Chapter 215 Revenge
"My lord, this, this is unnecessary, Commander Li has already been beaten a hundred times, and he has been punished, so there is no need for it."

Hearing this, Li Jindao, who was still a little resentful towards Huang Zhong, couldn't help but cast a grateful look at Huang Zhong, and looked at Lu Chen expectantly.

"No, it's impossible to forgive such a big mistake, otherwise he won't have a long memory, so it's settled, and you don't have to plead for him."

Lu Chen directly said his words to death, and it was hard for them to say anything.

Can only stare.

Li Jindao: What to do.

Huang Zhong: I am also very helpless ╮(╯_╰)╭.

Li Jindao: MMP
Lu Chen didn't care about them at this time, but started to get familiar with his king-level internal power.

Yes, that's right, it is the king class.

Why did he break through the king level this time?

In fact, Lu Chen had already broken through to the special level.

After staying in the super-class field for so long, and there are still a few chances along the way, he has already reached the super-class limit.

Moreover, during this period, Lu Chen tried several times to break through to the king level, but he was always stuck and failed again and again.

Lu Chen also searched for the reason and asked Zhang Liao.

But Zhang Liao is just a king now, how much he can understand when he is promoted to the king.

Therefore, Lu Chen could not find the answer.

It wasn't until today that Lu Chen understood.

At the special level, and before the special level, the increase in strength is nothing but the accumulation of quantity and the transformation of internal strength.

But the king level is different, the king level is different from the special level.

If you want to be promoted to the king rank, you need the consciousness of the king rank.

That is, the consciousness of the king.

Of course, this king's consciousness does not refer to the king's consciousness in the narrow sense of the king.

Rather, it refers to the consciousness of the king in a broad sense.

Not referring to the king, but not weaker than human consciousness.

Only when the level of consciousness breaks through, can it be possible to advance to the king level, allowing the integration of internal strength and will.

produce new qualitative changes.

This will is like a steel bar, and the internal force is like concrete.

Combined, it becomes reinforced concrete, more cohesive, tougher, and more sensitive to handle.

Before Lu Chen, how could that kind of ostrich consciousness, cowardly, and stupid consciousness be able to integrate with internal force, transform, and advance to the king level.

And after this incident, he woke up.

Consciousness is successfully released from the bondage, naturally.

It was a matter of course and broke through to the king-level level.

Moreover, this time it wasn't just the internal force that made a breakthrough.

Even in the aspect of the physical body, there has been no small progress.

As the saying goes, Phoenix Nirvana is stronger every time.

Lu Chen this time, is it not Nirvana in another sense?

The body is exhausted, and new vitality is bred from the dead silence.

After this time, Lu Chen's vitality became purer and stronger.

The blood energy is also thicker and more cohesive.

And under the wash of this qualitative change of blood and vitality, the physical body also undergoes these changes.

So, this time, even though he almost died, the harvest is not small, just like the phrase "disasters come with blessings, and blessings come with misfortunes".

Hey, by the way, who woke me up before?

"Wen Yuan, who woke me up before."

"My lord, he is an old Taoist in purple robes. Although this man is old, his skin is as rosy as a baby's. He accepts Huang Xu as his apprentice as the condition of the savior.

By the way, before he left, he left a message saying don't look for him, he is Nan Hua. "

"Nan Hua? Zhang Jiao's master? Why did he appear here? He also took Huang Xu away."

Lu Chen kept muttering to himself, and his swift consciousness was also constantly thinking.

"Zhang Jiao, Nan Hua, Huang Xu, what is the relationship between them?"

Lu Chen seemed to have caught something.

"Nan Hua was Zhang Jiao's master, Huang Xu was rescued by me using the talisman made by Zhang Jiao, and the peace element made by Zhang Jiao was taught by Nan Hua.

In other words, when Huang Xu was treated, he was going to be struck by lightning.

It stands to reason that God is fair and will clearly distinguish cause and effect.

He should be responsible for Zhang Jiao's talisman that was used to save Huang Xu, but Zhang Jiao is dead.

Now there are two possibilities.

One, the luck that was cut off at the beginning was all the price, and Zhang Jiao's part was also borne by himself.

Two, that is, although Zhang Jiao is dead, the old fairy Nanhua who taught Zhang Jiao the elements of peace is still alive, and that part of the karma is directly blamed on him.

I took it myself, but a small part, a small part."

"By the way, there is one more thing I forgot to tell the lord. Before the Taoist left, he put a talisman in the lord's arms."

Zhang Liao suddenly remembered something and said it directly to Lu Chen.

"Huh? Fuli?"

Curiously, Lu Chen took out a yellow talisman from his pocket.

Lu Chen saw that it was exactly the same as the talisman he had obtained from Bocai before.

Haven't had time to look at the properties yet.This talisman flickered.

Lu Chen secretly yelled, it's not good.

But before the Fuli could be thrown out, the Fuli exploded directly.

A bolt of lightning shot out from the talisman and struck Lu Chen directly.

It's not very powerful, it just splits Lu Chen's whole body into scorched black, and his hair is blown away by the wind, blowing it to ashes.

Lu Chen opened his mouth and let out a breath of black air.

Okay, no need to guess, it must be the second type.

"What are you looking at, hold back, you dare to laugh out loud, one hundred boards per person."

Lu Chen looked at the crowd around them holding back their smiles. He wanted to laugh, but he didn't dare to laugh, so he cursed and threatened.

Then he dodges and rushes into his own house.

Lu Chen went back to the house.

Look at a bronze mirror.

A black monk smiled straight at himself.

"Damn, who is this, so ugly."

I feel like washing my face, taking photos, and taking a look.

A white and clean monk appeared on the mirror.

"Damn it, Nanhua, you're an old man, don't let me find a chance, otherwise, I'll let you be covered in hair, without a single hair left."

Nanhua, who didn't know where he was already, suddenly felt a chill all over his body, as if there was air leaking everywhere, and even sneezed a few times.

"What's going on? Is there something bad going to happen? But, I can't figure it out. It's probably an illusion. I caught a cold."

He kept counting with his fingers, even took out a pair of tortoise shells, and made a guess, but unfortunately there was no result.

Huang Zhong, Li Jindao, Xuanjiajun and others who were still outside couldn't help feeling shabby when they heard this voice.

The footsteps lowered again.

Don't mess with the lord in his anger.

Everyone believes that this will not lead to good results.

Lu Chen looked at Guanghua's scalp, which had no stubble at all, and the grief and indignation in his heart flowed like the water of the Yellow River.

"Damn it, why do you let me go out to meet people tomorrow? I don't know if this hair will grow or not."

(End of this chapter)

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