Online game three kingdoms heaven falls

Chapter 257 Chapter 255 Plant Qualification

Chapter 257 Chapter 250 Five Plant Qualifications
Because, let alone the 1-year Longwei.

As far as 100 years, 1000 years, there are many unbearable things.

After Lu Chen discovered this, he was overjoyed.

Quickly transplanted in large quantities.

On the same day, a total of [-] seeds were transplanted in.

Originally, after waiting for four or five days, we could collect a batch of century-old ones, and after waiting for a month, we could collect a batch of thousand-year-old ones.

All I can say is, it's so beautiful.

The beginning was very good, Zhenhai wood slowly rose, and every day I looked at it, it was a brand new look.

Every day is growing.

But at the time when everything was about to become Zhenhai Wood for ten years.

The night before, everything was fine.

The next morning, when the person in charge went to see it, he almost lost his soul.

Half of the originally lush Zhenhai forest died in one go.

This half, all disappeared, leaving only a tree root.

The roots of Zhenhai Wood next to it were covered with debris.

This matter directly alarmed Lu Chen. Lu Chen came to check it himself, but only found some insignificant problems, which could lead to the death of trees, and none of the problems of exploding.

This matter was over, and only [-] trees were transplanted.

Later, when he was promoted for a hundred years, another incident happened. Half of the [-] Zhenhai trees died again, while the trunks were still reduced to debris and fell on the roots of other Zhenhai trees.

There are only [-] trees left.

After hearing the news again, Lu Chen guessed something.

Continue to wait, and it will be the night when [-] Zhenhai trees are promoted to the millennium.

Lu Chen took his people and guarded the Zhenhai Forest in person.

In the front, nothing happened, but when the recorder said that the time was about to reach the millennium.

Half of the Zhenhai trees withered and burst.

Shimmering debris covered the entire forest.

At this moment, the remaining more than 1000 Zhenhai trees grew several meters high in an instant.

But the debris on the ground has already dimmed and turned into fly ash when stepped on.

Lu Chen experienced it himself, and finally saw something wrong.

There is more than one problem.

First, plants have qualifications, which are insufficient when breaking through key bottlenecks.

But here the dragon's power is too strong, it's not that Zhenhaimu absorbs Longwei on its own initiative, but that Longwei constantly presses into Zhenhaimu's interior to help it break through the bottleneck.

However, the aptitude has been restricted to death, how can there be a good end if you force a breakthrough.

It can only be turned into fly ash.

The second is that although the growth of Zhenhai wood can be promoted by Longwei, it cannot grow only by relying on Longwei.

It also requires some other elements.

Water and the like are a must, and there are some rare elements that are not enough to break through the bottleneck.

And at this moment, the Zhenhai wood next to it exploded.

Among the wood chips, there are exactly the necessary materials for Zhenhai wood to break through the bottleneck.

Therefore, the explosion of ordinary Zhenhai wood was a helpless and inevitable move.

Without the explosion of these Zhenhai woods, other Zhenhai woods, even if they have enough aptitude to break through forcibly, can only end up being turned into fly ash under the condition of insufficient conditions.

At that time, the entire race will perish.

Lu Chen, who came to these conclusions, had to lament that the part-time jobs displayed by plants in order to continue the race are amazing.

Like a mouse.

When there are too many rats in a field to support so many rats, the rats will leave seeds for future generations, and then, in droves, they will go to the water's edge and commit suicide by jumping into the water.

And these Zhenhai woods are also similar.

Moreover, Lu Chen discovered that it is not only ten years, but also a hundred years, or a thousand years.

Actually, every millennium is half dead.

In other words, every 1000 years is a bottleneck for Zhenhai wood.

Every 1000 years, there is a step up.

Up to now, nearly half a year has passed, and only [-] of the original [-] Zhenhai trees are left.

Already 5000 years old.

According to this rule, according to Lu Chen's calculation.

Ten thousand Zhenhai wood seedlings, under the condition that no other years of Zhenhai wood will be produced.

One to three Wannian Zhenhai wood can be produced within a year.

Of course, the premise is that when you advance to Wannian, the conditions don't change.

After figuring out these conditions, Lu Chen divided the interior of the Dragon Tomb.

In fact, all the wood used in the territory is Zhenhai wood.

Including building a house, all the wood used is ten-year-old Zhenhai wood.

Anyway, a batch of ten-year-old Zhenhai wood comes out in one day.

Environmental protection, good performance.

There is no need to do landscaping.

Inside the Dragon Tomb, it was divided.

Ten years of forest.

Centennial forest area.

Millennium Forest.

Wannian forest area.

In each area, according to the speed of production and planting, different numbers of carpenters and tree planting teams of different levels are arranged.

Now, the wormholes are all fixed by the little dragon and expanded to hundreds of meters in size.

Every day, a steady stream of Zhenhai wood is transported out.

Then he was waiting outside the territory of the Zhenhai-class Transport Ship Games.

That's the only downside right now.

Zhenhai Island is too far away from Wanghai City.

As a city, Wanghai City's territory does not reach Zhenhai Island.

Therefore, the dock built on Zhenhai Island cannot manufacture Zhenhai giant ships.

Lu Chen could only find an island in the ocean within the radiating range of Wanghai City's territory, and build countless docks and several large piers.

The entire island is used to make Zhenhai giant ships and Pinghai giant ships.

Every once in a while, a ship will be sent to Yizhou Island for migration.

The rest are all stationed in nearby military ports transformed from islands.

There is no way, the current Zhiqin leader does not have many things, but there are many islands. If you want to do something, just set up an island, or several islands dedicated to this task.

Even manufacturing workshops are now mainly built on the sea.

Anyway, there are a lot of land on the sea, so it is easy to keep it secret. Keep the nearby sea area and don't let the ship pass through, then no one will know. Are you still planning to swim across the entire ocean?
Under such circumstances, Lu Chen resolutely began to recruit players.

Restrain your carrier pigeons, send you to the sea, you want to leak the secret?

Save it.

Those in the valley have no access to these things, and most of the secrets have been moved to the sea.

Leak?What are you venting?
As for coming through intelligence.

Heh, Lu Chen has no plans to develop the core for players yet.

Let's mix it slowly first.

When you get to the core layer, I don't believe it, who else can give you enough temptation to be a traitor.

Even the traitor will give you a countermeasure.

After all, when you get to the top, you have a bright future, who will be an underground traitor with you, and get rid of all the suspicions.

Anyway, in order to sneak in, there will be no openings.

Of course, this is just an insurance measure.

There is still merit.

(End of this chapter)

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