Online game three kingdoms heaven falls

Chapter 251 Navigation Permit

Chapter 251 Navigation Permit

Those present are all sensible people, and they all know the consequences and disadvantages this will cause.

So, at this moment, everyone secretly glanced at their wallets.

Pat your chest, it's okay, it's okay, the money is still enough, then, let's start burning.

No one would naively think that the ten groups would be divided among the ten forces in a calm manner.

If someone really thinks so, it is estimated that the grass on his grave is several feet high.

Don't look at the harmony between them, it's just an appearance.

At this level, the forces are so intertwined that it is impossible to tell them apart.

Naturally, there will be corresponding friction.

After all, there are only so many resources, if you want more, others will have less.

In order to compete for resources, they have been fighting in full swing.

Still, an elite is an elite.

They return to playing, every time they finish playing, or they are still playing, they can sit down quietly and drink a cup of tea, hello, hello, everyone.

Also, maybe just after the fight, a cooperation can be reached in the next second.

And at this time, when the status of the territory and the status of the power can be affected, they will not let go.

"Twenty thousand."

"Three thousand"

"forty thousand"

"fifty thousand"

"Sixty thousand"

In a short period of time, the price rose to the previous transaction height.

Moreover, judging from this posture, it cannot be stopped in a short time.

What's more, Lu Chen, who was from God's perspective, also found out.

There are many forces.

Big, you can say big, small?In front of the top ten forces, it is indeed a little smaller.

But now, they saw a huge opportunity, siege equipment.

Anyone who knows the Three Kingdoms knows it.

After entering the troubled times, siege is the most basic ability.

Without catapults, the casualties of the siege would have increased many times.

Even without a catapult, it is impossible to attack at all.

Therefore, these forces that are not up or down are tempted.

This, though not enough to make one's power surpass them.

However, at least the gap can be shortened.

After all, if you don’t accumulate steps, you can’t reach thousands of miles.

And when it comes to this kind of thing, they always get very serious.

After thinking of this possibility, the first time, borrow money.

Ask the Lord of Power who is also in the box to borrow money.

If you can't get the money, you can partner up and buy together, and the catapults will be distributed according to the amount of investment.

Lu Chen was very happy when he discovered this, money is all money.

Muller next to him was also very happy.

Counting there all the time.

"Enough military spending, construction of island residences, emmmmm, enough.

The expansion of the chart is enough.

The manufacturing cost of the fleet is also enough.

Beautiful, beautiful, beautiful. "

And in the auction house, in an instant, there were extra bosses in the boxes behind the queue.

These people were ruthless, and the ones who robbed were all the groups in front.

Not to mention, the strength of a large number of people is not just for talking, with the joint efforts of several companies, there are three groups, and the ones in the bottom of the list are all snatched away.

Of course, this also has something to do with the care of the top ten forces.

For the forces below, they can put all their eggs in one basket and take this photo.

But, to them, this, although precious, is just an auction item, and there will be more later.

What if you run out of money now and wait until something comes along that you have to buy?
Damn it, Lu Chen didn't provide the auction list, which made them want to buy it, but they didn't dare to spend too much money, lest they be caught off guard.

Next, the fight between the bosses was even more bloody.

One new record after another, broken again and again.

In the end, the highest transaction price of the catapult even reached 15 gold coins.

And then, the auction of the ballista appeared to be as dull as water.

Ten thousand ballistas, one thousand groups.

A set of [-] base price.

In the end, the result of the shooting was just over 1.

I don't know if it is affected by the catapult, or because the ballista itself is not very easy to sell.

Next, a small amount of other siege equipment was photographed, such as ten siege engines.

Another example, one hundred mobile arrow towers.

However, the price is the same, and there is nothing special about it.

Slowly, the auction items were all sold out.

After the finale products, that is, the shops in the auction house and the shops in Waigu were sold away.

Finally, the line-up product is on the stage.

In Qiantu's voice, a beautiful woman came up with a tray.

This time, everyone in the box subconsciously sat up straight.

Some people guessed what was going to be auctioned.

Because, Lu Chen once told some people that there were ships appearing at the auction.

And it has been going on until now, and it hasn't appeared.

They didn't think that Lu Chen forgot.

Instead, I think it's still behind.

Now, it is finally the last piece, and, judging by the shape of the red silk, this is undoubtedly a boat.

And for the unaware.

You think, the previous stuff has been so intense.

This auction has already proved that there are goods in stock, so, will it be worse to hold the lineup?

Therefore, these people straightened up subconsciously, that's because, seriously, the big show is coming.

"I believe everyone has already guessed what the last auction item is.

As everyone guessed, the ship is a ship with the ability to sail in the ocean. "

Qian Tu pulled away the red silk, and the models of ten ships appeared.

However, at this moment, the audience exploded.

"No, auctioneer, are you sure you got it right?"

"Yes, are you sure this is the one you want to auction?"

This is no wonder they.

You know, it's nothing more than a building boat.

Things like three-masted sailboats can be bought from NPCs by looking for some connections and spending a little more money.

Now it is actually here as an auction item.

But at this time, Qian Tu did not lose his composure in the face of everyone's doubts, but continued to speak.

"Don't worry, there are others."

"Oh, there's still Wei, if you didn't say it earlier, bring it up."

"Yes, yes."

"At the same time as the auction, there are ten anti-counterfeiting flags for the exclusive partner of Qinzhen.

This flag will not be issued again in the short term. "

However, as soon as Qian Tu finished speaking, the following exploded again.

"What does this mean."

"Let Lu Chen come out."

"Guests, don't be impatient, please listen to me carefully.

In recent years, pirates have been rampant on the ocean, killing them endlessly.

And they are strong.

Our territory and the pirates went through one battle after another, and after heavy casualties, we repelled the island.

Moreover, the pirate leader promised that if he saw a ship with the flag of Qin Town, he would stay away.

Therefore, I hereby solemnly remind you that without the exclusive flag of a partner, it is best not to go to sea easily, otherwise, it will be bad if you are robbed by pirates and the ship is destroyed. "

Qian Tu's words just fell.

The box that was noisy just now became quiet in an instant.

The bosses fell into deep thought. The amount of information contained in these words is a bit big.
(End of this chapter)

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