Chapter 350
One round of spring and autumn, one year, ten rounds of spring and autumn without a trace, to monks, this is nothing.

"It's been a whole ten years... What kind of Dao is the new god cultivating... Why are those auras becoming more and more magnificent..."

On the life star in God's Domain, many people looked up at the sky after finishing the routine worship.

The figure is huge, sitting cross-legged on the sky, bigger than the stars, like a real sun, shedding billions of celestial light, illuminating all beings.

He is too grand, with countless lines all over his body, like avenues, unimaginably complicated, and like the foundation of the rules of heaven and earth, exuding the breath of life at the beginning of all things.

This is a god, who has been sleeping for ten years, from the first three thousand gods and demons in the mountain, and then appeared in the sky, causing a sensation.

Ten years have passed, and all creatures are used to it, but God transforms into three kinds of objects every day. There are people, demons, stones, seas, bells, and tripods... Ten years of changes include too many forms.

However, at the beginning of every transformation, there will be a special power emanating. At that time, there will be myriad Taoisms and infinite laws. At that moment, the mysteries of the Dao and the texture of the world will no longer be difficult , on the contrary, it looks like a female fairy with a naked fruit, all the mysteries will be presented in front of them for them to watch.

At the same time, there is also a special kind of fairy light falling. Anyone who is illuminated, seems to have an invisible shackle in the body. Gradually opened the taboo door, looked at the world again, but found a scene that I hadn't seen before... such as the inside of the body. Primitive dao marks!

At this moment, almost everyone was looking up. They looked at the god sitting cross-legged with his eyes closed all the time on the sky. Their eyes were extremely devout, and even the depths of their eyes were full of fanaticism.

This is not just a minor repair, it also includes the Great Sage!

Perhaps they were not convinced at the beginning, after all, the new god was just a saint king, but in the past ten years, even in the realm of the gods, boundless thunder disasters have struck down one after another, and each thunder disaster is unimaginably huge. It's just all kinds of humanoid creatures, but later it seems that even the creatures from the fairyland landed in pieces.

The great catastrophe has become more majestic and vaster each time, but the gods have never been harmed, and there has never been even a confrontation.

"It's coming... it's about to start..."

At this moment, all living beings were silent, and all living beings knelt down on the earth, looking up at the changes in the sky.

There, the huge figure suddenly trembled, and the endless celestial brilliance shook with it, making it difficult to see clearly.

At the same time, an ethereal and grand voice sounded.

"Yin and yang help the chaos, the eyes of the avenue open to see all things, integrate all Tao... see all traces... dig all power... he transforms all spirits... he transforms all things... he transforms eternity..."

As the voice fell, the hearts of all sentient beings trembled, and their minds went blank, "God has fallen..."

At this moment, all sentient beings felt it. They raised their heads and looked at the gigantic god collapsing in the sky in bewilderment.

His head disintegrated, his body disintegrated, and his whole body turned into wisps of fairy light and dense bright lines.

At the same time, another picture flashed out.

In the beginning, there was a vast and primitive land of fairy mountains, where the king of medicine was in pieces, and the fairy medicine was galloping. A child was born in the middle of the night, the fairy light illuminated the world, and the darkness swallowed all living beings. It seemed as if the light had shone through time, making all living beings tremble in a trance.

The picture changes slowly, the child from back then has already started to rise, his change was not very fast in the first few years, but his combat power is extremely strong, it seems that there is no other level in front of him, and he is always on the lower level.

Later, the child's changes began to accelerate, not only his physical growth, but also his combat power became more and more terrifying, but he was just a mortal body.

He is very intelligent and has amazing talent. When he was young, he was observing all things in the world, comprehending various dao marks, and displaying them.

But the result was unsatisfactory, this is not what he wanted, nor what he was looking for, but he thought of a way, a way to solve himself - to transform chaos!

Chaos can unite all ways and integrate all things. Whether it is inclusiveness or power level, it is unparalleled and the most suitable.

This is just the foundation and the most basic condition, but he did another thing, opening his eyes, opening the eyes of the Dao.

View the world, all things, and life with the eyes of the great way. All the most original powers are presented in front of him. Dao marks, rules, and order are without exception. The place touched by the eyes of the great way is the place where the texture appears. Place.

Those eyes are terrifying, just like the boy, as if they do not belong to this world, but also seem to be above the heavens, congenitally detached from this world.

They don't know how long they watched, but the boy has grown up, his physical transformation has not yet been completed, but his growth rate cannot be suppressed, on a star that was almost abandoned by Dao, he is still the fastest, almost A big realm a year, the speed is so fast that it scares people to death.

This is still under the condition that the chaotic body has not been transformed, that is to say, the greater significance of the chaotic body to the youth lies in the ten thousand ways and all things!
Because his own fear is enough to make countless people hit the wall in shame.

"That child from back he a god...if he is not restrained, he is more like a god than a real god..."

"It's God...God is observing the path I've come..." At this moment, a great sage trembled, " also creating a law...a law based on the chaotic body..."

This is a starting point, which is so high that it scares people to death. It needs to start with the two avenues of yin and yang, and then transform into a chaotic body. Finally, it needs to open such a pair of eyes of the avenue that can see the origin of all things.

Only in this way can we see the original Dao marks of all things, comprehend the secrets of all spirits, and walk step by step.

This is a very terrifying law. Maybe in the end, all tangible and intangible substances are the source of power for its creators.

The world is silent, but he is immortal, time flows, but he is immortal.

Unkillable and indestructible, one person transcends all things and spirits, overlooking all tangible and intangible things.

This form can be emperor or spirit.The formless can be time and space, nothingness, and order.

This is a road that is not suitable for all beings, and there may be only one person who achieves it in the end.

At this moment, at the moment when all sentient beings were in a daze, all the pictures disappeared, and at the same time, countless avenues spread out.

The texture lines are boundless, there is no trace to be found, and there is no end to be seen. They are intertwined and spread, and they do not know where they will reach.

But in the sky above them, vegetation, rocky mountains, creatures, heaven and earth, time and space, myriad ways, everything is manifested in the most primitive form of lines.

This is the embodiment of the origin, reflecting each other in reality and illusion, and constantly reflecting under the outline of lines.

Perhaps it felt that the shapes of all things and spirits were somewhat inconsistent, or maybe it was the touch of a giant hand composed of invisible mighty power, and all things and spirits changed.

The lines in their form have changed. Although they are still the most primitive basic dao marks, but the next moment, they are constantly reorganized and sorted into identical figures.

Thousands of silhouettes manifested in the world, each one unique, with an expression of contempt for eternity, detached and frightening to death, the moment they appeared together, endless thunder fell directly, without any warning at all.

"Who allowed you to bring catastrophe to me..."

A voice seemed to come from the end of time and space, reverberating in this piece of heaven and earth, the invisible power spread, tens of thousands of figures looked up at the sky together.

 Thanks to the book friends Wei and Jin, just follow the fate, Huangquan Road Taiyao's 10000-point award, 2020...5239, Beidou Nanlai's 1500-point award, 2020...7803's 1000-point award, twlkquxin's 500-point award, Qingshanbuyaoyao 300-point Grand Prize, Emperor Xingyi, The Sky Dragon Beyond Time and Space, Mori Miki’s 200-point Grand Prize, Feng Yu Yufeng, Da Meng Chu Xiao Meng, The First Prince of Eternity, Dao Wu in the Beginning 100-point grand prize with Daotong, Qiu, and Leo.

  Thank you.

(End of this chapter)

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