Chapter 314
"Patriarch, do you know him?" The guide was surprised.

"He is a tester, but he is a little special." The old man smiled and took out a jade table and placed it on the aisle of the city wall. At the same time, he also took out the fine wine that had been treasured for a long time, "Little friend, drink two glasses?"

This scene made people dumbfounded. You know, this old man looks rotten, but he was also a supreme arrogance in the past. The person with the highest strength, named Qinghuang Taoist, is only one line away from breaking through to the quasi-emperor realm.

But now, such an old man who is respected by everyone is actually inviting a person of unknown origin to drink. If it gets out, the entire ancient road will be a complete sensation.

"Little friend, don't worry too much, how about I tell you two good places, and you go to other ancient roads twice? If it doesn't work, you can also go to the Golden Ancient Road, where the ancient roads of all ethnic groups finally converge, like The sea is open to all rivers, and many outstanding people throughout the ages have left their traces there."

The reception envoy looked at a loss, the patriarch said there, but that Luo didn't show anything, and the patriarch didn't care at all.

Even other people were puzzled why a great sage would be so friendly to a sage king.

Taoist Qinghuang didn't explain, and walked slowly to the edge of the city wall, side by side with Luo Tianchen, looking at the starry sky.

"It's a troubled time, I hope it won't affect this place..." But when he looked at the man next to him from the corner of his eye, he still couldn't help but secretly sighed, how could it not be affected with this person around.

However, there was one thing that he couldn't figure out. There were rumors in the Chaotic Starfield that Chaos Body Luo fought with a mysterious person, and it was hard to tell the winner. Later, he killed fourteen saint queens and left.

Logically speaking, those who can compete with the Chaos body at the same level will never exist. This kind of exclusive darling of the heavens is too rare. As long as it appears, it will inevitably shine for an era, and other people can only be reduced to a foil.

But he heard that this kid is very mysterious, and even the avatars who are separated out can't tell the truth, and it is also possible that there is no so-called mysterious person at all. Luo just wants to divert some attention, at least in the Hunting Star Field, Many great saints who rushed there were looking for the mysterious person.

The starry sky rumbled, and the divine energy fluctuated continuously until the night. Ao Mang was indeed very strong, but even he was forced to retreat from the repeated impact.

The world collapsed, and the surroundings of the demon land were in a mess. I don't know how many thousands of miles around it were emptied, and I don't know how many death stars were blown up.

But tonight's sky is extremely dark. Originally, there were two moons and many dead stars in this starry sky, but they were all blown up.

Next, half a month passed, and there were endless rainbows in the starry sky, one statue after another, and they wanted to open the lotus, but they all failed in the end.

This not only did not dispel their enthusiasm, but led to some ancestors.

The Guangming Clan, a big royal family in the depths of the universe, is also known as the evil gods. Their ancestral artifact is very strong and resounds through the universe. It is the ultimate imperial weapon-the god refining pot!

"Two great evil gods have come, are they really planning to attack Bailian by force?!

Master, what is there? "

"Once a person of the lineage of the Holy Spirit is born, they will be no different from other creatures, their lifespan will be limited, and they will not be able to advance an inch throughout their lives.

According to legend, a perfect holy spirit in the age of mythology was born with an accompanying fairy scripture called Butian.

No one knows whether it is true or not, but in recent years, several holy spirits in the depths of the starry sky have been looking for it. "

"By the way, is Luo still in the city?"

"Should go."

"Let's go? He opened this place, how could he leave!" The old man Qinghuang was full of disbelief. As far as he knew, Luo and Zishan had found out that ancient general, but two of the great sages died in the end.

"Master, what is the origin of that Luo?"

Hearing the envoy's words, other people on the city wall also pricked up their ears, especially the testers.

"Luo...he is the most enchanting person I have ever seen, and no one in the world can stand shoulder to shoulder with him."

"This...isn't it okay for Ditian?" The receptionist was surprised.

Taoist Qinghuang glanced at Ditian in the distance, then shook his head slowly.

In fact, not only Ditian was there, but the goddess was also there. Under normal circumstances, the Young Sovereigns were not side by side, and encounters would be staggered, but they had no intention of fighting.

Because Taoist Qinghuang's words had already admitted the fact that Luo was a tester, and it also showed that the other party was from the same era as them.

"I won't lose at the same level, even if he stands in the Saint King, I will catch up sooner or later." Di Tian said to Taoist Qinghuang.

He was very confident, but also very indifferent, as if he was talking about an insignificant matter.

Regarding this, the old man Qinghuang just shook his head, "Having confidence is a good thing."

As he spoke, his gaze suddenly froze and fell on the starry sky.

There, the two great evil gods and Ao Mang jointly sacrificed a god refining pot, and the immortal light burst out, and the vast divine energy wave after wave, could be clearly perceived even across the starry sky.

The cyan god refining pot is cast with feathered green gold. Its appearance is shiny and dazzling, and the fairy light is dazzling. Layers of feather-like fairy lines exude the coercion of the ancient emperor's road, which makes people tremble involuntarily.

It is destructive, and nothing can stop it. Once it hits, pieces of ancient corpses will be smashed, even if it is a white lotus, it will let out a very shrill scream.

This is very frightening, a lotus flower that is as holy as snow, but it is like a ghost coming out of hell.

At the same time, a coercion resembling the ancient emperor rushed out from the lotus again, fluctuating towards the entire starry sky.

At this moment, all the living ancient corpses moved, they dodged, and like blood, they all merged into the lotus.

At this moment, the lotus trembled and slowly opened under the gaze of many people.

At the same time, it is also getting bigger, from three feet at the beginning, to thirty feet, three hundred feet... three thousand feet!

This is an extremely astonishing scene. With the opening of the petals, a section of hundreds of feet long arm is exposed in the huge lotus. hack away.

This kind of scene is too terrifying, with Shi Ling on the arm, an unprecedented terrifying aura erupts, the power is not much worse than that of the ancient emperor, and people can't help but worship.


The most terrifying collision happened. The Giant Hand and Shi Ling fought against the God-refining Pot together. There was a bright light between the two, and the aftermath swept across the entire star field. The sky did not know how many miles it collapsed.

Even, some holy creatures who were hiding in the starry sky fell one after another, and they were completely vulnerable under the aftermath.

However, when the two were at a stalemate, a bright sword tip suddenly appeared behind the three great saints.

It was very sharp, with a frightening killing aura, as if it wanted to kill immortals and slaughter gods. It was extremely frightening, and fiercely chopped out a bright blue fairy light at the three of them.

The blue light was huge, like the most eye-catching light in the world, and also like the first ray of eternal light when the world was opened up. With one slash, the world was split apart.

This sudden scene shocked everyone.

No one thought that there could be other creatures in the two emperor-level fluctuations, and they dealt a killing blow to the three of them.

(End of this chapter)

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