The meaning of covering the sky is supreme

Chapter 361 Someone Behind You

Chapter 361 Someone Behind You
"Why did he appear here? Could it be that he wants to destroy the ancient road of the human race again!"

"It shouldn't be so. Too many people died in the opening of the magic well before. I heard that after Luo left, the giants of the underworld and the giants of the god organization showed up, and the sky was completely dark.

But could the previous movement have something to do with him? Or, his appearance will attract the underworld again! "Several young people looked at the peaceful young man, and there was a huge wave in their hearts.

As a member of the trial road, everyone has heard terrible rumors about that man, but the man has reappeared in the world after more than ten years of disappearance. If this news spreads, it will definitely cause a sensation.

At this time, several people around were looking at a hazy woman and a tall and burly phantom.

That is Qingshi, and there is a great demon god named Guhuang!
These are two young supreme beings with great reputations. The former played a flute sound that lingered in Cangyu, causing four saints to transform into Tao in an instant.

The latter is also not bad, the sea of ​​blood along the way, I don't know how many corpses are left behind, making Qing Shi secretly afraid.

However, the current fear has all been replaced by another person.

Luo, the supreme existence who can crush the ancient road with just one word, the sky that all the arrogances need to look up to, the legendary monster that makes the young supreme in the road ahead unable to surpass. Dare to look too much.

"I heard that Mr. Bing on the road ahead is suspected to be from the same life star as Luo."

"That is also a ruthless person. A few years ago, he obtained a treasure of the Taiyin in the starry sky. It seems to be related to the gods of a certain ancient emperor." Someone whispered.

"The underworld and the god organization have come out? Taiyao is on the ancient road of the human race?" Luo Tianchen glanced at the testers, and didn't pay much attention. Whether it was the so-called Qing Shi or the Great Demon God, in his eyes It's ants.

In comparison, he is more interested in marrying Wang Ziwen.

This is a lucky guy. Compared with the fate of his classmates, it can be said that he has reached the pinnacle of his life.

Obtaining the fragments of the nine-turn elixir, holding secret treasures, building a city, marrying a fairy, and relying on the supreme sage Wang's father-in-law, he vividly displayed the struggle history of a poor Xiaoxiu.

At the same time, the appearance of Wang Ziwen also means that the old woodcutter has been born in this period of time, and he has been born for a long time, even Lin Jia and Lin Jia have already been accepted as disciples.

The city lord's mansion was extremely festive, the music resounded through the sky, guests from all over the world filled the door, and red makeup was everywhere, which made the mansion like a vast palace lose its original color.

But on the sky above this bustling city, there is a breath slowly descending.

It was a girl with a graceful figure. She had an indifferent and haughty face, and she led two old people out of a space passage. They stood outside the domain, looking down at the entire ancient star, frowning constantly.

The stars below are so different, it seems to be completely activated, no matter it is the endless mountains and rivers, or the eight-sided sky, there are transparent lines looming, the rhythm of the Tao is surging, it is very amazing, from a distance, the whole star is like It was a huge man sitting cross-legged!
Originally they planned to go to the ancient mythical road, but without the coordinates there, they could only choose to come to the Heavenly Soldiers, open an ancient formation, and want to enter the five internal organs of the Heavenly Lord through the Heavenly Soldiers. This is a secret that very few people know.

But they never thought that they would find the huge man suspected to be Luo here.

At the same moment, Luo Tianchen looked up at the sky, his eyes flicked over the young girl and the two old men, but in the next moment, he himself appeared outside the domain.

These are the three great saints, and the girl among them stands at the eighth level of the great sage, not far from the ninth level, which is quite amazing.

"Luo?!" The girl was surprised, her haughty face didn't change in any way, this was innate, as if no matter how evil she was, she couldn't walk into her eyes.

Luo Tianchen didn't speak, and looked at the three of them calmly, one was Yae, and two were Jue, most of their bodies were squeezed into the Quasi-Emperor Realm, such a combination would be a patriarch in any star field.

"The Empress Dowager please, please come with us." The girl raised her snow-white chin, her gaze was extremely sharp, like two knives, it was undeniable.

"The Immortal Queen? Forget it, I'll search for it myself."

With the sound of a sound, Luo Tianchen moved instantly, and the Phoenix Blood Immortal Halberd swung in all directions, powerful and dazzling, enveloping the three great saints.

"You dare to resist the Queen of Heaven! Do you know what will happen to this? There will be no place for you in the entire universe!" The girl's face changed, and she drew out a red-gold sword, splitting tens of thousands of blood-colored rivers in an instant. Shattered the starry sky.

This sword is terrifying, mixed with part of the red gold of the phoenix blood, coupled with the chaos stone, its power is far beyond the ordinary great holy weapon, and there is a quasi-emperor aura swaying, that is to say, it is a quasi-emperor weapon !

At the same time, two old men stood on both sides, one of them shot a silver net full of symbols, and the other raised his hand and shot a formation in all directions, blocking the world.

Obviously, they came prepared, if Luo Tianchen didn't know what to do, they would forcefully arrest him.


The red golden halberd swept across all directions, cut through the sword energy, tore open the big net, and shook the formation for a while.

"Don't waste your energy. This is the ancient killing formation. Once it is activated, the Emperor Zhun will also have hatred. You can be content with a great sage like you!"


Luo Tianchen remained unmoved, his figure flickered, and he walked with strange steps, as if walking in time and space, the figure kept flickering, the speed was so fast that even the three of them were secretly on guard.

"Start the killing array and block him."

At this moment, the mist was raging, and the tragic killing atmosphere seemed to emerge from the ancient times, permeating the entire world, making everyone tremble from the soul.

However, with a flash of Luo Tianchen's figure, he actually passed through the formation lines that swayed from the formations, and walked out from this world.

"Xingzimi!" The girl was very knowledgeable, and explained the origin of the strange steps in one go.

But the pattern is useless, it doesn't mean they will stop there.


There was a tremor, and an old man chased after him. He had a pair of black wings on his back, like a flash of lightning flashing across the galaxy, arriving in an instant!

However, as soon as he arrived, his pupils shrank suddenly, as if he had seen something incredible.

In front of him, the figure was divided into two, two beget three, three beget all things, tens of thousands of figures came out together, everyone raised their fists indifferently, and then blasted out!

This is an extremely terrifying scene. The power of the fist rages across the stars, engulfing the universe.

A great sage died just like that, and his whole body exploded into the galaxy, causing the pupils of the two who came quickly to shrink suddenly.

Luo Tianchen's combat strength completely exceeded their expectations, even if they didn't want to admit it, but in this realm, this person is almost invincible, basically no one can stop him!
"Fairy Fengluan, you go first, I'll block him!" Another old man rushed out, and he unfolded the dharma image, his body connected to the sky and the earth, surrounding the sun, moon and galaxy, and the scene was astonishing.

This is a giant black bear. It is not a human race. Its huge body towers over the starry sky, its aura is vast, and with a slight shock, stars will fall down.

The slap of the palm is even more violent and boundless, covering the galaxy, shaking off a large star, and coming out with hundreds of laws.


The aura of the Dao shook the world, and the space continued to collapse, stretching for millions of miles, and it shocked many creatures.

Even the Mu Taoist two who were originally standing on the city wall were looking up at the depths outside the territory.

There, a gigantic bear was huge and boundless, covering the sun. Its majesty was overwhelming, like a prehistoric berserk dragon, sweeping across the starry sky in all directions, destroying the world with its strength!

However, on the opposite side of him, there is a person surrounded by the Daoguang waterfall, like a round of bright fairy sun, the big halberd even smashed the universe, blooming with immeasurable fairy flowers, leaving one terrible wound after another on the giant bear .

"As expected... as expected of the legendary catastrophe... It is impossible to survive wherever you go!" The two looked at the ancient dao marks that still existed on the sky, and fell silent.

In fact, he knew it well, which showed that the opponent's body was very likely to be on this star all the time.

"I really don't know if this will lead the underworld..."

The two were silent. Once after Luo disappeared, two supreme powerhouses appeared near the Starry Sky Ancient Road. That battle was truly eclipsed, the sun and the moon were dark, and several star fields were blown up. The horror was unimaginable. .

But after that, the underworld rarely appeared. However, this does not mean that the other party disappeared. Luo's appearance is very likely to attract him.

But they may not know that Luo Tianchen not only attracted the attention of the underworld, but also attracted the attention of Huangchao, Shenting, Huosang and other forces.

The battle was still going on, and the blood of the Great Saint stained the sky red, like bloody rivers, corroding the starry sky.

The giant bear roared again and again, wounds were densely covered all over his body, and a huge wound appeared on his neck, which slanted down continuously, completely slashing his entire chest, but he was helpless.

The more he fights, the more powerless he becomes. Grizzly raised his head and punched the sky with his unparalleled ancestral skills. There, a figure stood on top of his head, and when he stepped down, his entire aura instantly collapsed.

At the same moment, a halberd shot from top to bottom, swallowing thousands of light beams together, and suddenly stuck in the giant bear's head, even his primordial spirit was firmly fixed!
Luo Tianchen stood on the giant bear's head, stretched out his hand, and grabbed a group of primordial spirits in his hands. Generally speaking, at this level, it is already difficult to search for souls, but his body can.

As for the Fengluan holy bird who escaped, it was just a maid. He had already left a mark, so how could he really escape.

The underground space of Tianbingxing is still the same, now it has already been occupied by Luo Tianchen, and it has become his inspiration place. When he arrives, the main body is already waiting.

Although Black Bear is in Yuanshen state, he can still feel the surroundings. When he saw two Luo Tianchens here, he knew that he and others were too careless, "You shouldn't offend the Queen of Heaven, you should take the initiative to donate your Everything, get the queen's forgiveness!"

"Why?" Luo Tianchen seemed puzzled.

"The Queen of Heaven is a person favored by the gods. She is destined to prove the Tao in this life. No one can stop her, not even the emperor, nor your chaotic body!"

"Hehe." Luo Tianchen shook his head, the palm of his hand was filled with celestial light, covering the primordial spirit of the Great Sage Black Bear.

After a while, he sorted out strands of information.

First of all, the ancestral star where the black bear is located is called Tianxiong Shengxing, which belongs to one of the ancient tribes, but it is located in the depths of the universe and has been taken over by the immortal queen.

Secondly, the Empress of Immortality has been searching for various Tiangong relics recently, many of which are left over from the ancient Tianting period. She is looking for the Nine-Turn Immortal Pill, and she seems to be trying to save some people.

Specifically, the level of the black bear is too low, it is only the leader of one party, and has no access to deeper information at all.

But for Luo Tianchen, this is enough.

The Empress of the Immortal has a lot of cards in her hands, much stronger than the main emperor, but the legacy of the Immortal Emperor, coupled with the blood of the Emperor, is enough to make many people daunting.

"Want to save the god general? What does the emperor think? What does the god organization think? What does the old Jinwu think?"

Luo Tianchen crushed the black bear primordial spirit, "Follow them in the depths of the universe, let people spread the news to Huosangxing and Huangchao, saying that the emperor has lived out his second life, and he is in his prime. I have already mastered the Eternal Blue Golden Pagoda exclusive to the emperor, and everything is ready, only one step is left."

"By the way, let the God Organization know that the Immortal Empress wants to resurrect several great generals, causing complete chaos in the depths of the universe."

The avatar is gone, he doesn't need to do these things, he just needs someone to release the news.

Strictly speaking, all parties are waiting, except for the most active expansion of the emperor, most of the behemoths are hidden.

They are waiting, waiting for the road to immortality to open, and waiting for the dark catastrophe to pass.

However, they didn't know that they simply couldn't afford to wait, and even their own immortal gold had already been targeted by Luo Tianchen, such as the Emperor's Eternal Blue Gold and the Old Golden Crow's Dao Tribulation Gold.



In the depths of the starry sky, the flame star.

This is a fiery red medium-sized life star, and the fire phoenix family lives on it. This is not a real fire phoenix, but a descendant with a strand of phoenix blood.

At the same time, this is also one of the strongholds of the Phoenix Nest.

Today, a young girl in Tsing Yi walked out of the teleportation array with a gloomy expression, holding a scarlet killing sword.

However, as soon as she appeared, she smelled boundless blood.

The smell of blood was so strong that one couldn't help but vomit, the whole world seemed to be shrouded in layers of blood mist, even Feng Luan, who had seen many big scenes, couldn't help frowning, his eyes became more gloomy.

The blood between the heaven and the earth was in patches, dyed all over the sky, and wisps of blood light rushed to the sky, carrying the law of the holy way, and it has not dissipated until now, adding a different kind of vision to the already fiery red stars.

On the ground, corpses were in pieces, blood flowed into rivers, and all eyes were broken mountains and rivers, and wisps of quasi-emperor power.

In other words, the quasi-emperor, or a powerful creature with the quasi-emperor's weapon washed the star with blood. It may have happened for a while, at least a few days.

"Who is it..." Feng Luan's complexion is not very good-looking, in the entire universe, there is almost no one who dares to trouble Huang Chao.

However, she suddenly focused her eyes, and found a figure on a big mountain in the distance.

It was a middle-aged man with an unsurprising appearance, but the big black beard on his chin was particularly eye-catching.

He seemed to be aware of it, his eyes flickered twice, and he said a word in Feng Luan's horrified eyes, "It has nothing to do with me, this is what Shenting did, by the way, there is someone behind you, don't you look back see?"

(End of this chapter)

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