The meaning of covering the sky is supreme

Chapter 346 The Indigenous God of the Ancient Mine in the Beginning

Chapter 346 The Indigenous God of the Ancient Mine in the Beginning
Between the supreme and the supreme, the goal is the same, both are to become immortals, but their ideas are not completely the same.

It's like the Supreme is divided into the Normal Supreme and the Dark Supreme.

The reason why the former is sealed to this day is only for the pure desire to go to the fairyland, and after they think the right time, they will choose to go out of the world to conquer the fairy road, even if they die, it will not harm all spirits.

Most of the latter were unwilling to dissipate after failing to attack the immortal road again and again, so they chose to devour all spirits, live again, and continue to wait for the opening of the immortal road.

"It is only more than 100 years away from the correct time... A chaotic body can't achieve great success, and it can't affect the overall situation..."

"It's just that you yourself can't make great achievements. It's not like there are no ones who have proved the Tao in more than 200 years. Have you forgotten the beginningless..." Someone said coldly.

This is the truth, emperors and emperors generally spent more than 500 years proving the Tao, and when it comes to time, it is really not as fast as there is no beginning.

But what do you mean by that, we are weaker than beginningless?Or did you not spend hundreds or thousands of years?
They are all at the same level, whoever is not the invincible who dominates the world will be afraid of whom!

In the end, the voice there still fell silent, and no one knew who would shoot, but the Chaos Body couldn't possibly be alive.

The starry sky outside the Beidou domain.

The universe is cold and dark, and the huge fleets stand still, exuding a cold metallic luster, like a boundless steel forest, covering the sky, the largest can be thousands of feet long, while the smallest is only a few feet.

They are densely packed, surrounding each mother ship, slowly sailing in the starry sky.

"It won't be long before we reach the life star named Beidou... The more critical the moment, the less anxious..." someone said in the mother ship.

"That's terrifying...he went crazy in the depths of the starry sky. Damn it, it's a good thing he's not on that star."

Someone said, "Zi Wang, are you sure everyone there thinks Luo is dead?"

The holy king of the Ziyun tribe nodded slowly, "The people there are not very friendly to Luo. Many people say that he has been dead for more than ten years. Now we have been delayed for five years. According to the news from the depths of the starry sky, Luo is on the ancient golden road. Deep down, the message comes from that one."

"Son of the gods..." Many people showed joy.

But this matter has to start ten years ago. Ten years ago, they sent a lot of fleets just to find Beidou.

The hard work paid off. Five years later, a fleet returned and confirmed the existence of Beidou. At the same time, a lot of information was obtained, and even Ziyan, the long-lost pearl of the Ziyun clan, was found on Beidou.

As soon as this news was sent back, it caused a sensation. The five royal families came together to assemble a steel army, not to wash away the shame, but to dig the restricted area and the purple mountain.

"Yan'er, you have been in Beidou for so long, tell them about the situation there, so as to reassure them." Zi Wang looked at the beautiful woman beside him and said with a smile.

"Actually, most of the natives there are not high-level, and there are no saints. Purple Mountain and the Seven Forbidden Zones also exist. Unfortunately, I was only busy extracting the evolution fluid at that time, so I didn't go in and have a look."

Ziyan smiled slightly, and said, "By the way, there are many legends about immortal medicines. I have caught several natives, and the results I got are all the same. There are no less than a few kinds of immortal medicines, but there are also god weapons in some places." , be careful with this."

"Doesn't that mean that we can not only obtain immortal medicines, but also god weapons?!"

Many people are pleasantly surprised that such a rich native star cannot be found in the whole world, which can be described as treasures everywhere.

"Open the star gate and move forward at full speed!" Several great sage kings gave the order, and immediately, all the metal ships shook.

This is a frightening scene. Lanto, Ziyun, Sun Never Set, Canghai, and the Zhao family, the five royal families set off for an expedition, followed by countless warships, all marching towards Beidou.

However, they don't know what awaits them, nor do they know that this is an extraordinarily sensitive time.



North Territory, Jiang Family.

Since the appearance of the God King, the threshold of this family has never stopped the exchange of personnel.

This is not only a pilgrimage, but also a fear of the cleansing of the god king.

After all, there were many forces who took action against the God King. Later, the God King did not pursue it. It was suspected that his lifespan was short, and he disappeared after leaving the Eastern Wilderness. No one would have thought that he would survive the second life without relying on the elixir.

"People's hearts are always so unpredictable, and most of the time they are more terrifying than the ancients." Luo Tianchen sat opposite the God King, his gaze pierced through layers of clouds and smoke, and landed in front of the gate of the Jiang family.

"No matter how unpredictable it is, didn't Luo Xiaoyou also stand up?" The king of gods asked back, every time he saw this young man, he would involuntarily think of the day in the purple mountain.

"I'm not the ancient emperor, I'm just a little monk venting my anger for my junior sister, maybe..." Luo Tianchen stopped talking, and suddenly looked up at the sky.

At this moment, not only him, but also the god king and the powerhouses of the entire Northern Territory are raising their heads.

In the sky, the fluctuations in space are astonishing. Huge steel spaceships smashed through the space barriers, protruding their huge bows. The metal is cold, and the avenues are densely covered with lines. They break through the space and land on the top of the Northern Territory one after another.

Especially Zishan and Taichu Ancient Mine.

"What is this...?" Many ancestor kings were stunned. At this time, most of the ancestor kings are awake. That ruthless man killed his family.

Today, Beidou seems to be invaded by aliens...

"Zishan, it's really Zishan, the tomb without beginning, many people are worshiping it, these aborigines are too stupid to see the big tomb and refuse to enter, we need to come in person for archaeological work!" An ancient sage laughed Laughter, the sound shook millions of miles, and it was hard to hide the excitement in my heart. This was a wave of spiritual consciousness, and I could understand it even if I didn't understand the language.

"Aliens... digging Purple Mountain??" Ye Fan stood on the ground in the Northern Territory, also a little dazed, but at the same time, there was a kind of surprise. If he could win one or two spaceships, wouldn't that mean he had a chance? Back to my hometown!

"It was also discovered here. Although I didn't see a saint, there were groups of holy beasts, all of which were rare... Hey, there is even a phoenix beast?!"

"Sacred beasts..." The Heavenly Prince stood beside several ancestor kings, his face was so gloomy that it frightened people to death. Who is he?The son of the supreme god of all races, not even Luo Tianchen called him that!
"Holy beast? I'm holy to you, uncle!" Ancestral king rushed up on the spot with a holy weapon. He couldn't beat Luo Tianchen, and outsiders like you? !

Even, not only one ancestor king made a move, but several ancestors. For a period of time, the anger in their hearts had been unable to vent, and now it was completely ignited.

Just when all parties were in chaos, a group of battleships poured into the outskirts of the Taichu Ancient Mine. Before they started to go deep, they saw two human-shaped figures made of the Taichu Life Stone.

"So many lifestones of primordial origin?" Many people were shocked beyond measure, however, some people said strangely, "It seems to have the aura of gods... Are these two indigenous gods?"

(End of this chapter)

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