The meaning of covering the sky is supreme

Chapter 303 Attacking the Ancestral Land

Chapter 303 Attacking the Ancestral Land
Huosang star.

In the ancestral hall deep in the ancestral land of the Jinwu people, a group of people stood quietly.

They looked at the stars in front of them. Among the densely packed light spots, there were countless small golden crows standing like incubators in eggshells.

However, above the light spots in a special area, there are five special bright light spots. They are like suns surrounding the galaxy, which are astonishingly bright.

But just now, four of them suddenly dimmed one after another, and finally turned into silent dust, falling from the suspension.

"How could such a thing happen... how is this possible!"

The four ancestors fell one after another, and the time was extremely short, which shocked everyone.

"Hurry up, tell the Fifth Patriarch that something serious has happened!" Someone rushed out of the hall in a panic.

"It's the expeditionary force! Where are the others!"

However, just as the sound fell, there were patches of stars that quickly dimmed, as if being silently swallowed by darkness.

"The Expeditionary Army...was wiped out..."

At this moment, everyone in the ancestral hall was terrified. They knew that something serious had happened.

The four saint king ancestors, tens of thousands of elites, including eight saints, were originally the starry sky expedition army that everyone was looking forward to, and they were also an invincible army that would surely win, and they could push across a star field at will.

However, almost all of them have fallen, and only a few stars are still shining.


The gate of the ancestral hall was pushed open by a violent holy power. The person who came was tall and tall, like a raging demon god. The surging holy power suppressed the entire ancestral hall in silence. The terrifying pressure seemed to choke Everyone's necks, making it hard for them to breathe.


The old man's eyes were bright, and the golden light was beating and burning continuously, causing the space around him to continuously collapse and reorganize!
He ignored the group of Golden Crows guarding the ancestral hall, and his eyes fell on the depths of the hall, where three bright light spots, like the sun of the universe, were ups and downs, looking down on all the stars.

Those were Wu Hai, the Crow Old Man, and... the Fire Crow Great Sage who had been missing for a long time!
They are the gods of the Golden Crow Clan. As long as those three don't fall, no one in the Golden Crow Clan will dare to mess with them.

"Send someone to search the entire starry sky, and also find the surviving clansmen and the truth of the matter for me!"

"Yes, old man!"

Hearing those extremely suppressed words, the people in the hall suddenly shuddered.

This was a turmoil, and it was suppressed by the Holy King of the Golden Crow Tribe before it got out. No one knew what happened, but there was a kind of panic silently spreading on this star.

The low-level Jinwu didn't know about these things, but everyone in the high-level panicked.

The two great patriarchs left, and the four patriarchs of the holy king fell. At this time, Huosangxing seemed to be the emptiest moment in thousands of years.

If at this time, a great sage came to seek revenge, the consequences would be unimaginable.

The Jinwu tribe has been rampant in the universe for many years. They have conquered several star fields and made expeditions to the legendary land of becoming immortals. However, they have also offended many races.

When it was strong, all enemies were chickens and dogs, but in the current situation, even the only remaining holy king is worried.

However, this worry only lasted for a few days before it turned into panic.

"Master Hai...has fallen?!"

Wuhun stood in the ancestral hall with a dazed expression, looking at the broken Starlight Fate Tablet. There were only three huge spots of light, but now there are only two left. One of them is extremely dim, but it still hangs high.

"Master Crow was seriously could this happen...they clearly brought Great Emperor Zhenyu..."

Wuhun couldn't go on talking, the loss in the past few days was too great, it was unacceptable.

Three great saints, one dead, one lost and one seriously injured.

Of the six holy kings, one died in the hands of Luo, and four more died during the expedition. It can be said that he was the only one supporting the entire star.

"Old Ancestor... It's not good, Luo is calling!"

"Who are you talking about...?!" Wuhun trembled, his face so gloomy that it frightened people to death, and even those eyes were breathing fire.

"Holy King Luo, he came in from the Nantian Gate alone, and is about to enter the ancestral court of the Central Territory!"

The Golden Crow Clan used to have Supreme Quasi-Emperor, although there was no heavenly court, but a demon court was set up on this star, which was also the holy place of the Golden Crow Clan, where countless Golden Crows gathered.

"You bastard, thing, I'll go ask for the ancestral weapon!" Wuhun's whole body was shaking. After so many years, who dared to be so presumptuous, and almost broke into the ancestral land!

At this time, in another area.

The sea of ​​flames is boundless and the golden light is boundless. A man, surrounded by the five elements of celestial light, with his hands behind his back, his eyes lightly raised, but wherever he passed, all the sea of ​​flames was extinguished, whether it was golden crows or strange beasts, they fell in groups.

The holy king can make all things submit to him only by coercion.

"The so-called expeditionary forces are all local chickens and dogs, Wu Hai, come out and fight!"

The sound was rumbling, like the drink of the Great Dao, it spread for thousands of miles, and it shocked many living beings.

"Luo! You bastard!" A mighty Golden Crow flew out from afar, with mighty might, but before reaching this area, he fell headfirst, watching the god-like man strolling above his head And pass.

"Have the Golden Crow clan been weakened to this extent..."

"Chop're going to die!"

There was a roar, and the entire star trembled. It was a huge golden crow with a length of one hundred thousand feet and a golden body. Slay the Immortal and Butcher the Buddha!
"Yo, there's one more alive, I'm in a hurry..."

Hearing those plain words, the people who came here were enraged hundreds of thousands of feet, and the terrifying power of the Holy King swept across the region, burning all the stars.

"It's killed the expeditionary army and my five elder brothers!"

Luo Tianchen was noncommittal and didn't care at all.

"Today, I will peel off your skin and ignite your primordial spirit for a hundred thousand years!"

"Old Jinwu is almost out, you, no."

At this moment, Wuhun couldn't bear it anymore. The destruction of the expeditionary army and the fall of Wuhai turned into a monstrous anger in his heart.


A wing rushed up, bearing the symbol of the Great Dao. It was not very long, but it was dazzling. The light shone brightly, illuminating the whole world. The golden light diffused and spread into every corner. The terrifying imperial prestige was like a vast sea. , Striking in the hearts of every creature!
"Golden Crow... Guan Yu!"

At this moment, on the distant land, two figures suddenly looked up.

The so-called crown feathers are the unique feathers on the heads of bird monks. They not only contain immeasurable divinity, but also taint their Taoism, second only to the only true feathers.

"It's okay, a holy king, you can dodge it carefully, not to mention Luo will attract firepower for us." The tall silver-haired old man smiled.

However, as soon as his words fell, Luo, who was originally very plain, was beaten into ashes by a wing, leaving no scum behind.

"I have a feeling...we might have been used as a gun..." Zishan sighed, looking at the angry Wuhun, his whole heart was in a bad mood.

 Normal two chapters, a total of [-] words, one update per day, also [-], a small number of chapters have not changed...

(End of this chapter)

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