Online game three kingdoms heaven falls

Chapter 258 The Ultimate Shocking Plan

Chapter 258 The Ultimate Shocking Plan

Xiaolong's speed is not known to be much faster than before.

Within a few hours, Hong Ning landed on a small island.

The island is in the shape of a crescent moon, and the island is barren. In the center of the island, there is a small courtyard and an octagonal pavilion.

Hong Ning landed on the island, the pier was still empty, except for a Pinghai reconnaissance ship.

Lu Chen looked at its serial number. It was a Pinghai reconnaissance ship belonging to the territory. Presumably, it was an attendant who came to the island to clean up in advance and was ready to entertain.

Usually, no one is left on this island. Only when a meeting needs to be started, it will be activated and someone will be sent to clean it up.

Lu Chen went directly to the octagonal pavilion and sat at the round table in the middle.

This round table, counting carefully, has ten stone piers in total and only ten seats.

And there is a railing around the pavilion, and a circle of seats is set there.

Seeing someone coming, the maids lined up and walked into the pavilion one after another.

Tea, desserts, and fruit platters were served one by one.

Lu Chen picked up the tea, took a breath, and slowly tasted it, quietly waiting for the arrival of others.

However, Lu Chen didn't have to wait long. He had already considered this issue when he selected this island as the alliance meeting island.

The distance from each territory to here is optimal and carefully calculated.

So, after a while, these lords landed on the island one after another within an hour.

Then, knowing what to do, I sat down where I should do it.

"Heavenly King, this matter is too involved, please explain in detail." As soon as everyone arrived, the Holy Queen took the initiative to ask.

Lu Chen looked around, the corners of his mouth raised, "It's just like what I said in the letter.

Instead of joining the camp of the Eighteenth Route princes, join the camp of Dong Zhuo. "

"Heavenly King, you have to make this clear, Dong Zhuo was the loser in history and lost to Chang'an.

It was him who started the troubled times of the Three Kingdoms. "

"I made it very clear, why did Dong Zhuo lose?
The strongest million-level low-level special arms in the world, Xiliang iron cavalry, top special arms, trapped camp, counselor Li Ru, and poisonous Jia Xu.

Generals Lu Bu, Hua Xiong, Li Jue, Guo Si, Fan Chou, Zhang Ji, Niu Fu, Li Su, Hu Zhen, Gao Shun, Zang Ba, Hao Meng, Cao Xing, Cheng Lian, Wei Xu, Song Xian, Hou Cheng, vanity.

These and that are not bad.

In history, if Dong Zhuo didn't use all his tricks, we still don't know what the result would be.

So, why don't we all choose the Dong Zhuo camp. "

"You are right. Dong Zhuo is indeed strong, but even if Dong Zhuo wins, what can we gain?"

"Dong Zhuo's victory also means that the three main characters of the Three Kingdoms will suffer setbacks. If they are vigorous, they will decline if they are two, and if they are exhausted if they are three.

The same is true for luck.

Defeat the three protagonists and cut their luck.

The second is to kill Dong Zhuo and take his place.

Do you think Dong Zhuo is easier to deal with or Cao Liusun is easier to deal with?

After defeating the eighteen princes, he killed Dong Zhuo, seized control of millions of special arms, and captured Luoyang.

Take the emperor to order the princes. "

"How to kill Dong Zhuo, as you said, Dong Zhuo is so strong."

"You have to know that although Dong Zhuo is strong, Lu Bu, who is Dong Zhuo's bodyguard, is already under the emperor's soul.

As the number one general in the world, it is not very difficult to kill Dong Zhuo. "

"Then how to win over Dong Zhuo's old troops."

"In history, after Dong Zhuo took control of Luoyang, he behaved mischievously and indulged in extravagance. He had already lost the hearts of the generals, so it was hard to win them over."

"But what if the game doesn't match the history, and Dong Zhuo hasn't lost his morals?"

Suddenly, just after he finished speaking, he found that Lu Chen was looking at him like a fool.

"Is it difficult? Killing one's parents, cutting off one's fortune, destroying one's future, creating some hatred, is it difficult?
Don't say you don't understand these things. "

"Then have you considered Cao Liusun's halo as the protagonist?" The Holy Queen asked suddenly after being silent for a long time.

Hearing this question, Lu Chen felt a little heavy.

"Yeah, this is my only concern right now." Lu Chen looked up at the sky: "Well, I can only depend on the sky."

"Look at the sky? How to see it?"

"Remember the demon lord on the day of the auction?" Lu Chen said with a serious face.

"Remember, you also gained a lot of merit because of it."

"Yeah, that's the point.

Why do I get so many merits? "

"Your contribution is great?" The Queen asked speculatively.

"Heaven and Earth will not give me such great merit for no reason.

What a great contribution, what a great merit.

In other words, if I don't care about it, the devil will cause damage that matches my merit.

This makes sense, why I can get so much merit. "

"I remember, the demon also said that he was rushing towards our world."

"Yes, so, our world has fallen into a big crisis.

A crisis so big that it could destroy the world. "

"and then?"

Lu Chen took a sip of tea, moistened his throat, and continued.

"This also means that the will of heaven and earth already has a sense of crisis.

And under the crisis, will Tiandi choose Cao, Liu, and Sun to play house?

What he needs is a unified force, a force that can help him resist foreign enemies, protect and even save the world.

As long as this force appears, then, I just confirmed that the three protagonists will be abandoned immediately. Without the identity and aura of the protagonist, they will still be able to make big waves. "

"This is just your guess, how can you be sure?"

"Use the alliance as a unit, promise to heaven, protect the world, save the world.

Just look at the results. "

"It is feasible, we are already living in this world, if the world is destroyed, we will not end well.

Under the cover of the nest, how can the eggs be finished again? "

"There is no problem with this, you can try it."

"Alright then, since everyone has no problems, let's start."


"Originally, this requires a formal fortune to be held on the altar of worshiping the heavens, and the ruler of the country can use the fortune to directly reach heaven.

However, with this condition, I believe that there is nothing that can succeed now, even if it is a big man, because his luck has been broken, he can no longer do it.

However, in this special period, it is natural to do something special.

I consume my merits, and in this special period, it should be able to attract God's will. "

"So, everything is simple, three animals and five animals, and the fragrance of all people.

These, I have already prepared. "

"So, we can just start right away?" The Holy Queen looked at Lu Chen suspiciously.

"Yes." Lu Chen replied directly.

And Yin Hou, who was next to him, was also rubbing his chin, looking at Lu Chen: "No matter how I look at it, you don't look like a person who is willing to give."

(End of this chapter)

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