Chapter 349
Luo Tianchen died, outside the Taichu ancient mine, which made many people secretly excited, especially the members of the ancient clan.

But those patriarchs were not so ignorant.

Most of the Eternal Fleet was destroyed, and only a small part escaped. At the same time, many forces also captured many prisoners, and obtained some unbelievable news from them.

First, Luo Tianchen is called "Luo" in the depths of the starry sky.

Second, the corpses of the holy king that Luo killed in the depths of the starry sky were scattered all over the field, and several of the great saints lay dead. He was called the strongest holy king under the starry sky by all races!
Thirdly, Luo blew up the god mech of Eternal Star and conquered the entire Eternal Star at the same time!

Fourth, the human race in the depths of the starry sky is extremely powerful, there are several great holy feet, and there are groups of saint kings.

Fifth, Luo has a clone that is difficult to distinguish between true and false, as well as three kinds of immortal gold!

After many people got the news through soul searching, they were shocked beyond measure.

This is too scary to believe.

"It's simply impossible! How could he manage to blow up the god's mecha? It's an extremely imperial weapon!"

"Blown up by the Heaven Swallowing Magic Jar? Who are you fooling, I'd rather believe that a sow will hang herself!"

All kinds of information spread out like the wind, making the creatures on the entire Beidou stunned.

"It's not impossible. After all, it was cast by that person's body. It has boundless evil nature. It is said that the Heaven Swallowing Magic Jar can manifest a ghostly shadow. I don't know if it is true or not, but Eternal Star relies too much on external forces. We can fight a few at each level, even if there are extreme emperor soldiers, they will not be much stronger." An ancestor king comforted himself and expressed his personal understanding, which aroused the approval of many people.

But there is one thing that cannot be denied, the pressure brought by Luo is too great, so much that all the ancient princes and children feel deeply powerless.

Before becoming emperor, there were already three kinds of immortal gold, richer than their parents.

Now, because they were born too late, too many of them are still before and after the Dao, but they have already fought all over the starry sky and beheaded the Great Sage.

It is precisely because of all kinds of rumors that there is a lingering shadow in the hearts of all the people who want to be emperor.

That name seems to have supreme magic power, making many people sleepless.

And one of them is the worst!
"Why is this... none of these are dead..." In a fairy mountain, there are pieces of treasures, but the handsome figure in it is full of boundless hostility.

He had a gloomy face, his eyes were so cold that he wanted to eat people, "I am the number one bloodline in the past, present and future! Why are you Luo Tianchen!"

The roar shook the sky, and many beautiful girls who were waiting at the side were at a loss. It was the first time they saw this son of god who always paid attention to appearance and image, so angry.

At any time in the past, the other party was calm and at ease, even when facing the Holy Prince, but this scene now subverted their cognition.

However, even the emperor didn't know that he was just a discarded object.

The strongest heavenly sword and the most eyes of good fortune were left to the younger brother, and the best subordinates and the emperor's drum that could mobilize all races were left to the stepmother. .

But for all of this, the poor child is still complacent and doesn't know anything.

Kong has a name, but it is not useful at all, how sad it is.

He didn't even know how many people were waiting for him to appear in the starry sky. As long as his name spread, unless he could hug his stepmother's thigh in time, he would only die.

The initial choice decided everything, which is why Luo Tianchen didn't kill the emperor.



Holy area.

The land of three thousand gods and demons.

A man woke up from a deep sleep, strands of brilliance flashed in his eyes, and the ancient well was restored in a moment.

"Two... I know, I will give them a surprise then..."

With the sound of a soliloquy, the man fell silent again.

But on his body surface, there are hundreds of millions of strands of fairy silk blooming.

Those fairy silks are too thin, like cracks that have just opened a door, and like blood vessels, they connect countless tissues smaller than dust, as if connecting universes one by one,

The mighty power is boundless, the divine energy is infinite, and the vast and ancient initial breath blooms on the billions of strands, which is unimaginably magnificent.

There are boundless mysteries in the human body, one can become a saint by cultivating only one secret realm, and one can become an emperor if one reaches perfection in five realms.

But these potentials have never been fully developed at all. Shi Hao is not the first person to eat crabs. He just created the body as a seed, discovered the secret power of the human body, and opened the door of potential.

But before that, there was Immortal Ancient, Emperor Footprint, Dark F[-], Era of Emperor Fall, Brother Emperor Bone, etc., all with different systems.

Even in heaven, there is a way based on the body, such as body training, which is also a great way.

Cultivation, from the initial power to mana, and then from divine power to great power, is not only chasing changes in energy levels, but also digging oneself, digging the world, and digging out all things and spirits.

There are ten thousand ways in the sky and ten thousand marks on the earth.Observe the context of heaven and earth, understand the traces of all things, play the origin of all living beings, and transform all spirits into life.

I give birth to all living things, and I fall to the death of all living beings.

He is heaven and earth, he is all things, he is all spirits, and all origins are interpreted in one person.

The taboo mountain of three thousand gods and demons vibrated, the heaven and the earth resonated, and the most initial lines manifested one after another, like the root of all things, and also like the source of the great way, all competing with one person to shine.

Three thousand gods and demons manifested, tall, holy, or ferocious, but without exception, an ancient and vast Dao mark appeared in their bodies.

Similarly, they stood on the Three Thousand Mountains, guarding Luo Tianchen, and made a grand sound of chanting, just like three thousand gods and demons singing in unison. Worship the god of origin at the end of time.

The Five Elements Continent emits immeasurable light, and hundreds of millions of phantoms float on the life star above it, vegetation, humans and animals, mountains and rivers...all tangible and intangible things seem to be reflected by a force, completely manifesting in the world.

This was an astonishing scene, which made all living beings look stunned, and many people were even looking at the top of their heads, where the same phantom floated out, flying towards the retreat place of the new god.

But these phantoms are fundamentally different from them. They are very bright, as if they are composed of the most primitive avenue lines, and also like the foundation of their birth. They are sacred, vast, transcendent, complex, intangible and intangible. , but it seems to possess infinite mighty power...they can't help but tremble from their souls!

Many people have been completely petrified. The scene in front of them is too spectacular and unimaginable. The light of the avenue, the light of all things and spirits, even the mountains and rivers, the sun, the moon and the stars are shining. Trance.

"So... do we have such a powerful force in our own body..."

A grain of sand can fill the sea, a blade of grass can cut off the galaxy, everything in the world has infinite secret power, the difference lies in whether to dig it or not.

(End of this chapter)

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