The meaning of covering the sky is supreme

Chapter 329 Take the Heavenly Venerate Killing Sword

Chapter 329 Take the Heavenly Venerate Killing Sword

The sea is boundless, like an ancient universe evolving, and its vastness is comparable to a vast star field, which can swallow all the stars in the sky.

This mysterious ocean is too big, wider than the ocean on the land of Renhe, as if it has no end and no edge to find.

But in this vast and boundless ocean, there is a wave of extremely terrifying fluctuations, the radiance is boundless, and the amazing blood energy penetrates the sky and the earth, shaking dozens of stars, smashing into the ocean, and only a wave Splashes.


A huge roar sounded and spread in this lifeless boundless ocean. A peerless battle took place ahead. The purple air was overwhelming, and the divine power was overwhelming, as if an ancient god was awakening.

On the other side, the Chaos Waterfall is as high as [-] feet, with thousands of symbols, covering the sky and the sun, shaking the galaxy, and constantly colliding with the purple air.

Zixia was shining brightly, bursting out of her pupils, as sharp as a knife, and a burly figure like a demon god surrounded Ziwu, with strong vitality and blood, every attack was horrifying, stirring up countless galaxies.

But the man opposite him was not afraid at all, he slapped his big hands, time shards filled the sky, he punched out, the aura was overwhelming, even the indestructible treasure body was hard to resist.

This is too astonishing, if someone is here, they will definitely recognize that the purple figure is actually the famous starry sky dominance, but, he was blown back and forth, his body was cracked, and it was difficult to withstand the attack of the opposite man!


A rain of blood flew like a torrential downpour, and the purple figure was blown up, and his body exploded in the air.

"Unfortunately, it's just a great saint-level hegemony that has been dead for a long time." The man shook his head and continued on his way.

Three years have passed, and now he is standing in the Saint King Jiuchong. He just broke through a few days ago, and there is one thunder calamity a year. Even in the Saint King Realm, this process has not stopped.

It's just that it used to be a big realm, but now it's a small realm.

He connects with the Dao every day, studies the texture of heaven and earth, observes the veins of all things, and makes progress every moment.

Tianjiao is not scary at all, what is scary is Tianjiao who perseveres in practicing every day.

"Tianzun's sea of ​​bitterness, the barriers of God's Domain..." Luo Tianchen pondered for a while, the Avenue of Time stretched infinitely under his feet, and the surrounding scenery instantly faded away.

Take a step forward, as if you have come to another world in an instant.

Here, compared with the lifeless world before, it seems to be two worlds. In the center of the vast sea in front, the celestial brilliance is transpiring, and the divine glow is soaring into the sky.

There are streams of powerful and holy spirit, springs like lakes and seas, like eight huge springs of life, in the bright divine light, wisps of immortal energy can relax the pores of the whole body from a long distance away.

However, in the center of these eight springs, there is actually an extremely huge spring.

Rather than saying it is a spring, it is better to say that it is the real spring of life.

It is surrounded by eight springs, and the celestial light that emanates is so gorgeous, peaceful, and holy, that people almost think that they have come to the fairyland, and it seems that they can touch the surging celestial dew liquid with their hands.

"Is this the Heaven's Fate Spring..." Even Luo Tianchen was surprised, he had seen many good things and knew many things, but when he saw this spectacular scene, he still couldn't help being shocked.

This is undoubtedly a fairy spring, which can life and death, flesh and blood, and is better than many medicines in the world. As soon as people approach it, they have a feeling of wanting to ascend into the sky.

If the life spring is like this, how amazing is the head of the ancient soldier that day.

It's a pity that the place is occupied by the old Golden Crow, and it has been almost used up since ancient times.

After all, the old Jinwu tribe is already considered half of the emperor level. Nirvana has already been achieved, but they are still dormant in their eggs. They want to plot against the Supreme, and wait for a real opportunity to enter the fairyland. Chengdi and Chengxian are together.

It can be said that he is an old cunning head, especially proficient in calculation and deduction, as long as he does not get out of the eggshell, he can do it well.

Luo Tianchen stood above the real fountain of life, his eyes pierced through layers of brilliance, and with a slight sweep, his eyes ached.

Those are four killing swords that are as red as blood. They sink and float at the bottom of the fountain of life. The terrifying killing aura is astounding through the ages.

He didn't look much, and sat cross-legged directly. At the same time, his figure split into two, split into four, and changed into eight. In just an instant, the entire sea level was covered with figures.

They kept the same movement, and recited the same ancient scriptures——the scriptures for saving people!

This is a special scripture of Lingbao Tianzun, which was obtained when he was on the earth. It can save gods at the top, and save humans and ghosts at the bottom. It is specially created for corpse disasters.

But at the same time, it also has the divine ability to seduce the four swords and the array.

However, just as he was reciting the scriptures on saving people, a monkey covered in golden hair also woke up from the spring of life below.

She sat cross-legged in the mansion, her six ears kept moving, as if she was listening, but with just one breath, she blocked the sound from the outside world, and at the same time, there was a huge wave in her heart!

"Holy King Luo!"

"Didn't he disappear... He actually came here... No, God damn it, he's grabbing my sword!"

The six-eared macaque kept scratching its ears and cheeks, and turned around in a hurry, but the opponent was too powerful. If it hadn't been for not targeting her, she might not be able to escape the fate of being saved even if she blocked her voice.

However, in such a short time, the four killing swords floating in the fountain of life have been pulled up.

This was an extremely uncomfortable scene. She really wanted to rush up, and also wanted to use the Lingbao scriptures to take back a killing sword.

But she dare not, with her current strength, at most she can win one bite, and it is not certain whether she will succeed.

"Bastard, I've been waiting for so many years, and I'm about to be able to eat meat, but you picked all my peaches!"

As a monkey who grew up soaking in Tianzun Mingquan, and got the inheritance of Lingbao, she has long regarded this place as her own home. She thought that no one would come in. Who would have thought that people would come and snatch it as soon as they came in.

"Can't bear it... this is a problem!"

But suddenly, she saw a pair of eyes, cold and heartless, like the eyes of the great way, looking at her coldly.

"There is also a female monkey here..."

The six-eared macaque's tail froze, and the whole person exploded in an instant, "You are a mother monkey!"

Monkeys are not afraid of the sky and the earth. They don't know the word "counseling" in their lives, but they can show their indomitable and stubbornness to the fullest.

Obviously, this monkey is also the same, but facing the four killing swords around the man and the tendency to want to come in, she immediately hesitated, "Why don't you come in and have a seat?"

Luo Tianchen remained silent, his robe was swinging, and he was drawing the fountain of life, collecting it continuously, and he didn't stop until a long time passed.

But at the same moment, the four killing swords standing beside him moved and slashed towards a node in the sky, as if to open a gate leading to the fairyland.

 Happy National Day!
(End of this chapter)

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