The meaning of covering the sky is supreme

Chapter 364 The Attack on the Heavenly Court Ruins

Chapter 364 The Attack on the Heavenly Court Ruins

"The Phoenix Nest is probably left by the Immortal Emperor?" The bearded man was shocked.

"With the laws of the emperor's way, it is not an exaggeration to say that you are an emperor's soldier if you have been contaminated with the breath of the immortal emperor." Luo Tianchen said calmly.

This is a big battle, and it is impossible to fight to the death, but it is certain, otherwise the Immortal Queen will not come running all the way.

The existence of the emperor really made her feel threatened. This kind of threat is worse than the chaotic body. After all, the chaotic body that has not grown up can only attract their attention and treat it as a future enemy, at least not for now.

At least she didn't see whether the emperor survived the second life, Feng Luan should have been deceived, but this is not important anymore.

The sky is rumbling, the weather is vast and boundless, the whole world seems to have turned into chaos, thousands of orders are surging, and everything seems to be re-evolving.

Those two beings were too powerful, one stood on the Phoenix Nest, the other stood on top of the Blue Golden Pagoda, their real bodies towered into the universe, surrounding the sun, moon and galaxy, like the rulers of the heaven and earth, when they raised their hands, the starry sky was fragmented.

The creatures in the nearby star fields are panicking. They feel that they are about to be turned into dust with the impact of waves. If there is no law engraved by the emperor here, they will definitely die instantly.
Those two were too powerful, and no one was willing to fight in their own base camp. The emperor took the initiative to shift the battlefield. In the end, the battle between the two was invisible, but there were many powerful figures chasing after him, including Shenting's second. handle.

"Who do you think is stronger between the two of them?" The bearded man took a deep breath, feeling an urge to catch up. Obviously, the battle between the two touched him a lot, and the gap between him and the other party was not small. .

"It's half a catty." Luo Tianchen withdrew his gaze from outside the territory, thoughtfully.

The Emperor at this stage is undoubtedly at the peak of Qi and blood, his Dao heart has never collapsed, and he belongs to the kind that is not afraid of anyone.

Compared with the Immortal Empress under the wings of the Immortal Emperor, although she has lived long enough, the Immortal Empress has never walked out of her own way. Following the Immortal Emperor, she is doomed to fail, and she talks about the Immortal Emperor all day long. A dependent, and similar to the emperor's son, has not experienced severe beatings.

It seems that it has endless brilliance on the outside, but in fact, most of the means it has come from the legacy of the immortal emperor.

Compared with the emperor who has grown up step by step, if the Immortal Empress really fights together, she will at most have a [-]-[-] match with everyone, and she may not even be able to fight against a god general at her peak.

Compared with the people who came out step by step, the Immortal Queen was more like a flower in a greenhouse, only gorgeous.

"Tsk, that's what my master said."

Luo Tianchen glanced at him, the old man chopping firewood was much better than the immortal queen, it was impossible for the immortal queen to lose both sides with the old man chopping wood, it was mostly relying on the things left by the undead emperor.

The reason for all the self-confidence of the Immortal Empress, who is not afraid of anyone, is always because she believes that the Immortal Emperor is still alive, and this is the greatest confidence.

"There are no tigers in Shenting now, are you interested in taking a trip?"

"Don't tell want to take this opportunity to loot the court of God!" The bearded man froze and fell into deep thought.

"Don't miss this opportunity." Luo Tianchen has already stood up and headed out of the territory. He is not the real body. Although he has the secrets of calligraphy, he can't wear the pattern laid down by the emperor, but the strength of the bearded man is not low. With all the second in command left, the bearded man can walk sideways.

"It's done!" The bearded man didn't think for long, his body had already followed, he took the initiative and disappeared instantly with Luo Tianchen, when they reappeared, they had already arrived in front of the big star in another star field.

This is a huge fiery red life star with an extremely majestic momentum. From a distance, it looks like an ancient Suzaku that is about to soar into the sky. As soon as it approaches, there will be endless oppressive energy, which makes people feel at ease. Trance.

The Holy Star of Suzaku, the land of the emperor, is also the base camp of the gods. It is densely packed with patterns, emerging out, branded on the entire surface of the stars, faintly echoing the surrounding stars.

The bearded man is very cautious, "The guardian pattern has been activated, it seems that the people inside are not stupid."

Luo Tianchen has no objection, if the main body is here, all protective measures are like chickens and dogs, and he is not afraid at all, but he is not the main body after all, and he does not have the power to run amok.

The bearded man moved very quickly, he only paused for a moment outside the Suzaku star, and then led Luo Tianchen to the outside of a shiny and transpiring pattern.

He was holding a gray broken arrow exuding the aura of royalty, chiseling the pattern with a distressed face. The gray arrow was not sharp, and the arrow was full of cracks, and it would shatter at any time, but when it chiseled on the pattern, However, after this use, the arrowhead that was about to be broken made a clear and audible click sound, as if it would be weathered at any time, but it was still strong.

"It can only be used once at most, and I hope it won't be too bad."

Luo Tianchen was thoughtful, there are patterns in the world, so there is naturally a way to break them, it should be an ancient emperor's secret weapon, but it is seriously damaged.

The two disappeared, but even if the formation pattern was only broken, it still alarmed the guardians on it.

It was a red-haired man of the supreme sage, with a terrifying light on his heroic face, like two sharp swords, he swept towards the gap in an instant.

However, a cold snort resounded, like a heavy hammer from the Great Dao, and also like a shout from the Heavenly Venerable, causing the person who came here to vomit blood and fly backwards in an instant, not knowing whether he was alive or dead.

"Hurry up, it's only 10 minutes, no matter what, you must meet up at the previous node!"


Luo Tianchen and the bearded man acted separately. This was a gamble, and the time was too short. Once the people in Shenting reacted, they might not die, but they might lead back to the emperor.

However, the most uncomfortable thing is that things often change beyond imagination.

Luo Tianchen stood in an underground bedroom, looking at the hundreds of jugs of fine wine in front of him, the corners of his eyes twitched.

The guards here are not strict, there is only an old man with the third level of the Great Sage outside the door, and the lines are not dense enough, so it is not difficult to get in, but what he did not expect is that all the wine is stored here.

The things that the Great Sage guarded were priceless to say the least, and without too much consideration, after collecting hundreds of jugs of fine wine, he just walked out of the bedroom when he ran into a maid who was teleported over.

"His Royal Highness has an order to order Elder Gao Yi to go to the meeting hall quickly."

Luo Tianchen: "..."

He could leave at any time, but with a sweep of his divine sense, he found that many great sages were flying out from various places, heading for a majestic palace in the sky. After thinking for a moment, he also followed.

I think it's not just a simple accident that happened in Shenting, but something extremely important happened.

Luo Tianchen touched the old face on his face, followed the crowd into the Tiangong.

At this time, there are quite a few people in the Tiangong, there are more than a dozen Taoists, each of whom is a great sage. This kind of power is also an unparalleled power in the universe.

On the high platform, a man stood on it. He was wearing golden armor, with a slender and powerful body, a shawl with fiery red hair, and a heroic face that could see everything below.

He is very young, but his aura is extremely intimidating. He turned out to be the Ninth Layer of the Great Sage.

"Your Highness, why are you calling us in such a hurry?" an old minister asked.

Xuantian put his hands behind his back, his eyes were sharp, "Royal Father fought with that woman, and created a piece of the ruins of the ancient heavenly court. Now Uncle Yu and the others are also being held back, unable to move away. We are just the vanguard, and there will be more in the future." People rush away."

"Heavenly Court Ruins!" Everyone was startled. If it was an ordinary ruin, how could the vice leader and other adults be held back? Now it seems that the situation is very serious.

"The old woman saved her hand. The Phoenix Nest is a world with a large army inside. Fortunately, the father was prepared, but now we can only rely on us."

As he said that, small red flags flew out of his hands. There were 18 people present, each with one shot. Except for Xuan Tian, ​​only Luo Tianchen and an old man surnamed Guo did not.

This is an extremely important thing. The entire formation flag is engraved with the pattern of Emperor Zhun, and the level is not low. If they are combined, fifteen small flags can completely trap an early Emperor Zhun.

Don't think that the quasi-di is weak, even if it is just a word of emperor, it has an insurmountable natural moat with the great sage, and it is not at the same level at all.

"This relic is very important, we must not lose it." As Xuantian's voice fell, another group of lights flew out, everyone has a share, but the items inside are staggering.

There are more than a dozen forbidden weapons of Emperor Zhun's first and second level, including nine-story stone pagodas, red jade rulers, and snow-white silver knives...

This should be the method of the emperor, and they are all big killing weapons. Although they are forbidden weapons and the number of times they can be used is limited, they are still very precious.

"Old Gao, Old Guo, take this imperial weapon, and if necessary, come with me."

A three-foot long sword exuding chaotic energy flew over. The sword body was simple and simple, with natural lines. As soon as it approached, it seemed to cut open the world and reenact the world. It was amazing.

"The quasi-emperor's sword cast by the chaotic stone!" Even Luo Tianchen couldn't help but twitched his eyes. This is not an ordinary quasi-emperor's weapon, it has five layers!

But this is only temporarily stored in their hands. When they put it together at a critical moment, everyone may be sucked dry. The most important thing is that it is impossible to take this kind of thing as their own.

Even so, Luo Tianchen still took the initiative to take it. From now on, it seems that the great sage he replaced should be Xuantian's confidant, at least he has an unusual relationship.

After the distribution was completed, a group of people were sent out, without the high-profile imagination, but sent out through a jade platform.

But this teleportation is not as fast as expected, but more than 5 minutes, which is enough to show that the battle between the emperor and the undead queen has long been out of the sphere of influence of the gods.

The brilliance flickered, and a group of people walked out of the space. As soon as they arrived, they smelled a strong smell of blood.

Above the vast chaotic mist, there are several figures, and every god is fighting against each other, all with the mighty power to open up the world, shaking the sky and the earth.

It was the Emperor Zhun, there was the God Court, and there was the Queen of Heaven. As soon as they arrived, a big hand reached out, and the Emperor Zhun's aura was overwhelming, coming with coercion, as if he wanted to slap everyone to death.

This was a terrifying scene. The other party seemed to be calling from a world away, and the extremely suppressed aura made everyone shake.


A ray of red light came, cut off the big hand abruptly, and blocked the man back, but everyone was scared to death.

Xuantian didn't dare to stay here, and led everyone to the depths.

This is an incomparably vast chaotic world, containing the primordial aura of the Dao, it is very magnificent, even if they are great saints, they are all insignificant.

However, in the depths of the chaos, there are pieces of ancient ruins looming. They seem to have been silent for endless years, waiting for the arrival of destined people from beginning to end.

However, just as they approached the ruins, a group of figures also appeared in a distant direction. The number of the opponents was even more, dozens of them, not all of them were great saints, and there were also saint kings, but the old man who led them was terrifying. unimaginable.


Even though Xuantian had already guessed this scene, he was still shocked, the power of the Immortal Queen was really strong, there were three quasi-emperors outside, and there was one here, even though it was only the first level!
"Your Highness... the situation is not good for us." Old Guo was worried.

"Please, Mr. Guo and Mr. Gao, don't ask to stop them, I hope they can't enter the ancient heaven." Xuantian said solemnly.

"Don't worry, Your Highness, even if we risk our lives, we won't let them pass!" Kuang Lao said solemnly.

Luo Tianchen: "..."

No wonder the emperor sword is given but not the array flag, it is used desperately and also to attract attention, maybe at the last moment, the emperor sword can be recalled and returned to Xuantian's hands.

But Luo Tianchen did not refuse, but held the emperor sword in his right hand and the red jade ruler in his left hand, and left voluntarily with dignity.

"Your Highness, the emperor's sword cannot be lost. It is a protective device prepared by His Majesty for you. Why don't we forcibly bombard it, even if the opponent is the quasi-emperor, we can't stop it." The great sage You Jue Dian said.

"Forbidden weapons are used to break the formation, and no one knows how much power the formation pattern of Gu Tianting still has."

Xuantian left, but the army of the Immortal Queen came over, "Leave this to me, you guys go find the Nine-Turn Immortal Pill!"

The quasi-emperor is very confident. In terms of understanding of the relics of the heavenly court, they dare not say that they are number one in the world, but they are not comparable to those of future generations.

"Brother Gao, you and I are people who are about to enter the earth, and now it's just time to use the remaining heat, let's do it!"

"Okay." Luo Tianchen nodded, and with one turn of the emperor's sword, he chopped off the old man next to him, and at the same time took the forbidden weapon in his hand.

This sudden scene left Zhundi on the opposite side puzzled.

"Kill!" Luo Tianchen let out a long roar, his eyes were sharp, and he took the initiative to rush over, the emperor's sword split Chaos, and the sword beheaded the old man Zhundi.

"Although I don't know what you are doing, it seems that Shenting is not all cowards."

The sword energy was vertical and horizontal, as long as [-] feet, but it didn't hit the entity. The quasi-emperor's speed was extremely fast, and what was left was just an afterimage.

Luo Tianchen sneered, rushed into the chaos, and chased after him. At the same moment, a Quasi-Emperor Sword appeared in his hand.

He held two Zhundi swords in his hands, opened and closed, and suddenly slashed at the Zhundi's horrified expression.

" are Luo!"

 As for the Dizhu living out the Second World, that has been changed. In my impression, the Dizhu and Rong Chengshi lived out the Second Life after both were wounded, but I searched a lot of original works today, but I couldn’t find it. I think I remembered it wrong.

  If there are reasonable opinions, I will change them after seeing them.

  Thank you all for your continued support.

  Thank you.

(End of this chapter)

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