Chapter 249 Arms Feast
"Okay, now the highest price is from Box No. [-], [-] gold coins."

"Twenty-one thousand gold coins."

"Twelve thousand gold coins."

"Thirty thousand gold coins."

Now, the people in the audience have become numb, one by one, those who have a lot of money are burned, right? Ten thousand and ten thousand plus, there are mines at home, and they are self-willed.

However, if those above hear it.

I will tell them calmly.

This little money is nothing.

You don't know how black those officials are.

First of all, go up layer by layer and get through the channels first.

If you want to bribe those officials, it will cost a lot of money.

Then, after getting through, buy weapons and equipment.

Well, yes, buy it.

But for those unscrupulous guys, the normal price will not allow them to take the risk of selling.

So, if your price is not increased by ten times, they will not let you in.

No way, you have no other channels, you can only buy it in the imperial court.

Of course, you can say goodbye to the official.

Not to mention the manpower, material and financial resources that you need to spend to open the channel again.

Just a little.

These officials seem to have colluded, and they will not prepare for you to lower the price at all.

Even so, the products sold to players were all inferior.

And now?

Although everyone who knows the cost of bronze-level equipment knows how many times it has been doubled.

However, this is because your technology can't keep up, no wonder others.

Besides, compared to before, the price is still much cheaper.

From this point of view, this Lu Chen is also a kind person.

Another point, quality.

These armors can be said to be high-quality goods.

Compared with those eliminated weapons and equipment, the quality is simply explosive.

So, good and cheap, why not shoot it?

And at this time, the highest point of the auction house.

Lu Chen sat on the boss chair, and the scene in the auction house appeared on the screen in front of him.

And Muller stood by, blushing and said: "My lord, my lord, it's [-]. In this way, we can change the clothes of the army immediately."

"Calm down, calm down, the plot hasn't reached its climax yet, I'm so excited now, don't have a heart attack later."

"My lord, when shall we arrange the production.

I make room. "

However, as Mu Le was talking, he found that Lu Chen was looking at him with a weird face, and his whole body was fluffed.

"My lord, what's the problem?"

"Emmmm, you're still a bit too straightforward, you should think about learning from Yuanqiao if you have the opportunity."

"I will learn, but this armor?"

"You first create a batch of silver-level suits, and then dock with the military aircraft to replace the bronze-level suits with silver-level suits.

Then, hand it over to these forces.

Oh, by the way, remember to collect the money first, otherwise it will be really difficult for us to manufacture so many silver-level suits. "

"My lord, this, this, replace it for them?"

"Yes, replace it with them, whether they like it or not."


Although it was difficult for Mueller to understand, he still agreed.

This kid is still too honest.

While the two were talking, the price on the floor rose again.

Reached forty thousand.

However, at this time, no matter what Qian Tu said, they would not bid.

In the end, the first set of black iron armor was taken down by the No. [-] box for [-] yuan.

The players below were dizzy.

After Xiang Lin in the sixth box paid the money.

Lu Chen, who was watching the show at the top, wrote a document with his own hand, promising to deliver [-] pieces of undamaged black iron armor to Xiang Lin within three months.

Moreover, he stamped his own exclusive seal of the king of heaven.

Then it was sent to Xiang Lin.

And Xiang Lin was not surprised when he saw it. There is no storage ring in Xianxia for such a big thing. Otherwise, it would be impossible to send it to him directly now.

And then the second group, the third group, until the tenth group.

Competition is fierce.

However, after all, they are masters, and their self-control is terrifying.

Even if self-control is not enough, someone in the box will remind you.

Therefore, the prices are all kept at around [-].

Only the last group, with red eyes, rushed to [-].

Here, Lu Chen directly received 41 gold coins.

Monopoly, even if it is only a monopoly in a certain sense.


The effects of these two superimpose, and the effect produced is terrifying.

In a short period of time, more than 40 gold coins were swept away for Lu Chen.

Not even a robbery is that fast.

Don't you see, Mueller's eyes are red.

During this period of time, he was poor.

What second-hand goods, what business ethics, all polished by him.

However, this frantic money-absorbing activity did not become fruitful, on the contrary, it intensified.

The next lot up for auction is a bronze scimitar.

The bronze scimitar is also a fine product, but, after all, it is a scimitar, not armor.

The price is two-thirds lower than that of black iron armor.

In the end, the transaction price of each group was a little over 1.

And the following cowhide armor triggered a small climax.

Although the price still did not exceed the black iron armor.

However, the transaction price has already reached [-].

Then, there is the iron wood shield.

This was somewhat beyond Lu Chen's expectation.

The price was very low, and the final transaction price was a little over 8000.

Lu Chen was very puzzled.

However, this confusion was dispelled by the ensuing auction of the point gun.

In this era, the number of spears equipped is much higher than that of machetes.

Not everyone is as extravagant as Lu Chen.

Use the scimitar as a secondary weapon, and every soldier is equipped with it.

But for others, although this can effectively improve the survival rate of soldiers, the consumption is too large.

With this money, it would be more affordable to recruit tens of thousands of soldiers.

Therefore, the machete did not sell very well.

But the pistol was different.

The spear is the main weapon, the mainstream weapon.

Prices are rising step by step.

They even caught up with the black iron armor.

Because, spears, even cavalry, can be used.

"fifty thousand!!!"

It was deafening, and finally, the soul of the emperor in the second box bought the first group with a high price of [-].

"fifty thousand!!!"

In the second group, Emperor Soul directly bid [-] and won again.

However, next, the emperor's soul will not continue to be mixed, and it cannot provoke public anger.

However, because of his actions, the price was directly raised to [-].

The next few groups were all sold for more than [-] yuan.

This made Lu Chen look at him pleasingly.

There is no other way, for someone who made himself earn 10,000+ gold coins more, you will not like him, what a joke.

After the climax ended, Lu Chen didn't give them a chance to calm down.

next auction.

Horn Longbow.

The importance of archers in this era cannot be overstated.

The preciousness of bows and arrows in this era cannot be overstated.

In the arena, the smell of gunpowder has already filled the air.

(End of this chapter)

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