The meaning of covering the sky is supreme

Chapter 345 Movements in Taijun High School

Chapter 345 Movements in Taijun High School
Three days in a row have passed, and the peace talks are still going on, making people wait and see.

Many people are anxious and uneasy in their longing, for fear that this grand event will be completely ruined.

However, at noon that day, the gate of the Heavenly Palace, which had been silent for a long time, was finally opened.

The leading party is the four Great Saints. After they appeared from the Heavenly Palace, they talked a few words along the way and then left each other.

Many people dare not ask, but the sages of the human race did not say much about the result.

However, the next day, the ancient ancestor king publicly announced in the divine city of the Northern Territory, "The ancient race will coexist peacefully with the human race, and rule the boundless land together.

As for the struggle of the younger generation, each depends on his own ability, each lives his destiny, saints and above will not end, nor will they interfere. "

As soon as this kind of news came out, it was undoubtedly a sensation, and it immediately shocked countless people.

At first people were still very puzzled, but after learning about the various major events that happened before and after the Fair in Yaochi, many people were dizzy from the shock.

However, not long after, many people cursed, saying that the ancients were shameless.

Saints and above do not leave the field, which means that Luo Tianchen is excluded from the young people.

However, there are so many semi-sages and kings of the ancient clan, plus those young masters, who were not carefully selected and sealed since the ancient times, the power of the blood is amazing, who can resist!

Not to mention, there is still a group of ancient prince's children!
This is extremely detrimental to the human race. In the entire human race, Luo Tianchen is the only one who can make a move. everyone within.

In addition, the younger generation of the human race only has the most outstanding performance of the holy body, but no one thinks that the holy body can be compared with the ancient prince.

"Too much deceit. King Luo Sheng is only in his 30s, not even a hundred years old, so he is not considered a younger generation. Aren't those ancient clans afraid of the fall of the ancient prince!"

"Those people were terrified of being killed by the Saint King Luo, and they were completely scared out of their wits. They are more afraid of the end of the Saint than we humans are, but it is really not suitable for the Saint King Luo to intervene."

All the cities were talking about it, and the whole world was boiling, with joyful curses, turning the faces of many popular people from the ancient clan into blue.

Even, the three words Luo Tianchen have become a symbol, as long as they are used, whether it is a quarrel with the ancients or a showdown, those three words are almost invincible and can always overwhelm everything.

"They're all jumping clowns... I don't know how you will feel when you know that there is no Luo Tianchen in the world." In a fairy mountain, an extremely handsome man touched his face and whispered, he was waiting, waiting for some people to make a move .

But once some traces are imprinted, he will never forget them in this life, even if those traces have long since disappeared from his face, they still exist in his heart forever.

God City, Magic Food House.

In the past few days, the place has become more and more lively day by day. Famous people from all over the world, the famous son of the sky, and the famous and stunning ladies, they appear one after another, adding a ray of farewell to the magic food mansion. kind of scenery.

"Holy King... I hope you don't take things from the past to heart. We are forced to act on some things out of helplessness, but Zifu will always be your home. After all... it is also Zixia's home..."

In a palace, an old man in purple was fidgeting, as if there was a nail under his buttocks. He wanted to stand up several times, but the man and woman opposite him did not speak.

The man is calm, the woman is beautiful, looking up out of the window, as if everything here has nothing to do with her.

A Dacheng king is rare in the human race. The old man has already decayed. After being born this time, there are not many years left to live.

"Zixia, you grew up in Zifu, and you know that Zifu didn't treat you well. All resources are centered on you, and you have never been treated badly..."

"The Bible, the holy soldier, the great holy soldier, or the King of Medicine, how much can you drive Zixia out of Zifu?" Luo Tianchen looked at the old man and said in a deep thought.

However, as soon as these words came out, the old man's face changed drastically. He knew that a grudge had grown in this man's heart, but at that time many people thought that the other party was dead, and a dead person would never have any value.

This is the reality, just like the growth history and growth period of every great emperor, the whole world is an enemy, but when darkness comes, the first thing people think of is the person who has hunted and killed.

"This..." The old man was silent. He really wanted to say that he didn't need anything. He didn't dare to hope for a holy king with great growth potential that even the royal family would fear. Seeing the form clearly, under the oppression of the ancient clan, he chose to obey.

However, in fact, the Gu Clan did not come here for Luo Tianchen, because Luo Tianchen was already dead at that time, who would argue with a dead person, not to mention that the two had no enmity, the fault was the fault, he shouldn't Taking the initiative to abandon the relationship with Luo Tianchen and denigrate it, this is why he bit the bullet and came here today for pilgrimage.

"The gate of the Zi Mansion will never force anyone to stay. As long as Zixia is willing, she can leave at any time. Of course, it will always be Zixia's home."

The old man is very shrewd, always insisting on "home".

"It's fine if it's over, the Zifu is right to me, I gave it to the King of Medicine, and I gave it to the ancient scriptures, so let's stop here.

In addition, as long as I am alive, all conflicts and hatreds will be directed at me. Similarly, no one from the ancient race will dare to touch the human race! "Luo Tianchen said softly, drawing a conclusion.

But he didn't mention whether Zixia left or not, as if he asked casually, not that Zixia must leave Zifu.

The old man left full of thoughts, but Luo Tianchen's words were always echoing in his mind, all the ancient people who could be deterred by one person did not dare to move around, what kind of courage is this.

In the whole world, there is only one person, Luo Tianchen, whose role is comparable to that of Gai Jiuyou, the strongest of the human race.

But this era is different, not only being able to prove the emperor, even if there is an emperor, Luo Tianchen can also prove it, this is incomparable to Gai Jiuyou, and it is also the root of the fear of the ancient people.

Because no one in this world can suppress Luo Tianchen's rise, not the human race, the ancient clan, or the royal clan.

However, under such circumstances, there were some unknown fluctuations in the deepest part of the ancient mine in the early days.

"The road to immortality is about to open..."

A voice sounded inexplicably, as if falling from the nine heavens, it was magnificent and majestic and frightening.

"Rong Taiyin and Sun, embarked on the legendary's's a pity that he shouldn't have been born in this era..." The indifferent voice rang out, and the whole world was completely chilled. In the distant place outside the ancient mine, there are creatures trembling inexplicably, feeling an invisible chill passing through the sky and the earth, as if to freeze everything.

"It's as if he can live without being born in this era..."

Suddenly, the entire depth of the ancient mine was quiet.

(End of this chapter)

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