Online game three kingdoms heaven falls

Chapter 250 Siege Equipment

Chapter 250 Siege Equipment
"The next item to be auctioned is a bronze-grade horn longbow, with a total of hundreds of thousands, divided into ten groups, and each bow comes with a hundred bronze-grade armor-piercing arrows.

From now on, for the first group, the starting price is [-] gold coins, and each increase should not be less than [-] gold coins. "

"fifty thousand."

From this beginning, the Holy Queen in Box [-] started.

And, from the very beginning, it was a big deal, with a one-time increase of [-] gold coins.

Let many people gasp.

And some people yelled.

"Damn, what is this crazy woman doing?"

"Are you just crazy? In this way, only Lu Chen can benefit."

"Don't fight with this lunatic, prepare for the next group."

It has to be said that the Holy Queen's trick is simple and effective.

By adding [-] gold coins at a time, he showed his determination.

Under the circumstances that there is still room, these people will not make a move, so that the Holy Queen got the first set of 100 horn longbows and [-] million armor-piercing arrows at such a low price.

Yes, Lu Chen thinks that the price is too low.

According to Lu Chen's expectation, these bows will sell for at least [-] or [-] yuan. Long-range attacks naturally have their unique allure in this era.

In fact, Lu Chen's prediction was not wrong.

The second group, in the absence of trouble from the Holy Queen.

The price climbed up little by little.

Although the rise is not fast, it is stable and the confrontation is fierce.

Because, in the process of raising prices little by little, several auctioneers became angry.

The price was already high enough, but at first glance, hey, it has not yet reached the highest psychological expectation, and has not yet reached the bottom line.

Add, add, add to death, even if he gets it, let him buy it at the highest price.

Damn, disgusting will disgust you to death.

In this way, the price climbed step by step.

fifty thousand?

This is just the beginning.

Sixty thousand is still early.

Seventy thousand.

What?Has it reached [-]?

Just stop after calling the price once, you'll kill him.

What?The other side stopped following the price?

Okay, okay, I got it, I got it, it's not a loss, it hasn't reached the expected highest price yet.

That's it, except for a small accident in the first group, which only took [-] yuan, the next few groups, each group, had a minimum of [-] yuan.

The highest, the last group, even reached the level of [-].

It was almost a hundred thousand.

Mainly, by the last one, a group of the first ten boxes had been photographed.

And only the seventh box did not take a group.

In the face of the other top ten situations, did you not?

You may not buy it?
In fact, they have already entered the situation of military competition, but it is exactly what Lu Chen wanted.

Without competition, how can there be high prices, and without high prices, how can we make money.

Then, everyone else knew that Box No. [-] would definitely be photographed.

Therefore, it is unscrupulous to stir up trouble.

The price is added casually.

Anyway, someone will pick it up, so why not give it a go.

Of course, they didn't dare to put a sky-high price. If they put a sky-high price and fell into their own hands, although it wouldn't be a huge loss, it would be as uncomfortable as eating a fly.

Therefore, the final price was more than 9, and did not exceed [-].

Of course, they were also frightened by the way they pretended to give up in Box No. [-].

Raising the price is okay and fun, but if the price raising fails, then you are a fool.

"Okay, okay, now, let me tell you the bad news, all the equipment has been filmed."

When Qian Tu talked about playing, the people below all expressed surprise.

The same goes for the boss in the box.

They have been waiting for the next Qin crossbow.

They have been looking forward to this kind of powerful, high-precision, and low-threshold weapon.

As for the crossbow, due to various reasons, it is also a heavy weapon in the imperial court, and it cannot be bought no matter how much it costs.

However, the threshold for this crossbow is high, and the minimum is silver level.

So, relative to the others, because crossbows were unmanufacturable for a long time.

The need is greater.

However, after hearing that it would not be sold, although I was disappointed in my heart, I was a little fortunate.

Fortunately, fortunately, he does not sell Qin crossbows.

Everyone knows Lu Chen, and they all know that he is not the kind of person who only cares about short-term interests. On the contrary, in the eyes of everyone, many of Lu Chen's actions reflect his long-term and terrifying vision.

The construction of this outer valley is not long.

Therefore, the things he will sell must be things that he has updated and replaced.

Keep equipped and sell poor generation.

Everyone is aware of this, but what can you do about the gap in technology? If you buy it instead, you still have to buy it. At most, you can go back and supervise the talent training in the territory.

But now, Lu Chen doesn't sell Qin crossbows, which just shows a problem.

That is, there is nothing to replace the Qin Nu in Qin Town, and it has not been updated, which shows its shortage.

This made everyone who had been under great pressure breathe a sigh of relief.

However, the following auction items, once again, left them dumbfounded.

"However, there is also good news, that is, the next auction item."

Just as Qian Tu's voice fell, a beautiful woman in a cheongsam came out.

In his hand was a tray with a piece of red silk on it.

However, the protruding shape of the red silk is a bit strange, and it is impossible to guess what it is.

"Come on, look, this is our catapult, a powerful siege weapon, the same equipment that must be used to siege a city.

This catapult is a low-level catapult with an attack range of 2000 meters.

After taking pictures of our catapults, we can send people to help train catapult soldiers.

This time, a total of one thousand catapults were sold, divided into ten groups of one hundred.

The base price of each frame is [-] gold coins, the base price of each group is [-] gold coins, and each price increase should not be less than [-] gold coins.

The auction starts now. "

In an instant, the joy I had just now disappeared in an instant.

Look, the siege equipment has been updated, do you still care about a Qin crossbow?
However, at this time, the arena was about to explode.

No matter how high the price is, you must buy it.

Not to mention that there is no armorer in the territory at all, and even if there is an armorer, there may not be blueprints for catapults.

You know, even if it is a primary catapult, the attack distance is as high as 2000 meters.

What does this mean? It means that people can hit you, but you cannot hit them.

This means that when you fight against him, the time will be several percent lower than normal.

After all, although the catapult does not cause much damage to the army, if there are overwhelming stones hitting it, once it hits, you will not even have a scum left, no, no, there will be scum left.

Even if it doesn't hit you, but you can only be beaten passively and cannot fight back, will the army have morale?

(End of this chapter)

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