Online game three kingdoms heaven falls

Chapter 211 The Holy Empress Invites

Chapter 211 The Holy Empress Invites
In this way, Lu Chen entered Luoyang under the envious eyes of passers-by.

However, just after entering Luoyang, before Lu Chen could find a place to live, he was stopped again.

"Hello, I want to see Mr. Lu Chenlu, you can tell him, my fellow, please see me."

"I'm sorry, there is no such person as Lu Chen here, you admit your mistake, get out of the way quickly, otherwise, you will bear the consequences."

Then, that person just smiled and looked at Lu Chen from a distance.

At this time, Lu Chen was a little surprised. He didn't expect his real identity to be found out.

However, although Lu Chen was surprised, he didn't take it seriously. The real identity is nothing more. Now that the two worlds have merged, the real identity is not so important anymore.

Moreover, they are all earthlings, so it can be said that they are fellow villagers.

"Let him come over."

However, what Lu Chen was more curious about was why a player wanted to see him at this time.

After Lu Chen's words passed, the soldier stepped aside.

Then, that player walked up to Lu Chen directly.

"Mr. Lu, this is an invitation for you. Please come to the appointment on time, sir."

"Oh? What invitation, and which family are you from?"

At this time, Lu Chen also became a little interested. He had just entered the city when someone handed him an invitation.

"My master is the Holy Empress. As for the invitation, it is a banquet set by the master to invite some young talents who came to Luoyang."

"Oh, that's fine, then Lu will definitely go to the banquet."

When Lu Chen heard this, he also became interested. It seems that this banquet is a gathering of some outstanding players.

However, there is one detail that Lu Chen is very concerned about, that is, this person actually called the Holy Queen as his master.

You know, that's a player, not an NPC, and calling a person the master, then, that's interesting.

Lu Chen also became interested in that holy queen.

Sitting on the horse, Lu Chen opened the invitation.

The style of the invitation is very simple, that is, so and so invites so and so to a banquet.

Then there is time and place.

Lu Chen looked at the beautiful handwriting on it, it was written by a woman.

"Ji Li, Ji Li, this is probably the real name of this Holy Empress."

Lu Chen took a brief look, and it seems to be a dinner party at five o'clock tomorrow afternoon.

Then put it away.

He took a deep look at the leaving back of the person who sent the invitation.

Just ready to go.

However, just as Lu Chen wanted to leave, he was blocked by another person.

This time it's not a player, it's an NPC.

"Master, this master, do you need to lead the way? The little one grew up here in Luoyang, and he is very familiar with Luoyang. Whether the adults want to eat or stay, you just ask, and the little one will take you there directly."

Lu Chen looked at him, this man is quite interesting, in fact, he is similar to a tour guide.

"Okay, take us to find a yard. I want to rent a big yard that can accommodate all of us. If you find it, the reward will not be short of you."

"Okay, my lord, you really found the right person, if you are an ordinary person, you really can't find a suitable yard.

I happened to know a suitable set, and I asked my lord to come with me. "

Then, just following him, he left the main road, no, it can't be said that he left the main road, but just the road facing the city gate.

Follow this boy, go to the left, go to the right, enter this street, and go there.

However, I turned left and right, and walked for about half an hour.

Lu Chen came to a mansion.

"My lord, look, this mansion is just enough for 500 of you to live in, and the rent is also cheap, one gold a month."

Lu Chen looked at the house, wondering if he wanted to rent it.

The 500 people of my own, no matter from the perspective of safety or other considerations, it is not convenient to live in a hotel, so I must rent it.

And this price, don't look at only one gold.

You know, here, a gold purchase is very strong.

A meal for ordinary people is only a few coppers, and a gold is already [-] coppers. The living expenses of a family of three are almost the same for a year, and they only rent for one month.

Especially the location here is not very good, not close to the main road.

However, the price in the capital is about the same. If you talk to him for a long time in order to save a few copper coins, if you let others know, you still have to laugh your ass off.

"Okay, let's take this price. You can do it for me. By the way, I will invite some cooks and handymen, and I will give you the money."

"Okay, my lord, you go in first, and I'll take care of it for you."

Naturally, Lu Chen didn't need to do the next thing. Lu Chen just waited for a while, and then entered the mansion called Bichunyuan.

To be honest, it was not bad, so Lu Chen ignored the extra money.

However, after the residence was settled, Lu Chen didn't just stay here, and had to go to the palace tomorrow morning.

Now, my eyes are still dark, I don't know anything, if I don't inquire, I will probably look like a fool tomorrow, no, no, it should be said, I am a fool.

So, after the residence was settled, Lu Chen arranged for people to take off the armor, put on plain clothes and go out to inquire about the news.

Then, he directly took Huang Zhong and Huang Xu out.

Horseback riding is not allowed in the city, unless there is an emergency military situation, otherwise, all small black houses will be closed.

Therefore, when Lu Chen went out, he just walked.

Lu Chen didn't go anywhere else, but walked towards an address.

This address, of course, is the address that Huangfusong gave at the beginning, if you don't go to him now to find out, get close to him, when will you go?

So, Lu Chen just wanted to find Huangfusong for a drink.

On the way, Lu Chen passed a remote place.

There are a few beggars in the corner.

When Huang Xu lamented that there are still beggars in the capital, Lu Chen thought of something and rolled his eyes.

He called a beggar over, ordered something quietly, and then saw the beggar looking at Lu Chen hesitantly.

Lu Chen was also unambiguous, and directly gave him a tael of silver.

Then the beggar took the silver and left happily.

Only then did Lu Chen continue walking towards Huangfusong's mansion.

Huangfusong's mansion is different from the one Lu Chen just rented.

Huangfusong himself was a big gentry, not to mention later, he was also a celebrity in front of the emperor, and his mansion was directly next to a wide street.

This street is all the mansion area where this kind of official lives, and the inspection is very strict, and most people will not go there.

Lu Chen walked for more than an hour before he could see the mansion Huangfusong mentioned from a distance.

Go over and look, hey, there are a lot of people.

Looking over, there are all kinds of people, players, low-level officials, and some servants of high-ranking officials, all of them came to see Huangfusong.

As soon as Lu Chen passed by, he attracted their attention.

Mainly they were all standing there, lined up to meet the concierge.

And Lu Chen went directly to the concierge.

Probably similar to jumping in line.

"Where did the wild boy come from?"

(End of this chapter)

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