Online game three kingdoms heaven falls

Chapter 256 Dong Zhuo's Rebellion

Chapter 256 Dong Zhuo's Rebellion
"Drip, please choose a camp and choose to join the army."

Lu Chen looked at the camp selection in front of him, and without even thinking about it, he was about to click on the big man camp.

Suddenly, the hand stopped in mid-air.

Lu Chen suddenly had a bold idea.

Close the attribute panel, spread out dozens of blank papers, and start writing quickly.

After finishing writing, walk out of the auction house office and go to the birdhouse next to it.

In a year, the snow eagle is no longer as shivering as before, two or three.

Now, it has become a scale, and it has become a unit of Zhiqincheng's official communication project.

The white paper was rolled up and stuffed into the wooden tube at Snow Eagle's feet to block it.

Then, he opened the cage and let the Snow Eagle fly out.

Qishan, Chaofeng City.

An independent small courtyard with a sign hanging on it.

To Qincheng's office in Chaofengcheng.

"My lord, my lord, there is Xue Ying, and the territory is urgently reported."

The cries of the servants in the loft broke the silence.

The servant with the snow eagle in his hand went straight to the study in the middle without hindrance.

"My lord, report urgently."

"come on in."

As soon as the people inside heard it, they rushed to report, and they didn't care about etiquette.

He ran over to open the door and took Xue Ying.

As for why you are so nervous, it is because Xueying sends a message, which is something in the legend. I knew this thing when I took office, and it will only be used at the highest level of information. I wrote it myself.

Originally, this person thought that during his term of office, he would never encounter Xue Ying once.

Therefore, there is no room for him to be in a hurry.

Holding Snow Eagle in both hands, he carefully placed it on the table.

Close the door.

Then, unseal the seal and take out the documents inside.

After a careful look, it was divided into two parts, one sealed and the other unsealed.

Picking up the unsealed one, I checked it carefully. After reading it, without any hesitation, I took out my identity certificate, took out a document that should have the seal of the heavenly king, and held a blank paper.

Go out and ride a horse.

There is no rule that riding a horse is not allowed in Guancheng, so I went straight to the city lord's mansion.

Relying on the documents written by the king himself, he met the holy queen for the first time.

Without saying a word, he handed the folded paper to the Holy Queen.

The queen took it and looked at it.

The more you look down, the more shocked and unbelievable you look.

"The Heavenly King really deserves to be the Heavenly King. He is so bold and courageous." The Holy Queen said with a sigh.

"Send me there."

"Yes, Your Majesty the Holy Queen."

Get on the horse, lead the way for the Holy Queen, bring it to a pier, and lead out two flat sea reconnaissance ships from a dock.

"Sir, please."

The holy queen didn't say much, and boarded the scout ship with her entourage.

Then, the scout ship moved forward at full speed.

And the person in charge of the office got on his horse and returned to the office.

He carefully wrote a letter and stuffed it into Xue Ying's lap.

After Snow Eagle finished eating the fresh and tender rabbit meat, he let it fly.

Snow Eagle once again soared into the blue sky and headed straight for the auction house in the main city.

This scene happened simultaneously in Qinwang City, Hanxing City, and dozens of other cities.

Every lord who saw the letter couldn't restrain his shock.

Someone set off immediately and boarded the Pinghai scout ship.

Someone convened a brainstorming group, and after a heated discussion, they set off.

A letter from Lu Chen, among the players, dozens of most powerful lords set off together.

Pinghai reconnaissance ships, carrying these distinguished guests, went to an unknown small island in the ocean, or, as it was called, the alliance meeting island.

And now Lu Chen, riding a little dragon, is on his way to the island.

Yes, that's right, it's Xiaolong.

Xiaolong came out of the Dragon Tomb half a year ago.

When Xiaolong came out, it was the same as before, except that the fork on his head was divided several times.

Still as close as Lu Chen.

However, when Lu Chen touches the current little dragon, he can feel the huge power in its body, as well as the vague sense of danger.

Moreover, after the little dragon came out, Lu Chen entered the Dragon Tomb again, only to find that there was no more, the dragon evil was gone.

On the day I came out, I heard the Jiaolong chant, but it was gone, gone.

Moreover, Xiaolong was able to separate out a trace of his breath and integrate it into a wooden sign.

Then, ordinary people can enter and leave the Dragon Tomb at will with wooden signs, and can ignore Longwei.

Under such circumstances, Lu Chen made another study on the growth conditions of Zhenhai wood.

It was discovered that Zhenhai wood was originally a kind of tree on the island.

Originally, this arbor was no different from ordinary wood.

But one day, a small wormhole opened in the middle of the island.

A faint dragon power emanated from the wormhole.

In an instant, a fusion occurred on the island.

Under the shroud of Longwei, all the animals and plants that could not adapt to Longwei died on a large scale.

At this time, a coincidence appeared.

A kind of tree unique to this island has an astonishing matching degree with this kind of Longwei.

Under the shroud of Longwei, this kind of arbor not only did not die.

Also by absorbing Longwei, quickly and even.

The other trees were all extinct because they couldn't adapt, and after adapting, they competed for nutrition and competed for the growth of Zhenhai trees because of Longwei's accelerated growth.

Only some shrubs, grasses and the like survived.

As for animals, there is only one kind of horse, which has a trace of dragon veins, and its food is the leaves of Zhenhai wood.

Subtly, it spread from a group of dozens to tens of thousands, until the leaves of Zhenhai tree were not enough to eat, and the growth was stopped.

Then, thousands of years later, it was discovered by the fishermen of Wanghai City. Through the talent of the city, they used the characteristics of Zhenhai wood to create a giant ship of Zhenhai.

This is why there is Zhenhai wood on the island, but there is no reason inside the Dragon Tomb.

It is really rare to have such a high degree of matching with this kind of Longwei.

After discovering this, Lu Chen began to plant a large number of Zhenhai trees inside the Dragon Tomb and produce them in large quantities.

The acceleration inside the Dragon Mound has reached ten thousand times, and ten thousand years of Zhenhai wood can be produced in one year.

However, Lu Chen found a problem.

That is, fitness.

Of course, Zhenhaimu and Longwei are highly compatible.

However, no matter what, it is too fast and too urgent, and accidents are prone to occur.

Like a natural couple.

The two have the same hobbies, same interests, similar income, similar education background, similar family background, they are simply a match made in heaven.

But like this, confession on the first day of acquaintance, and marriage on the second day?
If it can be done, there will be ghosts.

And this one is similar.

Originally, it was necessary to absorb the 1-year-old Longwei.

It is concentrated and absorbed within one year.

In this way, it is very difficult not to have problems.

In fact, Lu Chen felt that plants were also qualified to be classified.

Why do you say this way?
wait for the next chapter
(End of this chapter)

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