The meaning of covering the sky is supreme

Chapter 328 History repeats itself

Chapter 328 History repeats itself
"What's going on in recent years, why are there so many saints on this star."

"Could it be that the road to immortality is about to start? The saints in the starry sky are starting to frantically go to the Emperor Burying Star?"

On Ziwei Star, many people are discussing that the changes in the past few years are really too great. Before, there was a hibiscus undead tree, and then there was a holy body surnamed Ye to stir up the situation, and now there are saints appearing one after another.

This is like a prelude to a crisis, and the nerves of all major forces are about to collapse.

But fortunately, most people are only interested in the clansmen and deeds of the Sun Emperor and the Taiyin Emperor.

But what is unacceptable is that the last group of Sun Emperor's clansmen were wiped out overnight, as if they were wiped out by a ruthless hand, and only one child escaped.

At the same time, a few days ago, the Golden Crow tribe strongly announced their return, and two saints re-established the country on the former land of the Golden Crow tribe.

This made many powerful forces feel the same way, feeling sad and extremely complicated. They suspected that the two golden crow saints did it, but there are many saints on this star, so it is not entirely certain.

But the Holy Land of Taiqing was besieged, every day people from the Golden Crow tribe wandered outside, however, no one could break through the tortoise shell, not even the saint of the Golden Crow tribe with terrifying feathers.

"Master, don't stop me, I'm going to fight them!"

"You're going to die if you go!" Ye Fan raised his hand and imprisoned a stubborn young lady, sighing in his heart.

This is the child he saved, and he is also a descendant of the Holy Emperor of the Sun. Who would have thought that those people would be so bold that they would kill all the descendants of the Holy Emperor. They were too cold-blooded and ruthless.

How selfless the Sage Emperor was back then, he not only completed the laws of the various races, but also passed on the ancient Sun Scriptures. This is a real event, but how others treated his descendants, he wanted to kill them all!
"But my mother, and grandpa are all dead..." The little boy's eyes were filled with tears. He tried not to cry, but the tears still couldn't stop flowing down.

"Tongtong, don't cry. You are a man. In the future, you will stand up to heaven and earth, become a supreme hero, and spread the name of the sun throughout the universe." Yan Er squatted in front of the little boy, hugged him in her arms, and said softly comfort.

"But...Aunt Yan, they came to arrest me, I'm leaving...Who will protect you in the future." The little boy choked up his tears while wiping away his tears.

He is not very old, only five or six years old, but he is very sensible, and people can't help but love him.

"What the hell, I said I can't let that woman go, but you just don't listen, it's all right now, she must have returned to the ancestral star alive!" Li Tian looked annoyed, "It's really impossible, sacrifice the goddess stove, and kill a Count one!"

Yan Yixi remained silent. He cultivated the path of affection, first to be affectionate, and then to be ruthless. This is a process, but now he is not ruthless, so he couldn't do anything back then.

"Don't be impulsive, there are saints who are always guarding the periphery, and the goddess stove is useless." Ye Fan looked at the beautiful woman who was still watering flowers and plants in front of the purple palace in the distance, not only admiring her mentality.

It's such a time, and the woman's state of mind has not changed, indifferent, quiet, and detached.

"Miss..." Yan'er walked over holding Tongtong, hesitant to speak.

"Aunt Wu..." Tongtong looked timid and lowered her head, like a child who has done something wrong.

He vaguely remembered that when he was a child, he often brought a group of friends to this medicine field to toss about, and even once ate a king of medicine, which was hung outside the holy place by this woman, and dried in the sun for three days and three nights. Up to now, he Every time I see her, I feel scared from the bottom of my heart.

"You don't recognize me as an aunt, why are you still here?" Yi Qingwu didn't raise her head, she was still watering the flowers and plants, with an indescribable indifference in her expression.

"Miss... Tongtong is still young, he has always been obedient, and what he said that day was angry, it's not like you don't know." Yan'er held Tongtong's little hand tightly, and could clearly feel the little boy's trembling , this is not fear, but regret.

"Besides, he also wanted to avenge his parents. Didn't he come back safe and sound?"

Yi Qingwu didn't pay attention, and didn't even look at Xiaotongtong and Yan'er.

Such a scene made people sigh, and even Li Tian felt that Yi Qingwu had gone too far, "Fairy Yi, you are an adult, how can you be more serious to a child, and when the child is impulsive, his speech will be muddy. You brought up, what virtue, you don't know!"

However, as soon as these words came out, everyone in the circle looked at him. He twitched the corners of his mouth, and his face darkened instantly.

Isn't he directly saying that Yi Qingwu is more muddled, after all, the child follows the adults, Tongtong's parents are always away and rarely come back, they have always followed Yi Qingwu, stubborn but stubborn, but her personality is good, she has always been more sensible, It's not as bad as it says.

"Aunt Wu...I was wrong...I shouldn't be impulsive, let alone reveal my physique..."

Yi Qingwu still didn't look up, "You go, don't come back again."

"What... this..." Yan'er's eyes widened, her face full of incredulity, Miss is not a heartless person, she has never been, otherwise there would not be so many people in the mountains willing to take away the ancestral land and move to the outside of the Taiqing Holy Land .

Even Tongtong was taken aback suddenly, and he froze there, biting his lip with a look of bewilderment.

He never thought that one day, Aunt Wu would drive him away.

Back then, the woman who told him stories and taught him how to practice when he was a child would say such words today.

"The sage has been lured away by my avatar, time is running out, take him away, I don't want to see him again." Yi Qingwu's words were cold, as if she had no emotion, and like a knife, Xiao Tongtong The lips are bitten.

The little boy was very stubborn, like a little donkey, "I won't leave, I won't go anywhere, this is my home, with my family members, and Aunt Wu..."

"Old devil, take him away." Yi Qingwu said.

"Hey, fairy, don't worry, let's go now." An old man chuckled, grabbed Xiao Tongtong, and went to the Bajing Palace, which rose at an unknown time, with Yan Yixi in his company.

"Are you really willing?" Ye Fan looked at the woman standing among the medicine kings. He couldn't guess the other party's intentions at all, but in this holy land, the other party protected many people, including the holy king's Another descendant.

"If you haven't saved his parents, how can you face him again?" Yi Qingwu stretched out her hand to caress, and eight medicinal plants flew out from her feet, occupying most of the place.

At the same time, there is a jade slip.

"Since he worships you as his teacher, it means that there is a predestined relationship between you. I don't have much to give, so please take good care of him."

Ye Fan was dazed, looking at the eight medicine kings and a jade slip in front of him, this gift is very big, the medicine king is not for him, but for Xiao Tongtong to save his life in the future.

The jade slips are all three things in one breath. He has been greedy for a long time, but he didn't expect the other party to show them out today.

"" Yan'er didn't know what to say, there were a dozen or so plants in total, and each plant was the heart of the young lady, representing a kind of yearning, usually precious, but now she took it Most of it was out.

"No matter how good-looking something is, it will only be of value if it is used. If not, what is the difference from Fanhua?"

"Don't worry, I'm not afraid that I'll take it for myself." Ye Fan shook his head and left with his things. Time waits for no one, and no one knows when the saint will come back.

It was not until a long time later that the Bajing Palace returned to its original position, but the figures on it were no longer there.

(End of this chapter)

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