The meaning of covering the sky is supreme

Chapter 342 The King of Gods is Qu Luo and the Front

Chapter 342 The King of Gods is Qu Luo and the Front (Adding more rewards for Taiyao Huangquan Road)
"Any objections?"

The world is quiet, the dead silence is terrible, no one speaks.

"Yes!" Two figures flew over from the heavenly palace in the distance. The Holy King was so powerful that he couldn't compare with the previous Holy King.

The Nine Phoenix King who spoke, looked at Luo Tianchen with a livid face, his eyes were extremely sharp, he came on behalf of the ancient clan, although he didn't get involved in the discussion, he was just a witness, but you put all the ancestor kings down, Isn't this a mess.

However, there was only one palm in response to him, and the time in the palm was fragmented into pieces, and the aura of the avenue was overwhelming. With one shot, the Nine Phoenix King fell to the ground in an instant, and his whole body exploded.

Such a scene made everyone shiver, and the Nine Phoenix King, the supreme holy king, couldn't resist a single blow!
But the Nine Phoenix King did not die, but reorganized on the ground with a livid face.

"Friend Daoist, this is too much!" King Qi frowned.

"What's the matter, you have never wanted to talk about peace, otherwise, how could you set up the ancient imperial soldiers to face this place." The God King came out from the ancient battle platform, and stood shoulder to shoulder with Luo Tianchen in the air.

"If this is the true strength of your human race, then it is impossible for you to negotiate peace." The Nine Phoenix King flew into the sky again, but his attitude was much better. He knew that the other party had shown mercy just now.

"That's why, you Luo Tianchen is a monster, but do you dare to say that you have always been far ahead? It's not like my ancient clan doesn't have princes!" A sage king shouted.

"Just because I am a chaotic body, just because I, Luo Tianchen, is still alive, in this life, all princes can only choose to surrender!"

At this moment, everyone was quiet, the words rumbled loudly, confidently and arrogantly, and sounded in everyone's heart, no one denied it, no one disputed it.

This is a fact, physique has also represented talent since ancient times, that is to say, those who are talented do not necessarily have a special physique, but the talent with a special physique is definitely not bad.

A chaotic body has stood on the top of the sage king for more than 30 years. As long as that man is alive, in this life, all the proud sons of heaven can only be dimmed, and even green leaves can't be done.

"We must kill him!" At this moment, a common thought appeared in the minds of many ancient race creatures, and once it appeared, it has been lingering in their minds, lingering.

It's just that most people don't have the courage and strength to calculate such a saint king, so they can only imagine.

At this moment, the two holy kings stood side by side, coercing the heaven and earth in all directions, and fixed the universe in all directions, like two gods, which made the blood of the people boil, and many old people shed tears involuntarily.

It is lucky to see the strong rise of the human race in my lifetime.

But the sad thing is that the various descendants of the ancient princes of this generation, they are full of self-confidence, fighting for this great world together, they never put the human race in their eyes, and they all regard the princes as imaginary enemies.

However, the appearance of Luo Tianchen today was like a slap in the face, which woke them up completely. The real strong never look at their contemporaries, let alone the scenery behind them, but conquer the road ahead. Defeat one obstacle after another and keep moving forward forever.

Now, that Luo Tianchen has already embarked on this road, and most of the so-called ancient princes are still wandering around Zhan Dao.

The scene was oppressive, and the heavy atmosphere made it difficult for everyone to breathe.

"This...we can't be the master...the real negotiators are not us." A holy king broke the silence and spoke tremblingly.

Thinking of the rumors of genocide some time ago, they were really afraid. That person didn't just talk about it, but really killed them all.

"That is to say, you are here to cause trouble." Luo Tianchen asked.

"Fellow Daoist was joking... There is no such thing at all..."

"Then what's the reason for the ancient imperial soldiers outside." Although the tone of the god king was gentle, there was also a kind of strength.

"We don't count the ancient imperial soldiers..." Someone said stiffly.

They did deploy ancient imperial soldiers, but this was based on the premise that there is only one saint king among the saints of the human race, but right now, even Jiang Taixu is also a saint king.

Besides, Luo Tianchen has one on his body, Yao Chi also has the West Emperor Pagoda, plus Jiang Taixu, it is very likely that there are a total of three extreme soldiers here.

Time passed slowly, and the kneeling legs of all the ancestor kings were numb, and their bodies couldn't help shaking, but in the end, they were all invited into the Yaochi Heavenly Palace.

This is a deliberative palace. The human side is headed by the old mansion master, plus a group of religious leaders, while the Taikoo side is headed by a holy king, supplemented by a group of ancestor kings. Discussion about creating a prosperous world together.

Some people think that reconciliation is possible, while others think that they need to wait for the arrival of the subsequent ancestor king, because tomorrow is the real negotiation date, but no matter what they think, they can't change their attitude towards the human race.

All this is because of one person, a terrifying person who is more than an emperor's son.

It was a long night, which made many people feel uneasy and anxious about waiting.

The human race needs a period of time to grow, because it is urgent to establish a peaceful coexistence between humans and ancient times.

But in the early morning of this day, one after another roar suddenly sounded, like a huge loud sound from across the world, which shocked many people's bodies.

"Here we come..." Someone yelled, and many people looked out of the mountain gate of Yaochi in unison.

There, eighteen figures came from the horizon, they looked like the strongest heavenly group in history, each of them bloomed with unparalleled brilliance!
Shengwei panicked, surging like a sea of ​​gods, submerging the entire world, and his footsteps resonated in unison, just like the drums roaring in the ancient heavens, the four-dimensional space collapsed, and the entire universe was about to reverse.

"Zi Lin, Fallen Heaven King, Twin Kings, Shi Wang...the eight saint kings!" Someone trembled, feeling a kind of powerlessness.

The eight most powerful saint kings are in front, with indifferent eyes, opening up the world, and the ten high-ranking ancestor kings are behind, suppressing the four directions, coming together, just a ray of momentum, it seems to be able to destroy all living beings in the world, it is too frightening.

Even, many people feel that this scene may be accompanied by their whole life, and they will never forget it.

However, at this moment, they also heard the sound of a piano.

The sound of the piano is peaceful, as if falling from the nine heavens, lingering with fairy light, it is pleasant to the ear, as if it sounds in the depths of the human heart.

It was a figure from the back in white clothes, he was sitting cross-legged on the ground outside the Yaochi, on his knees was a red Guqin condensed with the power of God, gently plucking it, shaking everyone's heartstrings.

"God King..."

However, in front of him, there is another person, that is a tall and majestic figure of immortal light, he is like a fairy mountain, and one person can block the outward momentum of all the ancestor kings.

At the same moment, the man moved, and the sound of the piano also changed. It seemed that there were thousands of soldiers and iron horses.

It's not that the sound of the piano has changed, but that the person playing the piano is cooperating with the tall figure standing upright like a real fairy.

"Luo Tianchen..."

Many human races are speechless, their eyes are moist, and there is an indescribable complexity in their hearts. Whether it is Luo Tianchen or the king of gods, they have all been targeted by people.

But now, at the most critical moment, they are still at the forefront. Although there are thousands of enemies, they have never been afraid.

(End of this chapter)

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