Chapter 214
The atmosphere on the court became more and more tense.

Greedy Wolf's long, blood-red eyes narrowed slightly, and the wolf's body pressed down, ready to attack at any time.

And Huang Xu, who was confronting Tanlang, was also murderous at this time, with a 40-meter sword ready to go.

"Xu'er, stop."

Huang Xu, who was about to attack, froze when he heard Huang Zhong's words.

At this time, Tanlang's claws had already come to Huang Xu.

Just when Huang Xu was about to be hit.

A cry came from inside the smashed house.


A fiery red phoenix spread its wings and flew out, and instantly shot at Tanlang's paw.

Tanlang's paw was blocked by Phoenix.

After a while, the flame dimmed, and the phoenix disappeared, and an arrow fell out of it.

The fire phoenix just now turned out to be just an arrow shot by Huang Zhong.

At this time, Huang Zhong came out of the house.

On his body, there were three deep wounds on his chest. The flesh and blood turned up. It could be seen that the chest was a little sunken. Obviously, many bones were broken.

Seeing Huang Zhong like this, Huang Xu's eyes that had already recovered instantly turned red, and the knife that had just been sheathed was pulled out again.

Although the greedy wolves were repelled, they had no intention of stopping their attack.

The situation froze again.

"Your lord is still saved, stop it."

At this tense moment, a voice suddenly floated in the distance.

Following the sound, a man wearing a purple Taoist robe, with a long black beard, and an old face with baby-like skin appeared in the yard.

Hearing this, Greedy Wolf, who was planning to attack, stopped instantly.

After staring at this Taoist for a while, I found that I couldn't feel this Taoist, but I could see him with my eyes.

It made Tanlang feel extremely twisted.

However, after discovering this point, Tanlang turned into a little bit of starlight and drifted away in an instant.

Five hundred Xuanjia troops followed, and Li Jindao, the leader, knelt down in front of the Taoist.

"Senior, please save the lord, I am willing to change my life for another."

"Please, senior, be our lord, we are willing to trade our lives for lives."

In an instant, after Li Jindao, the five hundred Xuanjia troops followed and knelt down.

In an instant, apart from the Taoist and Huang Xu, there was no one standing in the yard.

Even if it was Huang Zhong, he knelt down at this time, willing to change his life for another.

Because, at this time, Huang Zhong actually found that he couldn't feel the slightest aura of this person.

"Oh? Really? But I don't want you, I want him."

The Zipao Taoist's gaze was obviously on Huang Xu who was the only one standing.

However, before everyone could react, Zipao Taoist said another sentence.

"Don't worry, I don't want his life, he just needs to worship me as his teacher."

Hearing this, Huang Zhong didn't even think about it, he just stood up, facing Huang Xu with both feet.

"Kneel down and worship the teacher."

It might have been possible in the past, but now, after several years of seeking medical treatment, how could Huang Xu refuse any request from Huang Zhong.

Although he didn't understand, he still kowtowed and prostrated three times honestly, and performed the ceremony of worshiping a teacher.

And the purple-robed Taoist kept smiling and watching the progress of the matter.

It wasn't until Huang Xu finished the apprenticeship ceremony that he laughed out loud.

"Okay, okay, okay, my good apprentice, I didn't expect the old man to accept another good apprentice in his later years."

However, although the old man was happy, he didn't forget the business, he went directly to Lu Chen who was sitting, and looked at him with complicated eyes.

"Hey, I don't know if it's your disaster or your chance. When disaster comes, blessings depend on it, and when blessings come, disasters subdue it."

"Fool, wake up."

The old man let out a soft moan.

For Lu Chen, it was a loud noise, echoing in his mind.

Lu Chen, who was about to sink into darkness, heard such a loud noise.

Consciousness is not clear, but it is known.

"Who, who is calling me."

"Me, who am I?"

"Me, where is this?"

Immediately afterwards, Lu Chen's consciousness regained consciousness.

"I am me, I am Lu Chen, and Lu Chen is me."

"Going back to the source, you will find your true self. Only today will you know that I am me."

After thinking about this point clearly, Lu Chen's originally dull consciousness instantly radiated golden light.

The original source of the body, which had been exhausted, was bred with a little vitality at the extreme point of death.

This vitality is pure and incomparable.

Like a seed, like a spring.

A stream of vitality gushed out of it.

Moisturizing Lu Chen's body like rain water nourishing the dry earth.

The body that was already as dry as a mummy is now like a dried sponge, absorbing water, becoming full again, becoming plump and strong.

At this time, the Taoist took out a talisman and stuffed it in Lu Chen's arms.

Li Jindao watched Lu Chen go from death to life, and couldn't help crying with joy.

But at this moment, the old Taoist took Huang Xu with him, and disappeared in front of everyone's eyes, just like when he just came.

"My name is Nanhua, you don't need to look for me, I will meet you if you are destined."

"Jin Dao, why are you crying? Am I not dead?"

"Master, woo woo woo (┯_┯)"

Li Jindao threw himself on Lu Chen, hugging Lu Chen with tears and snot all over his face.

Lu Chen was about to rub himself against him.

Regardless of other things, the subconscious is just a kick.

"Go away for me."

He patted the wrinkled clothes and looked at the injured Huang Zhong beside him.

"Han Sheng, you are, alas, you bastard, not only did you do nothing wrong this time, but you made a contribution, and now you have been hurt instead, I feel ashamed."

"My lord, it's good that you're fine. I'm the one who was reckless this time. My little injury will take a while to heal."

"No, if it weren't for you this time, I would still be in a daze. Maybe one day I would fall into a state of no return. Now you have made me wake up. .”

Lu Chen looked at Li Jindao who was kicked away by him.

He directly picked up a large board and kicked Li Jindao.

He directly lifted Li Jindao to the ground, and slammed down the big board in his hand.

Pop, pop, pop!
One after another, one after another louder, the eyes of the Xuanjia Army next to him twitched.

One hundred boards.

Lu Chen was absolutely merciless. The hundred slabs hit Li Jindao's ass in a bloody mess.

"Li Jindao, if you don't understand the situation, take the lead in attacking the meritorious person, and even beat him to serious injuries. Are you convinced that you have been beaten for a hundred times?"

"My lord, I'm finally convinced."

"That's fine, just accept it, then get up for me now.

From now on, take care of Han Sheng until his injury recovers. "

"Ah, my lord, this, this, you are hitting me a hundred times, you let me, Lao Li, take care of a man, this, this."

"This is my order, do you hear me?"


Like a doormat, Li Jindao nodded in agreement, but here Huang Zhong spoke again.

(End of this chapter)

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