The meaning of covering the sky is supreme

Chapter 362 Heading to the Divine Court

Chapter 362 Heading to the Divine Court
At this moment, Feng Luan was terrified and extremely terrified.

Holding the Zhundi Sword tightly in her hand, she turned around slowly, her eyes touched the void, and sure enough, a familiar figure gradually appeared in the originally empty space!

The other party stood just a thousand meters behind her like that, like a perverted man following the girl all the way, or like a ghost seeking his life, following quietly.

"When!" Feng Luan was really startled, he changed his way several times, shuttled here one after another with secret treasures, but the other party still followed him without anyone noticing, if it wasn't for the mysterious person reminding him, the other party would be very It is possible to continue to follow, and even have the courage to go to the Phoenix Nest with her!

Naturally, Luo Tianchen came from the Ancient Emperor's Terrace, with the coordinates of Fengluan, it is enough to locate it a little farther away.

But at this time, he ignored Feng Luan, but looked at the middle-aged bearded man. This is a very powerful person, harmless on the surface, but his strength is unpredictable, unlike Feng Luan who knows the depth at a glance.

But the opponent is absolutely terrifying, let alone the strength in the middle stage of Emperor Zhun, and has even entered a high level.

"Don't stare at me, it's creepy, in fact, I'm just passing by." The bearded man spread his hands, like an ordinary middle-aged man, and he was honest and out of tune, "Shenting has indeed passed, But all these years, those who refused to accept their rule have been wiped out, compared with the Emperor, the Immortal Empress is a woman after all, and her courage is more than a star and a half behind."

"Nonsense!" Feng Luan scolded, "His emperor deserves to be compared with the Queen of Heaven!"

"Then who knows, now all the subordinates have been taken over by others, and in the end they don't even dare to fart, it's embarrassing for the Immortal Emperor." The bearded man muttered, making Feng Luan's chest heave and heave.

But Feng Luan didn't dare to stay here, the Zhundi sword was shining, rippling the space, she wanted to escape, Luo's following made her stand uneasy.

However, the moment she wanted to move, Luo Tianchen also moved, and a big halberd appeared, ignoring the distance, and it was unstoppable, as if it wanted to split a universe!

Emperor Zhun's prestige erupted, his aura was ever-changing, the immortal halberd was extremely powerful, and the Emperor Zhun's sword was constantly sinking, making it difficult for Feng Luan to support it.

The whole body of the immortal halberd was cast with phoenix blood red gold, it is immortal and extremely strong, and it has no fear of the quasi-emperor's law.

"Good thing, little Luanniao, don't be cowardly, kill him!" The bearded man screamed strangely, making Feng Luan's face pale and cold.

She is the maid of the Immortal Queen, whether it is in the ages or now, she is not respected wherever she goes, she is more noble than thousands of fairies in the world, she has never been so humiliated!

The halberd suddenly slid sideways, the halberd was unparalleled, terrifyingly sharp, before it slid towards her head, the terrifying killing aura seemed to kill gods and Buddhas.

At this moment, Fengluan's reaction was also extremely fast, he swung Zhundi's sword up, like a real dragon turning over, and as if he wanted to overturn the world, he forcefully pushed the halberd aside.

But that fairy halberd was too terrifying, it cut off several strands of her black hair, and the crisis of death swept across, splitting apart the starry sky in the distance!
However, the offensive of the Immortal Halberd was still there, and it pressed down again, and it was even more ferocious. The killing machine filled the starry sky and filled every corner, as if it wanted to slaughter all living beings.

For a moment, she seemed to see pieces of heaven and earth, and also seemed to see the figures and creatures who died in them.

There are many pictures, including heroes, wizards in the starry sky, beautiful fairies, and even the strongest who look like gods!
This is a horrifying scene, which makes Feng Luan's heart flustered, the hand holding the sword is trembling, the mountain of corpses rises, the sea of ​​blood rises and falls, a man seems to have killed everything, and the cover is coming, the supernatural power is frightening !


The halberd slashed across, broke the quasi-emperor's law outside the sword, landed on Feng Luan's shoulder, and chopped off a jade arm!
The holy blood sprinkled the starry sky, and the red clouds made thousands of clouds, making Fengluan's face pale as paper. She fled a hundred thousand miles away in an instant, and at the same time wanted to take back the Zhundi sword. suppressed.

"You have already comprehended this level of attack!" Feng Luan screamed, wrapped in a secret treasure, and plunged into the galaxy without looking back.

It was a blow that integrated into the perception and experience of life. She followed the Immortal Queen and knew many secrets. It was the unique method of the creatures of the emperor's way.

Luo really scared her. It's not just that she grew up too fast, but that the other party is a natural freak. Even without a chaotic body, it seems that she was born to become a great emperor!

"You don't chase?" The bearded man was weird, "Yes, you just wanted to let her go."

Luo Tianchen flicked Zhundi's sword, and split the starry sky into several abysses. This is a magic weapon from Zhundi's early days, and he can give it away in the future. He put it away, and said flatly, "The depths of the universe are not My territory, and me at this stage, is not suitable for meeting those people."

"Not necessarily, why don't I recommend someone to you, he was born for the sake of the common people, maybe you have a common language." The bearded man kept rubbing his hands, his eyes glowing, "This world is unusual, it's a catastrophe Coming to the world, all living beings will suffer, and someone can guarantee your safe rise."

"No need, no one can stop my rise!" Luo Tianchen glanced at the bearded man, and the avenue spread under his feet, heading towards the depths of the universe.

"Boy, that's the direction of Shenting, do you want to deliver food to the emperor?!"



deep in the universe.

On a sky like a boundless fire cloud, the space is distorted, and the huge Phoenix Nest is like an ancient world, floating and sinking, reflecting thousands of auspicious clouds.

Feng Luan lowered her head, kneeling in the void with a pale face, not daring to speak.

"I knew for a long time that he would not give in, that he could become a chaotic body. He is another generation of outstanding people, so how can he be willing to be inferior to others, but after all, he is too young, self-righteous, and has never experienced severe beatings, so he will never know what awe is."

"Master...the side of the court..."

"Emperor? The name is loud..." Huang Chao was silent for a moment, and there seemed to be a sneer in his voice, "A junior is not afraid at first, but he really only owes an opportunity. What the emperor has, he Almost all of them are there, and I have lived a second life!"

This is what makes the Immortal Empress most afraid. Throughout the ages, there are only a handful of people who can live a second life without relying on external objects. Even many emperors and emperors may not be able to do it. Even if it is her, it is only by relying on the blood of the emperor. Maintain youth and have a sufficient lifespan.

"You take him and go to Huosangxing together, no matter whether the old golden crow is dead or alive, you have to find it for me!"

Feng Luan trembled, and lowered her head even lower, but beside her, there was a vicissitudes figure in armor.

"It's okay to help you, I'll still say the same thing, find the Nine-Revolution Elixir as soon as possible, the sun and the moon need it."

"The emperor is gone, you are my family, no matter it is the elixir or the elixir, I will not let it go!" Huang Chao was ups and downs for a while, and left through the void. She also has her own business, and she wants to go and see for herself Does the so-called emperor really want to be one step ahead of her!
(End of this chapter)

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