 81.

Then change to another unit, one zhang, about three meters, 81 zhang, that is equivalent to 240 three meters, hundreds of floors.

Lu Chen looked over at a glance, like a prehistoric monster, crawling there.

The closer you get, the greater the pressure.

Lu Chen didn't stop, and walked forward all the way.

Soon, it attracted the attention of the guarding army.

Five hundred well-armed troops, it's no wonder that they don't attract attention.

Before Lu Chen reached the gate of the city, he was stopped.

"Who is coming, stop quickly and report your identity immediately."

"My lord and even Earl Qin, please let me go."

"Hand over your ID."

Lu Chen took out the seal that he carried with him, handed it to a soldier, and asked him to take it.

Not long after, a pair of soldiers trotted over.

The leader dragged the seal with both hands and handed it to Lu Chen.

"Participate in Earl Qin, on business, please forgive me, but I don't know why the Earl brought the army into the city?"

"This is my bodyguard. I remember that the earl can bring his bodyguard into the city."

"Yes, my lord, please follow me."

After accepting it, the team leader took Lu Chen into the city himself.

There was no queue, and they walked through the privileged passage, which also made Lu Chen feel like a privileged class.

(End of this chapter)

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