Chapter 343

One after another fairy light, one law after another, spread in all directions, and wherever it passed, all shocks disappeared, as if they were completely forbidden.

Eighteen patriarchal kings, carrying overwhelming power and unleashing boundless divine power, stopped in the distance.

"We already know about the incident...but so many comrades have died, there must be an explanation after all!"

An ancestor king came out and stood on the blood-stained earth. He was wearing a blue holy robe and holding a gold-plated phoenix wing. With the chaotic mist and the lingering breath of life, the entire desolate and broken world became full of vitality.

"Ancestor King Tengqing...he actually came..."

This is a ruthless person, not as harmonious as he appears on the surface, the corpses of various clans that were killed in the ancient times, blood flowed like rivers.

"There are saint kings in their 30s. It's not like there were no such people in ancient times. Do you really think that no one can cure you!"

Another ancestor king came out, this is a woman of short stature, with wheat-colored skin, named Blood Electric Ancestor King.

She held a dragon gun in her hand, her eyes were like lightning, she slowly opened and closed the room, bloody lightning surged wildly, destroying every big world in it, as if the universe was about to repeat itself, the scene was shocking and extremely terrifying.

Luo Tianchen didn't stop, he stretched out his hand and made a move, five colors of immortal light gathered in his right hand, with the symbols of the Dao, intertwined continuously, turning into a killing sword!
The killing sword is red, surrounded by five colors of fairy light, and is more than two meters long. It is dragged on the ground by a big hand, and it moves with its owner, drawing a long and deep mark.

"Ding dong!"

Suddenly, the sound of the song changed even more, from the clanging sound to the slow singing, moving the avenue, singing harmoniously to the world, and the sound spread thousands of miles to the mountains and rivers, which is extremely magnificent.

This is a real divine comedy, being stroked by the god king, the petals are flying all over the sky, and the pieces are crystal clear, falling in the sky and earth, gathering beside Luo Tianchen, making him even more sacred, as if he is about to jump out of the sky and the earth.

But at the same time, the group of ancestor kings found that the aura of the young man surrounded by light and rain became stronger, as if it had suddenly grown a lot.

This is not an illusion, that man is not only holy, but also has a kind of detachment that is rare in the world, as if he has opened the taboo and entered the realm of gods.

"That's... God's Forbidden... no, there are all!" Ye Fan exclaimed among the crowd far in front of the gate of Yaochi Mountain.

"Forbidden God..." Both the Holy Prince and the Huoqizi brothers and sisters became more cautious. The aura exuded by that person is too powerful... After multiple superimpositions, it is almost like a peak-level giant. Holy, the combat power has broken through the sky.

At this moment, all the ancestor kings also became awe-inspiring, and everyone burst into a terrifying aura, and even the other sixteen ancestors walked out in an instant.

They expressed their attitude with their actions.

However, as the eighteen ancestor kings stood up, Luo Tianchen disappeared in an instant. When he reappeared, he had already come in front of the Holy King of Blood and Electricity, and his great sword was swung across the sky.

There is no bells and whistles, the sword falls and the gun breaks, and a female saint king is chopped on the spot.

This is a killing god, he came across hundreds of miles, rushed into the group of ancestor kings, killed one person instantly, swept away with sword energy, and all ten ancestor kings were cut off.

However, this didn't stop. Several green vines were extremely thick, coming out from the ground, exuding chaotic energy, piercing the sky with one blow.

But this did not hit Luo Tianchen, he dodged ahead of time, and at the same time appeared in front of a holy king, without any extra movements, the hand was broken, and the sword fell on the head.

Everyone was dumbfounded, the ancestors and kings were like bought watermelons in front of that man, they could chop them however they wanted.

"This..." Many Primordial Clan creatures were swallowing their saliva, they were completely dumbfounded, you must know that among those people there were eight saint kings, each of them had killed corpses in the Primordial Era, and their blood flowed into rivers, and they were famous .

Among them, Tengqing, Zilin, Fallen King, and Shiwang are the pinnacles among them. Some people, as long as they exist, they are a kind of deterrence, and they are those people.

However, the Zilin Sacred King was also hacked, the Ancestral King's Armor was shattered, and his head flew several meters high, without receiving the next sword strike.

This is too scary, the man showed the attitude of killing the god to the fullest, in front of him, there is no enemy at all, let alone an opponent.

One sword after another, accompanied by a terrified roar, heads flew up one after another. The opponent was like a numb machine, without a trace of emotion, and kept repeating his movements.

This was an unforgettable scene. In an instant, corpses were strewn all over the ground. A total of seventeen ancestor kings fell on the ground, at the feet of a man.

But at this moment, violent fluctuations of divine energy suddenly came from the sky above, and a gilt phoenix wing was held by a figure and came at the speed of light.

Boring dust is unparalleled sharp, with the most powerful ancestral skills, from top to bottom, the small world is constantly opened up, the mighty power is sweeping, and it is extremely terrifying.

This is the Tengqing Holy King. He made a sneak attack at the beginning, then hid himself, and launched the strongest blow at the critical moment.

The speed of this scene was so frightening that even a saint would not be able to see it. However, the moment the phoenix-winged gilt fell, the figure standing on the ground suddenly raised its head.

At this moment, time and space seemed to be at a standstill, and the boring tip swallowed infinite light, breaking through several pieces of light rain, which was extremely frightening, but it stopped three inches before the man's eyebrows, and could no longer advance an inch.


A big hand stretched out and grabbed the gilt phoenix wing, and suddenly folded under the horrified gaze of the Tengqing Holy King.

Hearing a "click", the gilt phoenix wing broke like that, and the boring head was held by a slender hand, and it was thrown towards his head.

The Tengqing Holy King uttered a scream and fell directly from the sky.

The cold wind blows, and the world is silent. Everyone who saw this scene was so shocked that they couldn't speak a word. They even felt that their bodies were trembling involuntarily, and they couldn't control it at all, even if it was Huo Qizi. And the emperor is no exception.

Whether it is the ancestor king or the holy king, they are like weeds, being cut down at will, they can't let go of their feelings at this time, even if it is the supreme saint who wants to kill those people, it will take some hands and feet.

But that man showed the word invincible to the fullest. All enemies are chickens and dogs. This is the most appropriate interpretation.

"You are not qualified, let someone who can speak..." Luo Tianchen left, only saying one sentence from beginning to end.

But after he left, a group of ancestor kings began to reorganize their real bodies from the earth, but when all the living people stood up, they found that the original 18 people had been reduced by half.

The ancestors of the four supreme holy kings and the five saints Jiuzhong died, this is the price for daring to stand up.

But the other party did not kill them all, but left some people behind, some people who were completely frightened.

(End of this chapter)

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