Chapter 313
"How did he get in here!"

Many people's faces were not good-looking, but on this city wall, almost everyone ran away, only a commander wearing a battle armor, a young man, and a woman with trembling divine light stood still.

The commander didn't dare to move, he felt that the back was very similar, it seemed to be the man in white, and now he was escorted away, the man in white is not like a good bird, if there is a killing spree, no one can stop it!

The man and the woman did not move. They were not scared, but they had something to rely on, and they had enough confidence. Even if the other party was a saint king, they were not afraid at all.

"Actually, I am also a tester, so don't be nervous."

"You...are a tester?!" The commander stiffened his face, "Senior was joking, there has never been a tester of the saint king level at this stage."

Luo Tianchen raised his hand, let go of the little old man, turned around slowly, looked at the commander of the city, and said calmly, "I'm not kidding, it's just that I'm from... Zundi Star!"

This is a fact. He originally came out of Qishi Mansion, but later obtained the coordinates and entered the starry sky alone. Now, it has been ten years in a flash.

"The Buried Emperor Star..."

At this time, whether it was the commander, the young man, or the goddess who couldn't see her face clearly, they were all taken aback.

This name is too resounding and terrifying. The Qing Emperor 2 years ago came from there.

At the same time, that star is also related to becoming an immortal. At present, many saints have set foot in the starry sky, and they seem to be looking for the coordinates of the Zandi star.

The man put his hands behind his back and looked at the starry sky. The blood rain was still there, and the white lotus was still tightly closed, exuding a terrifying aura, like a great emperor dormant in it.

"Then... what is your purpose? Why did you open that magic well?" the commander asked boldly.

"There is no purpose, I just want to bathe in the blood of all races and achieve my own body."

Having said that, the man turned around, his face returned to its original appearance, his calm and deep gaze skipped over the leader and the young man, and landed on the goddess. He remembered seeing this woman last time.

As for why you don't look at young men, a beautiful woman is always more attractive than a man at any time.

"Senior, this is the ancient road of the human race, please don't mess around."

The Goddess is a young Supreme, with an invincible attitude, and also a future seed player. She is favored by Taoists and must not die young.

Luo Tianchen nodded, his gaze didn't make any waves, he just glanced at it, and didn't pay attention. If there is no change in the future, this goddess should be Ji Haoyue's sister-in-law. It seems that there is an older brother with good talent, and Ji Haoyue's heart is upright and upright. Disappointed, almost lost his Dao heart.

But whether it is Ditian or the goddess, he is not interested, he is waiting, waiting for some people to take the initiative to attack.



No. 15 city.

In a small courtyard deep in the city, the guide looked anxiously at the old man watering the flowers in the courtyard. He wanted to speak several times, but he didn't want to disturb the old man.

This is his patriarch and the oldest one among the protectors. It is rumored that he has been sitting for 300 years, but he is still alive. It is a pity that his lifespan is running out and he will soon decay.

However, I don't know why, the patriarch is in a good mood recently, not only coming from the back, but also occasionally going out to bask in the sun and plant flowers, like an ordinary old man who cultivates his body and mind.

"Just say something, isn't it uncomfortable to hold it in your heart?"

The receptionist sneered, "Patriarch, the magic well on Dayuepo... collapsed!"

"Dayuepo? Could it be that the group of holy spirits know the secret of the magic well?" The old man stopped moving, and looked at the messenger with cloudy eyes.

"It's's a mysterious holy king from outside the domain who opened the seal of the magic well."

"Holy King? Didn't you stop it?" The old man seemed a little displeased. You, a supreme holy king, can't stop a holy king?
"Now that the magic well has been opened, it's useless to stop it. Presumably, the Holy Spirit will rush over in a short time. At that time, the starry sky will inevitably become a bloody place."

"It is indeed a big event... let's go first, if it cannot be violated, first transfer the souls."

While the guide nodded, he took out a divine jade platform and left with the old man.

The ancient starry sky road cannot be reversed. Except for the special altar that can go to and from the ancient city, the others need to be crossed physically, but that is too time-consuming.

In fact, not only they are acting, even the old Tyrannosaurus Rex on the Sacred Star is acting.

This old dragon has a great reputation. He is a great sage and the overlord of the Chengsheng star. He has been in the entire star field for seven to eight thousand years, and his lifespan is not much now.

"Husband, are you not leaving?"

"Protect the child. If necessary, I will remove the stars at that time." The old overlord looked at the blood rain in the starry sky, and frowned. Just now, a saint from outside the territory was teleported into the blood rain. Before he had time to struggle, he turned into bones, his body and soul were corroded, and he died in a terrible state.

It was an ominous area, and he seemed to have seen a mountain of corpses and a sea of ​​blood, and pieces of gods and demons fell.

Perhaps, in the near future, there will be an unimaginable chaos.

In fact, Luo Tianchen was also looking at the blood rain, it was different now, there were figures appearing in the surrounding void from time to time, and they wanted to get close, but they didn't dare.

Someone even threw a holy artifact into it. As a result, someone among the ancient corpses around the lotus opened bloody eyes, and a cold light suddenly appeared, directly smashing a holy artifact into two pieces. Light kills.

This scene made people tremble, those ancient corpses were too powerful, they could kill a saint with only their eyes, and several of them were in the Great Saint Realm.

It is clear that Kong knows the treasure mountain, but no one dares to break into it, which makes many people anxious and anxious.

"Look... a super strong man appeared, and he... actually broke in!" Many people on the city wall were terrified.

It was a huge stone man, with his hair hanging loose, tearing open the void, breaking into the broken magic soil alone, pressing down with one hand, causing the entire starry sky to collapse.

"Holy Spirit... Ao Mang!"

That creature was terrifying, even stronger than the old Tyrannosaurus rex at its peak. Just the fluctuation of qi and blood pierced through the sky. The powerful divine energy spread out from the demonic soil, turbulent the world, and made it difficult for many saints who were far apart to stabilize. Stay in shape.

"That's's the burial place of our ancestors, I didn't expect it to be here!" Ao Mang, like an invincible god, broke into a group of ancient corpses by himself and swept all directions.

However, the power of those ancient corpses exceeded his expectations, and some of them were even contaminated with some residual blood of the perfect holy spirit, which contained a small part of the law of the holy spirit, which made him, who had been pushing his opponents sideways since he was born, It was actually blocked by those ancient corpses.

"Ao Mang...he actually came."

At this time, two figures appeared on the wall of the Tenth City. As soon as they arrived, they looked at the starry sky and frowned.

"Patriarch, let's arrange it in advance, maybe they will plan to build the last six magic wells." The reception envoy transmitted the sound.

But when he glanced out of the corner of his eye, he immediately saw an unexpected figure. The white clothes were too eye-catching, and the aura was too unique. It was hard not to notice it.

"Why are you here, you bastard!" The guide was furious.

However, that figure didn't look at him, but looked up and down at the patriarch beside him.

At the same time, he found that his ancestor also had a weird face, and even the corners of his eyes were twitching.

"Luo, you are not harming the Yaozu on the ancient road of the Yaozu, what are you doing here... that magic well... you must have opened it!"

Luo Tianchen nodded, not paying attention to the old man, still standing calmly on the city wall, knowing that there are many saints who know him, a guardian is not surprising.

But inside his cuff, there is a section of the sword hidden. He is three feet wide, isolating all breaths. If he wants to, he has great confidence that he can kill this great sage.

(End of this chapter)

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