The meaning of covering the sky is supreme

Chapter 302 An Dare to Stop Me

Chapter 302 An Dare to Stop Me
"This journey will reproduce the glory of our race, and the light of the Golden Crow is destined to illuminate the universe."

The warship rumbled, emitting a dazzling golden light, illuminating the starry sky one after another.

This is an empty universe, the entire starry sky is dead silent and cold, but wherever the golden light passes, everything seems to be ignited.

Everyone in the clan was very excited. They were wearing metal battle suits, holding long guns, and their spirits were flying like gods.

This is a kind of heartfelt inspiration. Looking at the universe, they may not be able to find a race stronger than them in the starry sky they traversed.

Two great saints, five holy kings, dozens of saints, with such combat power, who would dare to say no? !
Indeed, this race is really strong. In the past, the great saints were in groups. Although they cannot be compared with the past, they still cannot be underestimated.

However, in front of such a race, a man silently stood in front of him.

He was wearing a black fairy clothes, holding a fairy halberd, sitting cross-legged in the void, compared to the huge warship, he looked very small, but the fairy light on his body was so bright that it was even more eye-catching than the battleship.

"Holy King... Luo!"

At this moment, many people were excited, not happy, but scared.

The name of the person, the shadow of the tree, that man killed too many holy kings, more than 30.

You know, there are only a few holy kings in a star field, but that man killed more than 30 of them!
"What is he holding in his hand...Green Tears Immortal Gold!"

"He only has dragon pattern black gold!"

On the warship, there was a lot of discussion, but it was also full of panic.

At this time, four figures emerged from the front of the warship. They stood tall, like prehistoric giants, looking down at the starry sky.

"Luo, are you sure you want to block me?!"

"What are you doing with him, just send him on his way!"

"Xianjin can't be broken, so be careful when you shoot."

Individual figures and words resounded through the starry sky, full of coldness and composure, making the flustered Jinwu involuntarily quiet down.

They were four hale and hearty old men. They were wearing golden Daoist robes. Their tall bodies seemed to be made of red gold, surrounded by holy light and permeated with demonic brilliance. Just standing in front of them casually, the void was crushed and everything was shattered. All souls suffocate!

The figure didn't speak, he got up slowly, and with his movements, the starry sky was undulating.

This is an extremely terrifying scene. The Death Star trembles, the starry sky trembles, and the invisible energy, like a wave of world destruction, slaps everyone's heart fiercely, wave after wave.

"It is indeed two kinds of fairy gold. The soul of that girl has not been tampered with."

"The three of us join hands, as long as we kill him today, even if he falls, it will be worth it!" The four of them looked at each other, and a gleam of coldness flashed in their golden eyes.

This is a great enemy, which grows too fast, unbelievably fast, and must be eliminated.

"With the old Golden Crow's feathers?" Luo Tianchen said in his heart, he was very calm from the beginning to the end, with a flick of the halberd in his hand, the fairy flower filled the air, split the entire sky, and disturbed the entire starry sky.

The four warships were shaking violently, like ships in the ocean of divine power, they might be capsized at any time, all living beings were terrified, that person was too terrifying, just the aura he released seemed to be destroying the world.

"kill him!"

The three holy kings leaned over, and the sea of ​​fire was soaring, like a prehistoric demon god, who came across the nine heavens and burned the universe alone. A dead star was only touched by a ray of fire, and it instantly turned into magma, and then was evaporated again. Dry!

This kind of scene is very frightening, the flames of the sun, if it burns the wrath of the sky, even if it is contaminated by a saint, it will be completely evaporated in an instant!
The halberd roared, as if it was protruding from outside the universe, and was held by a big hand, cutting the world, cutting the sea of ​​fire, with infinite energy, like a god opening up the world.


Everything has been split open, nothing can stop it, let the enemy's thousands of supernatural powers, black body one hundred thousand feet, a celestial halberd press down, there is no surprise, no suspense!


The blood essence burns, and there are tens of thousands of Taos, which fall with the blood and collapse the starry sky.

"Old, four!"

The two holy kings roared loudly and continuously, like thunder rolling from the sky, causing the stars to fall in pieces.

They knew that they and others might die, but it was still unacceptable for one person to die in one meeting.


"You die for me!"

"Burn my demon body, burn my spirit, fall into purgatory together, golden crow death curse!"

The one-hundred-thousand-foot Golden Crow burned its body and primordial spirit, and turned into a huge and ancient golden finger pointing at it. It seemed to have pierced through ancient history, came from the wild era, pierced the dark starry sky, and approached Luotian Chen body.

"The light of the heavens, all evil cannot enter."

Following a whisper, ancient sacrificial sounds sounded. They passed through the barriers of time and space, crossed the long river of time, and seemed to fall from it.

No one knew where they came from, and no one knew who was offering sacrifices, but the moment the sound sounded, the golden finger of death was instantly shattered.

This is a method of mutual destruction performed by a holy king. Even the great sage dare not be easily contaminated, but he has never even touched the man's body!

The four great sage kings passed away in a blink of an eye. The golden crows on the warship were terrified. The ancestor who had always been invincible could dominate the starry sky with one hand, and he was as tall as a god, but two of them died!


The fairy halberd trembled, and was swung by a man. It smashed the universe with all its strength, and looked at everything. Every strand of fairy blossoms was like a light that destroyed the world. Thousands of strands of fairy blossoms came out together, like magnificent rivers. They combined together , with the power of ten thousand ways, stand invincible, split the ages with a halberd, and split a huge golden crow of one hundred thousand feet in half!
"The third one!"

At this moment, an unprecedented terrifying energy surged out, making the entire universe rippling.

It was a golden divine feather, exuding a quasi-emperor's aura, dazzling and astonishing, thousands of celestial flowers burst apart in an instant, and each and every creature knelt down, trembling involuntarily.

"The supreme emperor's wings of our clan!" Many people were excited. Although that wing can only be called its feathers, it is also earth-shattering because it came from a great emperor and was contaminated with his aura during his lifetime.

This is a blow that will kill, and it is also a blow that is suppressed to the extreme. With the three holy kings as the guide and the Emperor Zhun's wings as the weapon, it directly collapsed the world.


A strange sound came out, and a man threw the tip of a sword out of his cuff. The blue light shone in the world, and the breath of killing shocked the ages, and it collided with the collapsed wings.

There is no suspense, even though the Broken Sword is only a piece, there is nothing that can match it, it is too sharp, it cuts through everything it passes through, no matter it is the quasi-emperor's wings, or the Holy King Golden Crow!

(End of this chapter)

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